
My name is Katie
I'm 16 years old
I've quit Gaia
So if you wanna get in touch with me go
If you don't have a LJ and still want to get in touch with me
just leave me a comment
(you can do that without an account)
and I will give you my msn
Also I've given all my stuff except for what I am
wearing to my Queen, so no asking for it.

Unique/Insane/Weird Things

People who like bands just because the
members are 'sexy'
(They are musicians not models)

Currently Playing:
Rise Against
Alkaline Trio
Flogging Molly

I'm not as into the Gaia stuff
as I used to be.
I'm mostly just here for my
Queen and the awesome peeps at the
Official AFI Guild.

(because they can say it better them me)

"As you get older you will gain a bit
more control over everything. Don't let anyone,
even your parents, break you. Find good people
who care about you and surround yourself
with just them. If you can't find them at first,
find good music and fall into it, let it
hold you until they come."
- Davey Havok

“I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and ******** my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white s**t up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need”
-Ian MacKaye, "Straight Edge"

"If you don't care about music,
keep downloading. If you hear garbage
on the radio, you have only yourself to blame."
-Perry Farrell (Spin May 2007 issue)

"Everybody who's famous sucked a c**k
to get where they are today.
The difference between us and them?
We swallowed."
-Lil Jimmy Urine



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Teh Lizzeh

Report | 11/01/2007 5:49 am

Teh Lizzeh



I had a scottish person in my class once..

He was a bit weird.. XD

I do indeed like the word stroopwafels..

Report | 09/11/2007 7:14 am


Just want to say hello User Image

Report | 08/14/2007 10:53 am


Just poppin in to give u a comment (:
Teh Lizzeh

Report | 08/12/2007 11:59 am

Teh Lizzeh

Waah! random comment.

Stroopwafels.. are AWESOME.

I want to eat them NOW!

So you're either really smart, or really dutch..

Report | 07/28/2007 7:08 am


Haha! Details are lovely, I don't mind large and lengthy comments.

That is a lot of French. I like the language and my accent is fine; I can speak it fluently on a certain level, it's just that the tests were extremely hard. Most of my friends are either in Italian or Spanish. Eh, but I can't speak any foreign language without pronouncing it very French-like.

I've always wanted to see a picture of Molo, somewhere. . .somehow, but that's awesome.

Exactly, but when Davey hit the high note in Don't Change, I was like-- OMGZ! Literally.

Oh yeah, I was so proud of AFI when that happened, and so happy too! I'm not musically inclined at all, I don't think I'll ever have that chance, heh. The only thing I can do musically is being able to play by ear to the piano-- that's it.

I agree with Head Like A Hole and Jack The Ripper! Their covers are actually pretty amazing, compared to other artists who do covers. . .like My Chemical Romance's cover of Jack The Ripper. In my opinion. . .it didn't work at all.


Report | 07/27/2007 9:57 am


Oh, really? Same here! I mean, I remember grapefruit because of that quote. I'm going into French III this year. I'm frightened by it, all together.

Molo! I love Molo~ Has Hunter actually posted a picture of him somewhere?

Rancid, I can take in same amounts, like Ruby SoHo. . .and Radio. I concur with what you're saying though.

I agree! Just Like Heaven, is such a beautiful song. I love Robert Smith, but Davey really added an edge to the song that is just. . .amazing. I love Don't Change too, but I wish AFI had made it a little more AFI? I don't know.

Report | 07/27/2007 7:48 am


nice avi

Report | 07/26/2007 5:06 pm


The other members are all so smart as well; Jade, Hunter, and Adam all have some pretty quote worthy stuff as well.

I agree, Rancid is alright for me. Listening to them is fine, but would I go out and buy a CD? Most likely not.

I love Davey's addition to the song though. . .


Report | 07/25/2007 11:18 pm


Aw! Okay..

Tell your dad Happy Birthday for me!

Cook something yummy and eat a bite for me!

Report | 07/25/2007 12:48 pm


That would be a great shirt!

Thank you. User Image

The arsenic quote is actually from Davey. I couldn't come up with something that awesome.


*hums along to Radio in your profile*


User Image

"I think this calls for...