
Classified Information Requested
Clearance Granted

Subject Name : Darius Aznable
SOLDIER ID# : 1637249
Age : 19
Location Of Birth : Mideel
Specialization : Combat, Inteligence Gathering, Interogation, Tactical Expertise, CQC Master, Demolitions, Guerilla Warfare
Weapon : Fenrir, A Custom Zweihander With Engine Hilt Attachment
{ Specifications : Unknown }

Bio :Subject is originally from Mideel. A Second Class Ranked SOLDIER, he is currently AWOL. His father, a Second Class SOLDIER, { File unknown, ID # Lost } disappeared under mysterious circumstances when on a mission near Modeoheim. His mother soon died from the shock and loss of her love, leaving the son behind with no guardians. He was conscripted into SOLDIER under a special program to research offsprings sired by SOLDIER operatives. { See Second Generation SOLDIER Program - Code Named : SPARTAN Program File # 69272502 } He excelled far above expected parameters and was soon promoted to SOLDIER Third Class at the age of 9. He went through many training simulations and minor missions { View Mission Dossier for more details },impressing not only his superiors, but the SOLDIERs he fought beside. When he was 12 he created his custom weapon, and began to go on full missions,even leading SOLDIERs two and three times his age to victory. He soon was promoted to SOLDIER Second Class and was sent on various Black Ops. missions { Files Restricted, Access Denied } His loyalty and devotion to Shin-Ra stems from the fact that he considers the company as his family, as his biological parents were taken from him at a young age, and the SOLDIER program was what raised him. Though subject is immensely loyal to Shin-Ra, he has left against orders to pursue a personal vendetta.His current partner was murdered by the terrorist orginization : Avalanche.{See Attached Files, SOLDIER First Class, Amalia Reeves, ID#0472104 } When he learned of her fate, he disobeyed orders to remain in Midgar and ventured for parts unknown in search for the ones most responsible for her murder. Aznable is extremely loyal to Shin-Ra, his devotion to his partner, and his desire for revenge has made him choose to leave. Even though he is just a Second Class SOLDIER, he shows the aptitude for promotion to First Class. This recent dereliction of duty may impede his military career. A man of little paitience for dealing with others he considers "beneath him" he excells working on his own. He readily chooses to follow orders, but his leadership abilities are well enough to lead a division. Though AWOL, he still takes orders via his cell phone and email, but the subject will not take the mission if it interferes with his quest for revenge.


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SOLDIER ID : 1637249 Mission Data



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

BWO TwinswordS

Report | 08/28/2009 11:47 pm

BWO TwinswordS

Hello member. The new Guild for the BWO is ready. Since Clans are for ZOMG, we are asking for all Non ZOMG players to leave the clan and to stay in the Guild only. If you do play ZOMG, then please stay in the clan, but also join our guild. Terminal 7

You can quit the clan by going to the home page and locating the button at the top that says Quit Clan or Click Here

Report | 07/23/2009 7:47 am


Hey there everyone, BWO activity is much to low. We need you to start being alot more active. If your getting this message, then you have little to no posts showing. follow the link below to get to the clan!
~BWO Team
Sedona Bluesummers

Report | 04/28/2009 1:24 am

Sedona Bluesummers

*she blushed more and pulled him with as she softly fell back onto it*
Sedona Bluesummers

Report | 04/27/2009 8:26 pm

Sedona Bluesummers

*she giggled softly and blushed in the darkness when she felt her leg bump into a bed*
Hand of Judgement

Report | 04/26/2009 7:40 pm

Hand of Judgement

<3 *Clings*
Hand of Judgement

Report | 04/26/2009 12:05 am

Hand of Judgement

Daddy~ <3
Sedona Bluesummers

Report | 04/25/2009 8:10 pm

Sedona Bluesummers

*she nuzzled his hand softly*
Sedona Bluesummers

Report | 04/25/2009 7:56 pm

Sedona Bluesummers

*she turned the kiss softly as she blushed then smiled warmly as she gazed into his beautiful glowing eyes*
Sedona Bluesummers

Report | 04/25/2009 7:15 pm

Sedona Bluesummers

*she smiled softly as her top fell to the floor, her tail wagging slowly from the feeling of his hands on her skin*
Sedona Bluesummers

Report | 04/25/2009 6:46 pm

Sedona Bluesummers

*she got the tie around her back undone and had moved to undo the tie around her neck that was holding her top up*


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