
Hello there. In place of a lengthy description of my role-play character, I'll just tell you three rules of mine.

1) Never harm or disrespect another person when I'm there

2) Always make the best of everything, no matter how bad

3) Every person can only be themselves; your opinion is not theirs. If you don't agree on something, don't waste your time bickering over your beliefs like spoiled children

If you want to know anything else, just catch me while I'm online; I can have a great conversation with anyone about anything. ^_^


Viewing 12 of 17 friends


Words of an Aging Soul

Thousands of years of insanity packed into a bunch of pages. What more can be said?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Mr dark-angel

Report | 11/29/2010 12:11 pm

Mr dark-angel

Hey i know its been a while but i gotta ask you somthing since i dont visit gaia anymore do you have facebook?? and if you do tell me your name so i can add you XD id like to see you more often hehe its been a very long time XD

Report | 11/24/2010 10:15 pm


D, as to your comment, they merely do all they can do.... retreat to the seclusion of their own mind, often in insanity others in total social and mental isolation but these are not to be confused with each other for insanity is expressed in an outward fashion often tempting on violence or self desecration. mental and social seclusion can also be expressed outwardly but not in an active and seemingly rash action but merely not talking, or even reacting to anyone else. simply continuing on with a downward spiralling path to their own self destruction. normally suicide were as insanity leads to being either overpowered or simply through one own miscalculation i.e. falling out a window. Does that answer your question or was it merely rhetorical? heart either way i am only posting this because i feel slightly cocky and have been watchin death note everyday for the past week. i am on episode 35 as i write this, 37 being in the series, not including the three movies that i also intend to watch......... TMI? lol love ya bro!
Raven Dragomir

Report | 10/18/2010 4:50 pm

Raven Dragomir

*really late in posting this...* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! rofl

Report | 09/20/2010 7:50 pm


daraith have you heard anything from darkwolf36
she hasnt spoken to me in a while and im worried eek
Mr dark-angel

Report | 09/19/2010 8:28 am

Mr dark-angel

hey long time no see Daraith!!!!!!! what are you doing right now huh???
Project Mew

Report | 08/14/2010 7:42 am

Project Mew

Hey ethan. Somehow got reported for no reason, account banned. Add me?

Report | 08/07/2010 1:50 am




Report | 08/02/2010 7:44 am


And so it begins! XD
Anyway... Hey. Whats up
Project Mewt

Report | 08/02/2010 7:20 am

Project Mewt

was the video good?
Raven Dragomir

Report | 07/23/2010 4:44 am

Raven Dragomir

...That's what Kit said too...I'm not sure I agree


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From one whose heart to the knife is wed