My name is Alana I live in California but not LA or anything just a small little area by the name of Suisun. I am not a preppy,chearleading, sexy girl at ALL! Actually i do not belong in California I hate the sunny weather. I am so not perfect in any way. I don't get along with girls that well. A matter of fact i only have 3 friends that are girls out of millions of friends. Don't call me a slut or whore or hoe because that is not what i am. I don't wear any other shoe other than converse. People do call me Emo and i have learned to accept the fact that i just might be. To say Emo is not a fashion statement it's a state of mind. I do cut myself but nothing big and they are not attempts to suicide. I never have any thought or intent of killing myself. I am completley in love with a guy who loves me back but we are in complicated situation. I do know how to skateboard and i am going to learn how to play bass guitar! i love music without it i would not be alive.
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