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The 14 year old hero of the story, a typical school boy who has a crush on a girl at his school, Harada Risa. He has inherited the Niwa family's genetic curse whereby, after his 14th birthday, his "love gene" activates: whenever he experiences feelings of love or intimacy, he turns into the phantom thief Dark. Very adorable and kind-hearted, he is the opposite of Dark and is always trying to stop Dark from doing crazy stunts. Later on in the series, he falls in love with the older twin sister, Harada Riku. Even if he doesn't look or act like it, Daisuke is very athletic and perceptive and can jump from heights that a normal boy could never be able to do.He is said to have the 'Blood of Thieves' flowing inside him, the Niwa's. He faces daily life-threatening trials from merely entering his home. One of his best skills is his keen ability to pick any kind of mechanical or electronic lock.

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