Daemithus Nezaio

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One could say that the journey is half the battle, however, when the journey forces you to live... or perhaps unlive... among humans and vampires alike, the journey inevitably is the battle.

Raurick's life began shortly before his move to Gaia. Not to say he was born then, but he didn't truly start living out his life until then. At the age of eighteen, he'd made a point to see what the world had to offer before this community caught his attention. Most of his time had been spent trailing through worlds created by egotists, often those who didn't even know how to control their worlds. Finding his way into Gaia, he found the one realm where chaos wasn't caused by too much, or lack of control.

He felt at home here, until the wars began. The first war he had been dragged into was the battle between the Sentinel and the Overseer, it had been a trying time in his life, perhaps the first war he'd ever had no choice but to join. He found himself on the Sentinel's side, enjoying the rush of power, though the changes that overcame his body weren't as great in his mind. The war ended almost as suddenly as it had started, the Sentinel gifted her warriors with the changes they had gone through, though when Raurick found a way to remove the crimson flesh, he was happy to be in his own skin once again.

He couldn't remember much after that, something about Gambino, a blur of events and the next thing he was aware of was being a part of the Vampire's group in some kind of Olympics. He'd undergone another change, growing pale. His canines had grown and he thirsted something he'd never craved before. Another blur, victims he couldn't remember, days incarcerated he couldn't relay. Finally he was given a cure, someone who's name eluded him, something about Roses. He took the cure and found himself human once more.

One thing his time as a vampire left with him was his desire for things on an outlandish scale. He didn't aim to look good, just to have things that weren't commonly worn. Now he lives as he started, looking for his purpose and waiting for the few things in life that could potentially net him a rater unorthodox wardrobe.


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As it happens...

I like to rant, so this is my outlet. Whenever I feel the need to let loose, I'll do it here. Some will be thought out, some will not. Read at your own pace if you wish.


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SoraDarkrose Report | 10/21/2023 10:10 pm
Zazilil Report | 03/25/2016 2:25 pm
Zazilil Report | 11/23/2015 12:12 pm
don't contact me.
Zazilil Report | 11/19/2015 12:54 pm
next time you get on, we need to talk.
i realized something.
Neon Pawprints Report | 10/10/2015 4:30 pm
Neon Pawprints
Zazilil Report | 09/29/2015 3:28 pm
Zazilil Report | 09/21/2015 5:31 am
Zazilil Report | 09/19/2015 6:59 pm
hey ^^
Queen Melody kaito Report | 09/16/2015 6:43 pm
Queen Melody kaito
so what if she blocked she still can talk s**t to her
and im pretty sure star blocked her as well
ur wife started all this mess
atleast star is not stocking u like ur wife was to her hubby

good day to u sir
im done
Queen Melody kaito Report | 09/16/2015 5:54 pm
Queen Melody kaito
this what she wrote

~amused~ sooo apparently Lucinda Jade/jess sought me out last night to harrass me with some of her friends. kinda sad tbh. lol

i dont think its a typo

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