
The haunting past is concealed in corruption as the veiled prisoner stalks the night in hopes of enlightenment.

The light of day lifts that veil to imbue subliminal messages into his subconscious, as his memory drifts into the night with his path to follow it.

I'm not sure what brought me back to this place. I suppose it has been a very long time since literature was relevant to my interests, but my creativity has lost its outlet as of late. Therefore, my nostalgia brings me back here.

Let it grow like the fruitful experience I once had, but with a little more.... depth and maturity.


Viewing 12 of 12 friends


Rambles of Enlightenment.

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When I feel literate and with no writer's block... I post here. I post emotions, theories, Poems, or random paragraphs.... Read and Comment!



Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 02/21/2011 6:53 pm


* spinflip * Yo.

Report | 06/16/2009 11:34 pm



Report | 10/05/2008 4:28 am


Hey! long time no see!
If I had wings

Report | 07/07/2008 2:10 pm

If I had wings

Sweet =D Thanks

If I had wings

Report | 07/07/2008 7:55 am

If I had wings

I can never find decent music from bleach >_>

Especially since Limewire screws my computer over.
If I had wings

Report | 07/06/2008 9:16 pm

If I had wings

Nowai o_o

You have the most amazing music ever on your profile
Coal Gunner

Report | 07/05/2008 1:09 pm

Coal Gunner

I'm on now until like...1:30 my time.

My time = your time - 2 hours.


I'll be on about 5 my time maybe until 10

Coal Gunner

Report | 07/04/2008 10:59 pm

Coal Gunner

Uh...Ya. Sure. Tomorrow night sound good?


I'm gone from Sunday until Friday.
Salt my Wounds Please

Report | 03/22/2008 11:55 pm

Salt my Wounds Please

Thats right baybeh....yearn til it hurts!

No just kidding....Hmm....check veoh.com first...you might be able to find and watch it there for free.
Salt my Wounds Please

Report | 03/22/2008 11:41 pm

Salt my Wounds Please


He's a character from the movie....a dead guy in a twisted looking bunny suit....you don't really understand who or what he is until the end.