I QUIT GAIA. Sort of back(?) ADD ME ON FACEBOOK. Or don't.xMy name starts with A. 17. '07-er, but quitand lost e'rrything. (Non-resident) Indian. Nerd. Artist. Tekteker. Musically handicapped. Freak.
I'm the kind of girl who laughs out loud in the midst of an awkward silence cause I remembered something from yesterday. The kind of girl who can never remember to sit properly in a skirt. The kind who tends to yell loudly the moment everyone decides to shut up.
I'm back. Again. And I don't know if I'll stay. I miss my friends. They were badass.
Do I bite? No. Not much anyways. Get me at a good time and you'll love me. (I hope). Find me when I'm upset and I'll be whining about my problems. But who cares, right? It's the internet, it's what you do to strangers.
Taken for the past two years and still counting.
I am devoid of any musical talent. But I listen to lots of random s**t, from Indie Electronic. Talk to me about music. I like that. Unless you like Nicki Minaj, in which case you should just go kill yourself.
I like Towns. Kthxbye.
Layout by LipstickTM.
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