
I'm a bit werid, but who isn't. I'm anti leet and chat speak if you PM something like that you get a warning do it again and I ignore you (if you misspell things now and then that's ok I do too.) I don't tolerate cyber whores period. You act like one you get ignored. I love just about any kind of music, I like anime but I tend to stick to movies so don't ask me if I saw the last fruit baskets or DBZ episode. I will probably look at you like you came from another planet because I have no idea what you're talking about. I like to RP modern campaigns, especially if they are cross over campaigns. I love the combination of and AMR going off followed by a massive fire ball. Of course machine gunning zombies to redeath? is fun too. I'm not big on mecha, they're ok but not my thing. It might mean more if I'd ever seen gundam wing. That's pretty much me in a nut case..I mean shell.

I'm happily engaged and will hopefully be getting married this summer and finally moving to the other side of the country. Not that there's anything wrong with where I live but I got my dad's taste for travel and I've only lived in two states and only seen three for any length of time, so a change of scenery will be nice.


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Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 12/21/2006 12:53 pm


i like your profile ^_^!
~random comment~


I get to see my fiance Christmas eve