Courtney Laveau's avatar

Birthday: 02/17


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I am a BJD collector and role player!

My doll list:

1. Amir Lindström - AoD Gu
2. Loki Fable-Mackenzie - DZ Mo-B/Doll Leaves
3. Mikko Linström - 5star Tumnus
4. Hansel Valo - Ringdoll Valo/IslandDoll
5. Heath Addison - BBD Draven
6. Kaid Shoaib - IslandDoll Eric
7. Parker Lindström - 5star Edmund (head)
8. Maddox Fable - modded RS Lu
9. Zack Mackenzie-Fable - Asleep Eidolon Adzuki Bean
10. Titus Scott - BBD Waltz/Ringdoll
11. Erik Valo - BBD Silver
12. Axl Levon - BBD Valentine
13. Tanner McQueen - BBD Valentine (head)
14. Olli Aïjäla - AH Vebetio/AoD
15. Mige Ylïhärsïla - O-D Lu Er/Doll Chateau
16. Gus Råback - DiM MNM Bill Kaulitz/DF-A
17. Matt Preston - Iplehouse Mars/Doll Love
18. Blake Keroac - RD Shao
19. Mithra Shoaib - Jie Doll Michel
20. Jayson Oliver - DiM MNM Smiling Zack Fair/AoD
21. Sixx Labyrinth - AoD Tao Hua Dao/ Doll Chateau
22. Mike Samson - DiM Robel
23. Kane Proffitt - Crobidoll Ys (head)
24. AJ Henley - modded RS Long/Illusion Spirit
25. Atticus Alastair - Dika Ruber Vampire/Doll Leaves
26. Finn Octavius - Obitsu Haruka/55cm boy
27. Billie Frakes - Doll Love Brian/FDoll
28. Toshiro Hishida - modded DZ Ying/Domuya
29. Cosmos Kaspar - O-D YiFeng
30. Xerxes Handbanana - DC Faramita

* MSD Amir - AoD Chen (retired)
* MSD Loki - DZ Mo-2 head (retired)

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