
Hey everyone! I'm Monika. Visit me on my main account, x_angelwingsgirl_x

Well, I suppose I'll tell a little about myself in case you don't feel like looking at my other profile.

I'm 14, and a sophomore. People always bug me about being in "smart classes," but I know it's the only way to accomplish what I want. I hope to be an animal cruelty investigator someday. More than anything in the world right now, I want someone to love me. I've had my heart broken too many times to count- by the same guy. I wish someone sweet and caring would fill the hole that he created in my heart, but it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon.

Other than working with animals, I like to write, travel, draw, play DDR, watch anime, and play Kingdom Hearts. I'm not much of a gamer, but I'll play video games when I'm bored. I watch a lot of anime, although I've only finished three complete series, Inuyasha, Death Note, and Shaman King. I'm currently trying to finish Chrono Crusade, Wolf's Rain, Naruto, DN Angel, and Fruits Basket 0_0 -- probably why I can't finish any of them xD. I write a lot and I'll post some stuff eventually, so keep checking ^_^ I also love music btw, and I'm almost always listening to something. I like rock, Japanese, techno, and some other random stuff, but mostly rock. My favorite band is 30 Seconds to Mars. However, I pretty much hate rap unless it's like Gym Class Heroes or Flobots.

Check out my deviantART gallery!

MSN- from_yesterday93@hotmail.com

For all of you Naruto role players out there, my name is Kitsune Kurai, and I'll post my story eventually! =]

User Image


User Image Light Yagami xD


Viewing 9 of 9 friends


My Writing =]


i write a lot of poems and short stories



Viewing 10 of 13 comments.


Report | 09/27/2008 1:02 pm



Report | 09/21/2008 3:05 pm


i love your page =D
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/11/2008 10:47 am

cloud of fantasy

xX Mayuko-Chan Xx

Report | 07/11/2008 9:12 am

xX Mayuko-Chan Xx

X3 I looked at your intrest and you like the movie Juno, too! X3
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/11/2008 5:52 am

cloud of fantasy

Im just going with whatever's on
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/10/2008 3:53 pm

cloud of fantasy

If im really into a show then it seems wronge to me if I watch it on the internet. It just seems like cheating.
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/10/2008 3:52 pm

cloud of fantasy

I felt the same way when they stopped the dragon ball series, invader zim, yuromi kenshin, yuyu hagasho, one piece and a ton more crying
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/10/2008 1:12 pm

cloud of fantasy

I prefer watching shows without having to record them because to me if you record them then they lose their meening.
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/10/2008 12:48 pm

cloud of fantasy

Well no wonder I haven't seen it at all I don't watch tv at 12:30 in the morning blaugh
cloud of fantasy

Report | 07/10/2008 12:39 pm

cloud of fantasy

Never heard of it blaugh but I have been hearing about it so im curious to watch it. Only problem is that I haven't a clue at when it comes on and on what chanel.