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Report | 09/12/2008 6:21 pm


Thanks for buying!

Report | 09/06/2008 3:35 pm


can i please have the pora ice please
supertram x

Report | 07/16/2008 2:30 pm

supertram x

aw i thought u said u wouldnt change ur avi....^_^

Report | 07/09/2008 7:44 pm


That would be so cool! But I can't do that. If I did, he would punch me.. harder than my brother! (I'm not joking about that. My mom arm wrestled Edward and he lost. My mom then arm wrestling my cousin. First it looked like my mom was winning. But then he said, "You know I'm not trying" And then he did and I heard my mom's arm crack! Or something like then. It was scary.

I learned so far that I have to stay away from him as long as possible. LOL. =) Well, actually, it's hard to do so. My mom wants me to go have fun with him! How could I when he is 1) 2 years older than me 2) I have to call him "older brother" or something like that 3) We're in two different world and 4) He likes singing and goes with his friends to Singing Rooms almost every day! I'm not even good at singing! This is going to be a bad summer. I want to go back to America. At least people speak English there~~ Do you want to trade- you become me and I become you?

Speaking of bad summer, yesterday was the worst day ever~! My family woke up and my mom and my dad had to go to a dentist. Ed and I followed. It took 30 minutes by taxi. Then, Ed and I waited for another 40 min. because they did not finish. Then, we rode another taxi to a store and mom paid $40 for earrings. Dad said it was a ripoff and mom got mad. Then, there were family problems. Mom got mad and she was tired becauser it was 100 degrees outside. We went one hour on a subway and another hour on a bus and ate and came back home. That was 5 hours in total. We stopped to a fast food place and waited to rent a car. But the cell phone did not work so we couldn't. So we had to borrow a stranger's car. We waited for 30 minutes. When it came, I had to ride shotgun becasue mom was still mad. More anger and family problems. Then, our car stopped. NO GAS! We had to push it to a gas station. But not any kind, an LPG station or something like that. So we kept on pushing and pushing. When my dad sat in the car, it reversed. So we pushed it again, and got reversed, and it happened 10 times! After 30 minutes, we still got nowhere. We later came and got gas in the car. But it still didn't work. So we still waited 30 minutes for it to work. When it worked, mom got mad again and dad and my mom started arguging. We missed the way to our cousin's house 3 times. THen when we were about to get there, mom wanted to find an art place. So we went to look for one. It was really hard. When we found it, we decided to go in, but mom didn't want to. After dad talked to the person, we went back to the car and drove home. But then, mom said she didn't eat dinner so we had to go back downtown. We ate quickly and tried to go home, but we got lost. We had a GPS navigator so we were using that when it fell and broke. (Dad's going to have to pay for that.) We went at 9 in the morning and came home at 10 at night. Then, we had to wasted 2 more hours because mom and my aunt was talking where I had to sleep. We all slept at 12. Yesterday was evil!

Report | 07/06/2008 7:47 pm


Good. How's your summer? I'm in Korea right now and it's boring! Help me!

(And I think my cousin wears a wig. Probably that's how he changes his hair style in 5 seconds!)

Report | 07/05/2008 9:49 am


Chibi_Pandy u just niver give up i will let u have the neckellis i suck at spelling lol biggrin

Report | 06/09/2008 4:12 pm


pandas rule...
d is rite... someone IS stalking you. (well, looking at ur profile a lot!!!)
tat person must like pandas 2.....

Report | 06/08/2008 7:02 am


-ninja poof-

Report | 06/07/2008 3:13 pm


Em!!! Someone's been stalking you! Look at recent visitors!! lol There not really stalking you though.

Report | 06/05/2008 3:34 pm


hi em.
do u like pandas?
i like pandas... tee hee

anyway, no, i dont no...
tyler told me tat she broke her nose 2......
probably not...

i feel so bad for her. =(