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Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 01/04/2018 1:05 am

Daddy For Rent

Why's your avi naked! D:
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 05/20/2017 5:23 pm

Daddy For Rent

I have both skype and discord. I'm on both the same amount - which are you interested in having?
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 05/10/2017 2:41 am

Daddy For Rent

Haha, I'm glad we feel the same way! I'll admit though, on harvest moon I replayed the game and married someone else. However, this was only because I wanted to pass the game entirely. I found out that if I married Gil then Luna ( the girl he married if I don't marry him ) would be alone forever. So I ended up replaying to marry the wizard ( who doesn't have a rival ) just so I could have everyone in the game get married. I wanted to meet all their kinds and unlock all the cutscenes and such, so if I wanted that to happen I kinda had to. As for rune factory though, everything is practically the same though yes? Other than getting different cutscenes / dialog with other men. You're right! We'll definitely continue to get along great, I'm sure. I'm glad I met someone with such similar interests and thoughts to myself. : )

I don't mind if you pry, don't worry. I have low blood sugar, which is basically backward diabetes if you're unaware. If I don't eat enough or get enough sugar I'll get lightheaded, I'll shake, I'll struggle to process thoughts or do daily tasks correctly, I'll struggle to breath - and so on. I've basically gotta eat something small every 3 hours, but because I get distracted easily I tend to forget to do so. Whenever I get the shakes it also triggers a panic attack because I think something's going to happen to me ( according to my doctor ). But that's about it. It's nothing too serious, I just have to learn to take care of myself better. I suppose I spend so much time making sure everyone around me is okay I tend to forget about myself sometimes, haha.

Also don't get me wrong. I might make some good sauce, but I'm not so much of a good cook either. I'm good at making a small selection of food such as different kinds of pasta and breakfast meals ( which, are my two favorites ) - but other than that I'm pretty clueless. We can fail together! Or simply dine out a lot, haha. And yes! I really, really love sour candies. I really love those shocker candies too! It's super delicious to me. I'll definitely send you pictures of deserts if I ever get my hands on some. I'll photograph them personally to show you! Since we're talking about all our favorites, what are foods you can't stand eating? If I had to name something right off the bat, it'd be rice. Unless there are potatoes involved or if it's the stir-fried Chinese kind I can drown in soy sauce, I normally won't touch it. There's something about it I just hate a lot! I used to hate it as a kid, too. I guess my tastebuds didn't change all too much.
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 05/08/2017 11:51 am

Daddy For Rent

Of course! Always worrying about you. I hope you get those days off. : )

Haha, I totally agree. I'm pretty easy to make laugh though, so it's not hard for me to find a comedy show that appeals to me. I think you'll like Jojo a whole lot! Despite the crankiness it has, it's deep moments and the characters are well developed with good background stories. So whenever you do get the chance to watch it, I think you'll like it. At least, I hope you do... haha.

LOL, Porcoline. Honestly, when I first started playing the game I totally thought he was an option for marriage. I admit, he was a really funny character. However, I never had the temptation to actually marry him ( if the option was available, anyway. ) I actually planned to replay the game and marry Leon. I ended up not doing so because I have this weird thing where if I play the game and marry someone else I'll feel like I'm cheating on my other husband and I start feeling guilty, LMAO. It's silly I know considering it's just a game. But I get too attached to things I suppose, so I can't help feeling a little bad whenever I passed by his character. I've gotta be dedicated even fictionally! FINALLY, another hope fan! I was beginning to think nobody like anyone but lightning in the game. I agree that I never liked Vanille. I think it was because she looked like an adult and had the mindset of a 5-year-old. Not that there's anything wrong with that or anything, but her character was odd. I remember I rage quit final fantasy 13-2 because I couldn't kill a boss. I had switched the difficulty to easy so I could kill him and get it over with before switching back to normal, but my mom was in the same room and called me a cheater when seeing what I did. Didn't pick up that game again for quite some time LOL. -Rage quitter-

Totally! I tend to research what's going on with myself before going to a hospital. Not only because I'm stubborn, but because I wanna make a self-diagnoses so when I do get my check-up I can be like 'I was right!' if they ended up making the same one. LOL, I can't eat noodles without any sauce. I actually have to have loads of it on the noodles or it isn't as good to me. I'll make you some sauce, no worries!! :O I think that's how most colored drinks work. Either that or tons of unhealthy chemicals... you should give it another shot sometime, Jasmine. razz I actually super love butterfingers! My favorite type of chocolate is reeses cups though. Not sure what brand they are... but if we're talking normal chocolate then I'm good with just hearsay - is that how you spell it? I also really like take-5s! My all time favorite candy is probably sour patch kids. My favorite candy seems to switch around monthy, but that's what I seem to be into right now. XD
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 05/06/2017 6:48 pm

Daddy For Rent

Awh, I'm glad I'm worth being on your mind! <3 I'm sorry your week as been so busy though. At least you're making that money, right? Haha. Still... I'm sad to see you so tired. I hope things start to die down for you soon. : ( Like I said, I don't want you overworking yourself or anything!

Oh, I love archer too! I got into it with a friend awhile ago... sadly, I haven't quite finished it yet. But it always gives me a good laugh when I need it, haha. The humor is a little crude and out there sometimes, but I still find it really funny. I haven't tried out those other cartoons yet, but maybe I'll give them ago some time! If you like them, then they're probably great. As for tokyo ghoul, thanks for the warning. I tend to get confused rather easily... but if that's the case, I don't mind reading it! Jojo is definitely worth wasting some time on. I've only seen a few episodes so far along with various pages from the comic and it's super funny. Lots of stuff make no sense, but I think that's what makes it even funnier. Either that or I'm just a super easy person to make laugh... haha.

Exactly! I count it as a color too. It was a color that makes me happy, so I'm glad you think so!! Haha, that's not embarrassing at all. I was actually tempted to go after Leon, but I ended up marrying Vishnal because he was so obedient, lol. Something about it was precious to me. In bother AP and TOT I courted Gill. I got a thing for people who are super smart. Helps me when I'm too ditzy to know stuff, lmao. Not that a game character would provide me with any useful information, but you know what I mean. I haven't play persona yet, but I want to! I think the movie/anime is super cool. I played lots of final fantasy games. I was sad that so many people bashed final fantasy 13... it was super fun to me - plus as whiney as Hope was in the game, I thought he was adorable in the future when grown. The scenery in music in every game is super beautiful, too. There are so many games, though. So I don't expect people to like them all. But there was a lot of people dissing on that game in specific... it was sad!

I hope so too! I have a lot of health problems because of the food I won't eat such as low blood sugar. It mixes badly with my anxiety so when I start shaking because of it I end up feeling awful all day. ;; Also yes, just plain spaghetti. However I do my own sauce, so it's still extremely favorable! I also like to add cheese to it once it's done along with herbs such as parsley for topping. Not a super unique meal, I know. But I'm fond of simpler meals. Haha, pink lemonade is pink because of food coloring. Sometimes they put other berries in there if I remember correctly. But I can see why you think it's odd. My most fav chocolate is milk chocolate! I also really like white chocolate and any chocolate that has peanut butter combined with it. I don't like dark chocolate in the slightest. It's too bitter for me... though I'll probably end up eating it if you gave it to me. Do you have a favorite candy? No cheesecake flavored sweets are coming to mind right now. razz But you gotta have a favorite too, no?
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 05/01/2017 4:30 pm

Daddy For Rent

It makes perfect sense, don't you worry. I believe that it just comes naturally to you, so no worries there. I'll try not to get so worried about you working late hours. I tend to worry quite a lot however as I get extremely paranoid over things, but I'll do my best to believe you'll take many breaks. Your health is what matters most! Don't forget to eat and such working so late, too. : )

Aw haha, I'm not that sweet. But I appreciate you saying that. I'll have to tone it down then... I wouldn't want to have to send you to the dentist or anything. : P

Ooh, I see... what kind of cartoons and anime are you into? I've been slacking on watching shows quite a lot. I want to get into watching jojo's bizarre adventure and tokyo ghoul because a very good friend of mine is into it. I've been so preoccupied with writing though that I haven't had much time to do anything else, haha. I'd love to see your art sometime too! I've been drawing ever since I was a child too. I'm quite on / off with my hobbies though, so I tend to take very long pauses ( they range from months to years ). I beat myself up for it because if I drew everyday since the point I started I'd probably be way better than I am now. There you go using those pretty words again! I like blue a lot too, but my most favorite color is white. I know lots of people call it a shade and don't count it as a color, but it's still my favorite either way. It's simple, and I like it quite a lot. Aaah, you like harvest moon too?! I love harvest moon! My most favorite game was animal parade. It gave you so many things to do. I really love Rune Factory as well - 4 being my favorite. My sensitive a** cried at the end of that game... I feel like picking it up and replaying it again now. Other games I also enjoy are medal gear solid, heavy rain, animal crossing, zelda - my interests in gaming is all over the place, haha.

Cheese is really good! So is burgers. I can't say I'm a big fan of guacamole, but then again I'm a really picky eater. I've been told I have the tastebuds of a child, but I can't help it... some foods I'll refuse to eat simply because the texture is too icky and I don't want it in my body, haha. Pizza is one of my top favorite foods! I also really like pasta: plain ol' spaghetti, to be specific. I'm really not into meat products and eat as little of it as I can just to get that protein fill my body needs because I'm lacking quite a bit of vitamins. My favorite drinks are strawberry lemonade and blue poweraide... though I agree that root-beer is super delicious. I can't pick a favorite dessert, though! There's way too many I like. I guess it'd have to be chocolate cake... So yummy to me. <3

P.S: Don't apologize for rambling. I love it when people talk a lot. So no worries there.
Zoadella's avatar

Report | 04/30/2017 11:17 pm


You're welcome whee
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/29/2017 8:09 pm

Daddy For Rent

Good. I'm happy to hear that.

My confidence is constantly rising and falling, so a good compliment or two from anyone makes my day. I would never think of you as a player simply because of your sweetness! Though... I might get jealous if I see you using the same suave lines on someone else. ( Kidding, of course. Haha ) razz

Ooh, I see. Well, I still adore the way you speak. Whether its lines from songs are made up, I enjoy reading them a lot. I've got a soft spot for fancy writing like that. I'm glad we both seem to agree on so much. It's nice to find someone who thinks so similar! Hopefully, the world changes for the better. Until then, we can only do our best to be kind to others and spread happiness as much as possible. I hope we can continue to share our thoughts another time, however. heart Sorry you were kicked.

You should tell me more about yourself when you return. Such as your hobbies and favorites ( as in food, color(s), ect ). I'd love to learn more about you. I'm still really glad I grew the courage to talk to you.
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/29/2017 6:29 pm

Daddy For Rent

Well you better not! I'll be upset if you end up overworking yourself. You can take breaks all while still being a hard worker. So try not to put too much stress on yourself, okay? crying It'll all go well.

LOL using my weaknesses against me now? Curse you! I'll be more cautious of the stories you tell.

I see, I'll definitely check it out then. But I get what you mean about people deserving to know these things, though. I try my best to give compliments as much as I can. It's sad how a lot of the people in the world brush them off instantly because they think you want in their pants, haha. I'm honestly flattered with every compliment you give me. As I stated earlier, it makes my heart happy when I'm told these things. You've made me smile quite a lot so far - Bravo to you. wink

Your way of wording things is truly beautiful to me. I can't help but read over it repeatedly because it sounds like something out of a book or something, haha. But yes, though I can't reach everyone or change the people I want to help, the point is I'm trying. I just hope more people in the world try to do what we're doing someday. I know it's an impossible thought, but could you imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone got along? I guess at the same time things would be rather boring if everything went like some happy-go-lucky Disney movie... but I'd definitely prefer it over what's going on right now.

I agree. But even if we're not all safe, I find comfort in thinking there's somewhere else I'll go if I die. I know a lot of people believe in the afterlife and such, but it's far more comfortable believing that once all hell breaks lose you'll be at peace again sometime in the future. I hope that doesn't happen for a long time though. I still have a lot of things I wanna achieve in life. Places to see, people to meet, finding love... all that cliche jazz. : ) I hope lots of people worldwide get to live their dreams before the hourglass of life runs out.
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/28/2017 7:01 pm

Daddy For Rent

No need to apologize! I certainly hope you're not overworking yourself~.

LOL, it'd probably work on me and I'm the one that mentioned it. It'd take me a couple of minutes before going 'oh right, they're faking it', haha. Also no need to thank me. I've gotta worry!

You're literally too sweet to me. redface Not adorable though! You're flattering me too much. But, I admire how strong you are. It's almost instant for me to start crying if I see someone else crying. Sometimes my heart won't even feel sad but I'll still burst out into tears. I suppose I can just easily feel other people's emotions. I'll try not to be too ashamed of it though. After all, I was gifted with this 'amazing super power' you claim I have for a reason. Can't just tie up my cape, right? razz Though I should work on maintaining my emotions just a tad. I come off as a little dramatic at times. Like for instance, I once started crying because I was off about 10cents and panicked when paying for something at Walmart, LOL.

I agree. I find everyone's stories interesting, and always enjoying hearing their views. Even if I don't agree with them. I'm glad you find my goals impressive. I know it's kind of impossible to spread happiness to everyone in the world... it's sad because I know there's so many hurt people out there in the world. But I know I'm doing all I can, and I just gotta be happy with that. At the very least, I try to smile at everyone I see when I'm out during the day. For all you know someone could have been having a really shitty day, and a smile or a simple hello could lift their spirits. You're incredibly sweet. heart It's nice to hear someone thinks kindly of my ways rather than finding my over-positivity annoying. But I guess being over-positive in this world is better than spreading hate. Which we sadly have a lot of these days. I'm so scared about these wars and things, but I hope nothing too drastic happens.
Zoadella's avatar

Report | 04/27/2017 7:52 pm


Im still active ^^
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/26/2017 7:30 pm

Daddy For Rent

Well, at least you'll have a nifty scar to show off! Think about all the outrageous stories you can come up with if someone asks how you got it. Like the typical cliche: I got into a fist fight with a shark line. XD Still though, I can't help but feel sorry you got hurt. But I'm just glad it wasn't anything more serious. : )

I'm going to be needing the good luck! Aw, I'm glad you think so. ;; I try my best to be as nice as possible! Just hope I don't get fired if I make it for crying too much. I'm emotional as hell, and would probably burst out into tears if I gave someone a shot and they started crying, lmao.

Please don't apologize for typing a lot. I'm really enjoying our conversation! I haven't had a deep chat with someone like this for awhile, so I quite like it. I fully agree with that quote. I know in the end that no matter how many people I have or surround myself with, it'll always end with just me. I'm trying my best to just live in the moment and enjoy what good moments come to me. But I'll admit at times I get a little selfish and I want more attention than I'm getting. I think that's pretty normal for humans, though. To constantly want love and reassurance and all that jazz. I don't mind if I don't get a lot of it however, even If it's saddening sometimes. I find great happiness in just making other people smile. I'll admit I tend to forget about myself a lot because I'm so focused on making sure the people around me are okay and well, but even if it sounds kind of lame I'm okay with that. I'd like to leave this world knowing that I made other people's lives better. As long as I left my mark of love on the world, I'm happy. : ) But I know that if I'm gone I won't be able to do that anymore, so I sorta have to take care of myself haha.
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/26/2017 12:50 pm

Daddy For Rent

Oh no, that's not good at all! I'm so relieved that you didn't need stitches. I'm sorry you had to deal with that pain, though. I really hope it heals fully soon! ;; Kisses for it! crying

I don't think it sounds cheesy at all. It's nice to be motivated in such a way, and it makes me happy to hear such supportive words, haha. I'm quite proud of my writing, so it'd be nice if I got somewhere with that. However, I'm really interested in medicine too, so as I stated before I'd be pleased with one or the other. LPN is actually what I've been studying recently. At first, I was aiming for a full-on Physician, but with all the years and my fragile heart, I don't think I'd be able to handle it. So we'll see how that goes. smile

I've been told I'm quite selfless. Though because of it, I've been used by quite a lot of people who only stuck around for things that benefited them. Luckily for me, I don't have 'friends' like that anymore - only ones that really care. But It seems I can't stop putting others before myself despite my experiences.

Hope you're having a wonderful morning now. razz
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/25/2017 8:30 pm

Daddy For Rent

No need for regrets! We're talking now, right? That's all that matters.

Awie, I'm so sorry about your hand! I'm glad it's healing so far, though. Do you mind if I ask how you hurt it? It sucks about your laptop charger, too. Chargers are always so flimsy! I break mine quite often... then again, I'm really clumsy haha. Other than those two things, I'm glad life has been treating you well. : )

As for me, I'm going through the entire career paths too. I really want to be a published author, but it's a hard path to go down.Then again I'm also studying medicine to become a nurse, so whatever fate wants I suppose. Fate just better play nice. >: ( Other than that not much has been happening with me! I've been dealing with anxiety a little, but I'm hanging in there.

You'll embarrass me if you say stuff like that, LOL. But thanks, asdfjoeg. ;; I should think about doing that then! I just get easily stressed out... I also don't like taking money so I end up doing them as gifts instead if someone does offer to pay for them. I'll get saaad... I'll probably end up just making a gift shop haha.

If you're asleep by now, rest well! Wishing you to have lots of nice sweet dreams. xoxo
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/25/2017 7:29 pm

Daddy For Rent

Awh! Well, it wasn't a problem in the slightest. As I said before, I really wanted to talk to you for quite some time now. So I'm glad I grew the courage to speak to you.
I'm flattered you're glad I approached you, however. ^^ I'm so happy to be talking to you!! How have you been lately? I really hope life has been treating you well.
Also It's quite nice to hear what you have to say about shy people. Quite frankly I'm called boring a lot for it since I tend to avoid crowds and such. So thanks, hehe.

Ah, you really think so? Thank you so much... I'm really quite insecure, so hearing that makes me happier than you can imagine. ;; Makes my heart really happy! heart
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/25/2017 3:32 pm

Daddy For Rent

Ahh, thank you so much!! ;; I've always admired your avi's too! They're precious to me, haha. : ) You don't have to thank me for the comment!! : O
I wanted to approach you since last night to be honest but I only grew the courage to do it now aaaa. ;; I also didn't want to get deleted bc I still really wanted to get to know you.

: o You're free to see my art! I don't upload them anywhere because once again I'm shy but these are two I did if you wanted to take a look. ;;

http://oi64.tinypic.com/aokk6r.jpg || http://i63.tinypic.com/df7xoj.jpg
Daddy For Rent's avatar

Report | 04/25/2017 12:29 pm

Daddy For Rent

Hiii. Not sure if you remember me but we met at Hollywood and you complimented my dress haha. ;v; I've wanted to talk more but my shyness is horrid
kyohei hyuuga's avatar

Report | 11/06/2016 8:48 am

kyohei hyuuga


You're welcome, bro.
ReiZ04's avatar

Report | 11/06/2016 1:37 am


It's one of the most excruciating feelings (I know of) to just n** a lip on accident.
Even worse when it swells up and happens over and over.
kyohei hyuuga's avatar

Report | 11/05/2016 9:48 pm

kyohei hyuuga

Running a fever or is the fever.. running YOU out? R.I.P.

Get well soon, pal.
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