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Sephira LOrange's avatar

Report | 04/08/2015 7:48 pm

Sephira LOrange

Arent you a cutie!
Sephira LOrange's avatar

Report | 11/18/2014 5:13 pm

Sephira LOrange

So cute
Cyniclon Darcy's avatar

Report | 10/12/2014 3:15 pm

Cyniclon Darcy

OMG, so freaking adorable! =3
Beauty Named Belle's avatar

Report | 05/29/2014 7:23 am

Beauty Named Belle

"Of course" smiled softly "all the tuna and catnip you could ever want" said petting him gently "what do you say? I know dean will be thrilled to have you there with us" smiled more
Beauty Named Belle's avatar

Report | 05/26/2014 12:42 pm

Beauty Named Belle

She smiled at the purring "pleasure is all mine Cas" said softly petting his head gently "want to come home with me and Dean?" Asked
Beauty Named Belle's avatar

Report | 05/24/2014 4:38 am

Beauty Named Belle

"Arent you a little cutie" smiled "im Jo. Its nice to meet you"
Beauty Named Belle's avatar

Report | 05/23/2014 6:36 pm

Beauty Named Belle

"hello" she said softly
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 10/09/2012 5:43 pm

Goddamn Winchester

"You make me so proud Cas. Really, I couldn't ask for a better feathered buddy.I know what it's like. I don't like flying much either but sometimes you just gotta be brave. I'm always gonna be there to protect you okay?" He's always encouraging the lil guy because sometimes he's so down on himself. Cas can't see all the awesome things he's capable of doing sometimes. He can feel the tiny claws scraping against his jeans showing that Cas is happy despite how Gabriel had dragged him by the tail. "I think someone deserves a burger later." Okay, maybe he's spoiling him but how could you not? He's to damn cute. He thought the cuteness wouldn't die off eventually but nope when he got older he got even cuter. "No problem Cas, you've earned it. Soon those lil wings of yours will be big and strong like Gabriel's." He strokes his head again, feeling the soft curls and fur of his ears. Dean takes an ear in hand giving a good rub down."

Sam winces at the slap and takes his hand covering Gabriel's face real quick in retaliation. "Sure you do. I wouldn't say always. It wasn't exactly smart getting into that chocolate cake." He clearly remembers having to rush Gabriel to the angel vet because he got a seriously stomach ache. Not only that but he wound up barfing in the back seat of his car. Every since then that car has never smelled the same. The younger Winchester smirks as Gabriel goes for his tail, they could do this for hours. Gabriel would chase his tail until he got so dizzy he couldn't stand straight. It's the most endearing thing really. Just like that he's nothing more then a blip running across the grass after the squirrel, figures. Sometimes he worries the cat angel is going to run right out into the street chasing those things. "Gabriel"

"Calm down Sam. Let them hunt. It's in their nature y'know." Dean says as Cas wriggles out of his arms. He gladly lets him zip off after it having no doubt he'll be able to catch it. Of course his Cas does with ease. Dean beams with even more pride but has to roll his eyes at Gabriel. "Hey, don't get mad that Cas is a better hunter then you Gabriel. He got that squirell fair and square!" He decides to distract the pint sized kitty with one of those lazer lights he had in his jacket. Leading a path away from Cas making Gabriel spin around in circles to catch it.
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 09/26/2012 2:39 pm

Goddamn Winchester

Dean felt like he was about to burst from pride. He didn't think his angel was going to ever get that high anytime soon. Not that he didn't have faith in him but Cas was just a little slower at some things then others. He's an awesome hunter and well behaved for the most part but the flying has always been an issue for him. He hasn't exactly mastered flight just yet, they still have a lot to cover but it's definitely a breakthrough.He strokes his head then his tail because he knows it probably doesn't feel very good after being pulled. The only reason Dean isn't wailing on him is for the fact that he did help Cas out. "He gets a free pass today. Just you wait you'll be flying everywhere soon enough." He swallows some at that thought; he really hopes Cas will be careful when the time comes. They grow up so fast. Dean digs into his pocket and pulls out a cat treat for the angel. "Well deserved buddy."

Sam sighs, he guessed that's as 'nice' as he's going to get from Gabriel. However he does agree when the little guy puts his mind to it he can be a really awesome teacher. He liked that about him. "Yeah, you did a good job Gabriel." He scratches underneath his chin then takes his tail waving it around until Gabriel attempts to grab at it. "Thank you." At that note a big fat squirrel hops across both Dean and Sam and both know their angel are going go crazy in a few seconds.
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 09/22/2012 7:06 pm

Goddamn Winchester

Sam doesn't mind the rough housing, he's use to it himself. He'll play like that with Gabriel to despite his size he's a tough little cat-angel. The younger brother just wish he wouldn't try and jump on everyone. He playfully rolls him over so he can tickle his belly in retaliation. The little guy might be seen as a trouble maker but Sam just thinks he's misunderstood. Gabriel means well, he can be very kind when he wants to be, all he needs is the right guidance. "You just have to find a different way with Cas. He's your little brother he looks up to you. You have to set a good example." He pats his head feeling bad put that down expression on his face but it's all a part of being an angel owner. If you don't show them a little dissaplin they'll walk all over you. Dean is way more loose in his teachings but he's been blessed with a angel that's pretty damn tame compared to his own. Despite Gabriel's protest Sam knew he would do right, however he does cringe when he pulls Cas by the tail much to Dean's annoyance and possible horror. "Gabriel, be nice!"

"Cas!" Dean calls out unable to get him out of the little angel's clutches fast enough. He's unsure what Gabe is going to do to him exactly but if he ends up harming one little hair on his head he's going to regret ever being born. Dean will just have to put all his trust into Sam, his brother seems to be alright with him teaching Cas. It's something Dean has been hoping his angel could learn eventually but at what cost? He sighs as Sam get him to sit back down so they can watch. "He better be careful with him." The hunter mutters and fixed his eyes to his little angel. At first it looked like it was going to be another fight but to his surprise Cas flies higher then he's ever flown. Even if it was for a few seconds it was still something. Dean gapes at them for a minute until Cas drops back down. "Holy crap Sam! Did you see that?" He beams a little and runs up to Cas scooping him up for a hug. "You flew so high!" Dean peppers kisses all over his face despite how ridiculous it might look. "I'm so proud of you."

"See I knew he could do it. He just needed the right teacher." He beams as well proud that Gabriel accomplished it.
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 09/20/2012 8:08 pm

Goddamn Winchester

Dean gives Gabriel the death glare along the way; wanting to whap the little fluff ball with a rolled up newspaper for messing with his angel, but he's really quick, he'll give him that. It doesn't stop the hunter from proceeding said death glare. He holds CAs in his arms protectively and turns his glare on Sam a little. "Would you keep him in line Sam? I swear if you don't I will." Growls at the offending angel.

"Calm down Dean! Gabriel's just playful. They rough house that's what brothers do. We use to do it." However he gives Gabriel a look that means business and says, "That wasn't very nice Gabriel. Cas is your little brother you need to be more supportive of him."

DEan rolls his eyes. "Like he understands what you're saying. He probably thinks you mean 'tease him some more'. And yeah we did but Cas don't' like it. He's still young y'know." Frowns down at him and pets his head comforting him as best he could. He wished Cas would toughen up but it will take some time before he can stand up to his pain in the a** brother.

"Yeah, but Dean he has to learn sometimes. I know you're protective of him but you can't shelter him forever." Sam looks sympathetic towards the cat angel, some of them just don't pick it up as quickly. "Hey Dean's an awesome teacher he'll have you flying in no time." He smiles at his elder brother then turns to Gabriel, patting his head. "You know if Gabriel was a good little cat angel maybe if he gave Cas some pointers I might REWARD him with his favorite treats later."

"AWe Cas we just need to practice." Runs his fingers through his wings. "WE can try out here. A big space for you to learn in. huh?"
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 09/13/2012 5:11 pm

Goddamn Winchester

It doesn’t take long for Cas to make a mess of the place while Dean’s back is turned. The little fluff ball is spoiled rotten if Dean’s honest with himself, but hey, who’s he to stop someone from indulging themselves? If Dean could he’d eat pie and drink beer everyday…wait he kinda does. Anyway the innocent act doesn’t fool him but it’s hard not to smile despite himself. “You’re cleaning that up when we get back.” He says a sternly but there’s fondness in his voice. Dean doesn't turn down any of his affections, he reaches over to give his wings a good pat. He has to agree that he seriously needs to stop getting lost in his own head.

Dean notices right away that Gabriel is already trying to tease Cas. It’s so not right that such a pint sized ball of feathers can pin Cas like that. He won’t say his angel is a push over but sometimes he lets Gabriel get away with murder. The little guy is fast to and can fly maybe Cas is just intimidated by that. “Doesn’t your angel stay in one place?” He says as he attempts to follow Gabriel zipping around.

“You’re talking about Gabriel right? Tch, no way! I think he has ADD or he’s secretly downing sugar when I’m not looking. I can’t even get him to stay still in the house unless I groom him or put on one of his favorite TV shows.” Sam smiles down at Cas, giving his ears a good scratch before picking him up. “Hey Cas! Wow, look at you! Your wings got so big. I bet you’re all ready to fly huh?”
Moosiesquatched's avatar

Report | 09/12/2012 8:04 pm


Your welcome!
Moosiesquatched's avatar

Report | 09/12/2012 7:40 pm


Omi goodness.....your avi is soo cute!
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 09/04/2012 2:38 pm

Goddamn Winchester

-It's not like Dean doesn't want Cas to find a mate or anything...he's just..he's just his Cas and no one could be good enough for him. The cat angel is terrified of the females; Dean thinks he'll grow out of that eventually but sometimes he wonders if he's merely uninterested in anything that has to do with any kind of mating. It's not something Dean likes to think about because it only means his lil Cas is growing up and he prefers to think of him as that ball fluff he had taken home those years ago- Alright we'll bring this one then. -He puts it in the carrying Cas with some extra things for him along with his leash-

-When they set out to the park there are quite a few other angels running about with their owners. Sam's sitting on the bench watching Gabriel run around when Dean waves to him. He lets Cas off his leash so he can do what he likes- Alright Cas just remember to not disappear on me alright? Stay where I can keep an eye on ya. -he gave his head a good scratch before letting him wander around-

Hey Dean! -The tall man looks at Cas giving him a smile- Wow he's gotten big. -he pets the top of his head-
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 08/25/2012 12:15 pm

Goddamn Winchester

-He kneels down to pick him up bridal fashion, playfully as he moves across the room- Gabriel won’t be breaking anything while I have my eye on him. I promise you that. –He’d tear that angel a new one if he messed with anything on Cas- If you see that Balthazar and tries anything funny with you either you come straight back to me. –He was told by the owner he’s one of the top angel cats for breeding and he definitely doesn’t want him mixed up with Cas- Do you wanna take the little plush weezil thing with the bells? –Dean sets him down and goes through his toy box-
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 08/22/2012 2:44 pm

Goddamn Winchester

-Dean blinks a couple of times as his shirt is soon becoming a cat’s play thing. Castiel certainly is in a playful mood today maybe it’s time to take his feathered butt to the park so he can use up all this extra energy- That I do. Your wings are like baby, black and pretty. Smooth. –runs his hand across them gently- Okay, how about we do that later tonight when we get home? First we’ll go to the park and see Sam and pip squeak. –With that Dean scoops him up, sets him down while he cleans up- Do you want to bring a toy with you Cas? Just ONE toy though because Gabriel will probably lose them and don’t let him wreck your stuff either kay?

Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 08/18/2012 10:44 am

Goddamn Winchester

-groans a little at the ‘pretty’ comment. Sometimes Cas is just plain ridiculous with such words but the hunter is grateful his angel is so loving. Most of them can be pretty stuck up or a complete nut case like Gabriel. Dean leans into the touch, butting his head against Cas’s- I spoil ya but I can’t help it I guess you’re too damn cute. Way prettier then Gabriel. No one’s wings are as black as yours. –Dean always liked that because in a strange way it reminded him of Baby. Sleek and black and oh so pretty- We’ll just keep it to ourselves then huh? –he can feel his little nails on his hand and remembers something from earlier- I think you’re gonna need to trim your claws fluffer…-buries his nose in his wild hair-
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 08/17/2012 10:39 am

Goddamn Winchester

I know so. You’re pretty big now Cas already. You’re not exactly that ball of fluff I took home from the shop. –Dean can’t help the blush that emerges on his face. It’s still weird when Cas praises him like this. Isn’t he supposed to be the one doing that to Cas? He takes a few more pepperonis off his pizza so Cas could devour them- You’re making me blush Cas. –He can’t help to pull him onto his lap giving his head a good scratching- Yeah you're right. He wouldn’t look very pretty either. –he grins, placing a kiss to his ears-
Goddamn Winchester's avatar

Report | 08/14/2012 2:28 pm

Goddamn Winchester

-The hunter remembers when he picked out Cas amongst the litter that he was very special. He may have been the scrappiest one in the bunch, the underdog but Dean being one himself saw potential there and a big heart. Cas didn’t prove him wrong. Now he’s bigger and stronger, maybe not stronger than his brothers but he’s getting there- No dogs are gonna lay one paw on ya. One day you’ll be strong enough to take down 20. –Dean’s eyes widen significantly- Hey what? –That’s why it smelled like cheese. He thought Sam just left a rotting sandwich in it or something- Oh…god…I’m gonna turn him into a throw rug!
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