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In World War II patriotic solider Steve Rogers recipient of the "Super Soldier Serum"
became the living symbol of freedom, Captain America.
Left for dead while frozen in ice,
the star-spangled hero with an indestructible shield awoke years
later to continue his never-ending battle for liberty!




Viewing 5 of 5 comments.

Lovino Vargas

Report | 03/21/2012 10:27 am

Lovino Vargas

You're the goddamn one that came and talked to me first, Tuliphead!

Report | 03/11/2012 1:59 pm


At least cut down on it, because it's so bad for your health. Then again, my suggestions always go unheard by you..
But I've been fine, too.
-Wrinkles her brow and frowns slightly-
Oh, have you heard from Lux lately? I've tried contacting him on several occasions.. but it seems he's so busy, he doesn't have time to even exchange greetings anymore.
Lovino Vargas

Report | 03/02/2012 8:28 pm

Lovino Vargas

Oh uh, hey. The hell do you want, tulip huffer?

Report | 02/24/2012 5:23 pm


-Places her hands on her waist and smiles-

I haven't seen you since the New Year, broer! How have you been? Been cutting back on your tobacco usage, I hope..

Report | 02/20/2012 6:21 pm


-Looks over to and waves happily-

Hallo, broer!

[Thanks for the friend request~]