
I am the daughter of the infamous Mary Read who served as a pirate under the flag of John Rackham also known as "Calico Jack".
The reason there is no record of burial of my mother's baby is because, well I was born right before my poor mother died and would you believe it? Captain Jack Sparrow was there when I was born...least that's what I was told.
Apparently Jack knew my mother and when she died he took me and searched for my mother's best friend Anne Bonny. When Jack told Anne my mother's dying wish was for Anne to care for the child Anne nearly blew up the building with anger. She didn't want to care for someone's child but my mom had been her ship sister.
Anne regretfully took charge of me and can you guess? Yup she raised me in the ways of a pirate! Soon I left Auntie Anne on my a little ship all my own. I had always wanted a big ship but I also wanted it fast, but the problem was one: I had no crew so I couldn't quite steal a big ship just yet two: Most big ships that had been built fast were WAY out of my league. A small pirate like me taking on one of those? Yeah right!! That's when I found it, an idea that turned my world upside down. Most pirates stole there ships from others (something I was having issues figuring out how to do)...
What if I were to build my ship. I'd be able to know him/her (depending on what it became) from the inside out and it'd be out of the ordinary. I pirate with a ship that hadn't been stolen. course in a sense it would cause I stole all the supplies but that's beside the point. Now don't get me wrong building a ship is Super hard I mean look at all you have to build!
1. Topsails – square-shaped sails highest on a ship
2. Mainsails – large rectangular sails below the topsails
3. Jib Sails – triangular sails at the front of the ship
4. Rudder – wooden device at rear of ship, reaches into water, used to steer it
5. Yardarms – wooden poles that hold up the topsails
6. Gaffs – wooden poles that hold up the mainsails
7. Hold – storage area below the top deck
8. Deck – floor of the ship where people walk, mainly the one opened to the air
9. Hatch – raised door like opening in the deck which leads to the hold
10. Keel – very bottom line of a ship running from fore to aft
11. Masts – tall poles sticking up from ship, hold the yards, gaffs, sails, shrouds and ropes.
12. Boom – wooden poles at the bottom of the mainsails
13. Bowsprit – pole at front of ship that holds the bottom of the jibs
14. Shrouds – web like rope assembly climbed by sailor to reach the tops of sails
15. Quarterdeck – higher aft deck reserved for officers and from which the ship is steered
16. Hull – the body or basic frame of the ship
17. Captain’s Cabin – aft cabin beneath the quarterdeck
18. Forecastle (aka foc’sl) – cabin in bow of ship where the crew lives
Then we gotta get (aka steal)
1. Anchor – heavy metal weight lowered to the sea bottom, used to hold a ship in place
1. Kedge – small back-up anchor
2. Hawser – Heavy rope or cable
3. Rigging – all the ropes, cables, & shrouds on a ship
And not only that but I had to decide what kind of ship I wanted to build.
I had to chose from:
* The Square-Rigger - 90 tons, carried about 70 crew
* The Sloop - 100 tons, carried about 75 crew
* The Schooner - 100 tons, carried about 75 crew
* The Brigantine - 150 tons, carried about 100 crew
* The Frigate or the "Man-O-War" - 360 tons carrying about 190 crew
You see the struggle? and those are just a few of the choices!!
Yet I still did it! After years Anne, a few of her friends and I finished the ship.
It was magnificent !!!
I was made of Mahogany so it had this deep dark blood color in it (kinda creepy).
The sails and rope were both made of hemp since is was abundant and very easy to steal.
My cabin windows were stain glass with the picture of a wolf head howling at a crescent moon
The figure head is a pregnant woman with the head of a wolf (howling of course) her hands clutch to the bow the ship.
And now the name of my fantastic Brigantine is *DRUM-ROLL*
I'll try to get you all a sketch so you can see it.
My ship is wolfsbane for multiple reasons:
1) It's my favorite type of poison; Death usually occurs within 2 to 6 hours (20 to 40 ml of tincture)
2) Another name for wolfsbane is Women's bane (No I am Not making that up, I'm completely serious)
3) It fits my favorite animal (Wolfs *GASP* Shocking isn't it?) and
4) It is a pretty flower (Hey leave me alone I'm still a girl! I can like pretty flowers Plus it works since my ship also is female so HAH)
Anyway that's my ship! Oh and if you see any posters of me....
You are welcome to ask for a signature from the infamous Captain Belladonna Read!
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Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

Yensid Citanaf

Report | 06/27/2011 4:29 pm

Yensid Citanaf

Well hello there smile
Adam The Millennium Earl

Report | 06/05/2011 4:43 pm

Adam The Millennium Earl

Hello my little Chocolate Croissant!! I miss you terribly crying and wish you were here with me! Come home soon babe


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