
So this is where I talk about myself. Well I'm into any and all of the arts. Mainly dancing, music, and sketching. I have a loving boyfriend. I meet him on January 1st the New Year! I'm in school to be a pharmacy tech as of now and I want to go all the way up. If everything goes as planned I"ll be moving out in the next year and going on a road trip soon. Well if you really wanna know me... PM me!


Viewing 12 of 17 friends


Caitria's Jibber-Jabber

Ideas and thought that come to mind. Occurences in my life and a bunch more, ranging from childish crap to informative or just interesting, serious coversational talk. All just for fun, so enjoy. Peace!


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

~AkInO KiKu~

Report | 08/21/2006 4:15 pm

~AkInO KiKu~

hi this is me ur cousin!!!! hi how have u been good luck!

Report | 04/20/2006 4:46 pm


How am I mean? Just cause I like to bug Bekkah? well, She doesn't mind its nice bugging... Like I told her she's eligible for a schoalrship based on her height...

Report | 04/18/2006 6:16 pm


not a whole lot! I derive great enjoyment harassing Bekkah! heheh you should do it to! its so much fun! razz

Report | 04/03/2006 12:51 pm


you have no comments? you big loser! lol hey spencer is in my psyc100 class