
Standing at 5'6 1/2 and clocking in at a total of 106ish pounds, I'd like to think I'm not fat. 15. I live in Canada and ride a polar bear. ;D
o Model obsessed. (LilyD&AdrianB <3)
o I'm on my computer a lot.
I'm yellow. I hate the physical aspect of being Asian. Our features are genetically less aesthetically pleasing than Caucasian people. That, and we're short midgets. IMHO.
Comment me. I lurve comments.

    • Art Gallery. I guess. I'll do something about this later too.
    • -Patch Thing- I'd like to think my profile is sexin'. So I'll do something of a patch later on. If it's not, then I guess I'll just cry in my room.


Viewing 10 of 10 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/03/2010 5:02 pm


Are you still on? I thought you were off for the longest time...
Repello Muggletum

Report | 02/16/2010 2:59 pm

Repello Muggletum

hey wangwang wat up

Report | 12/23/2009 9:20 pm


Congratz. I stayed up the whole night on Monday/Tuesday. I need the sleep, BAD! xD
Pantyy Droppa

Report | 12/23/2009 6:23 pm

Pantyy Droppa

I will trade you two clouds for your Midsummer Swirl Bundle? If not it's ok, i bet you think this is a hack or scam or something, but your wrong. this is not a hack or scam

Report | 12/19/2009 5:35 am


Lolz, I'll be away for the next couple days. And I know that the prices will fluctuate like crazy over these few days for some reason. OTL

Report | 12/15/2009 7:34 pm


That's a shame. You worked so hard on Sir and Empress. emo
Yeah I know, last week. Skipping Friday? It's international skip day.
The new Laurels came out, I don't like them, they look ugly except for the anklets pose.
You gunna buy some when the price drops? Hoard or just exchange?

Report | 12/13/2009 12:57 pm


inorite? xD
Sashuu = <3
Have you even try to log in just to check if they suddenly got un-banned by accident? blaugh

Report | 12/12/2009 9:44 pm


Yo, have you ever tried getting your old accounts back? SirBunny and EmpressBunny. You would be much closer to your Minis if you actually tried getting them back.

Report | 12/12/2009 1:36 pm


I traded it with some other items. Sash is much prettier than the OMG. Plus, it has that Angelic-Christmas theme to it. Sashuu = <3
Now that I have it, I probably won't let it go for a long long long long time xD

Report | 12/10/2009 8:40 pm


You kidding? I don't make any gold (unless you count the little gold given for posts and comments ...)
20mill isn't that bad. You could buy a DTail or something and exchange with that.
Lucky for me I got my OMG before the inflation at 7mill or so ... Now they're much higher lolz
Should I sell now?