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anihun's avatar

Report | 01/25/2013 3:03 pm


I'm sorry for vanishing. I was depressed for a bit and then school kicked in but now I'm all better. ; v ; I'm so sorry. Things are working out between me and Robbie now too. /hugs

and yeah your thing is in a weird font. HAHAHA. I mean what the heck? HOWWWW?! Hahahaha! UGUUUU. Hahahaha. That's really adorable of you. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING BUT IT'S FULL OF MY LOVE. . .AND SALT" HAHAHAHAHA. SKFHLSDJFLSDJLDJFD. SO ADORABLE. YEAH. REAL TIRAMISU IS DIVINE. Oh god now I really, really want some right now. ; n ; But heyyyyy it is that long. It's a bit of a pain but I can preread usually. I only have one english class and well, I finish it most of the time early so. . .it's just nappy time on the bus. HAHAHA.

HAHAHAHA. You're crazy! All those numbers why. Oh my gosh. You would hate my numbers. HAHAHAHAHA. /JUST ACHIEVES LOL TERRIBLE/ WAIT. ARE YOU LATE BECAUSE OF YOUR BOYFRIEND AND HIS COUSIN?! HAHAHAHFLJDSLFJLDSJF USUALLY IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND WHAT THE HECK. HAHAHAHAHAH. /DIES/ OH MAN. I KNOW THAT FEEEEEEL. I told Robbie about it and it's like, HEY. HEY. HEY. AM I ANNOYING YOU? HEY. HEY. HOW ARE YOU? HEY. PLS RESPOND. HAHAHAHAH. Well, nothing to that degree. But yeah, we used to talk all the time and now it's just dwiddling to like. . .I don't know. Once every couple of days to a week. I'm a bit saddened but oh well. I'll just do my own thing for now and like, MAN. MAN. THE LAST STORY (WII GAME) IS EATING UP MY LIFE. HAHAHAHA. YEAH I KNOW RIGHT. That's what I think to. I just only want to know about his exes just so I can understand him. . .and not get into stupid s**t. THAT IS ALL. ; A ; Yeah. It's a bit sad but sometimes I think it's true. Not to mention if you're not used to expressing yourself in a certain way, then yeah. Oh well. And I know. It's always better to talk things out with people. . .which is what I did with you. ; v ; always appreciate you. <3 But yeah, I just hope he leans on me some more. Hahaha. He's the type that doesn't like to mope because it's pathetic. And what? WHAT? HAHAHAHA NO NOT AT ALL. He smiles a lot and tells me that but it's not something you would say all the time. It's hard. I don't know. Like, just expressing it facially is different than expressing it in words. Hahaha. AW. :C it's okay. I think I sound pretty stupid too but I don't care. LOL MEMORIES MEMORIESSSSSS.

Aw. You're adorable. * v *) found your mate. . .FOR LIFE. /DUNDUNDUUUN (for the guy at least d'ohohoh)/ HAHAHAHA. Yeah, well, maybe I adopted it because. . .I don't wanna be like them. |D. . .you just orgasm when he does the small things. Hahahaha. Oh my gosh you're adorable Chinggy-Dongsaeng. <3

Juvid's avatar

Report | 01/05/2013 4:08 pm


thank you ^^
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 10:26 pm


anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 7:12 pm


. . .LOL HOW DID SHE SUPERGLUE HER HAND ON THE WALL WHAT THE HECK?! LMFAO LJSFLJSDLJF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. B'aw. It's okay. Once he's not available. . .maybe they'll appreciate him more. e ne) Augh. ikr? Guys are all good at cooking to a point. I'm like wat. I just cook random shiz. I'd be too ashamed to hand any of my cooking to my sweetheart arghsifndskjsdljl. A-and yeah. Baking. He says he makes a mean tiramisu but I've had some when I went to Italy so he better be making it right. = n=) /HARDCORECRITICLOL/ Oh yeah. It's sorta like that here too. Sorta broaden it in some areas too but the programs aren't entirely great then. xD; No I don't. I like like 1-2 hour transit ride away from my uni. Orz

He. . .really is. He knows what goals to set and how to achieve them and is trying to achieve them with all his might. He gets uber sad when he scores below an 80% so I'm like. . .LOL. /TOTALLY HAPPY WITH AN 80%/ And I've seen more flakey girls than I see dudes. Most of my dude friends make it. Half of my girl friends. . .don't. Orz||| Most are usually. . .late. /sigh/ I'm usually always on time, waiting for like half an hour. . .or more. Orz||| Gosh. I know right? I really don't like parties and stuff. I'm not into it. I'd rather just hang out and pig out. Or like you said, hike. But of course, people give me the weird eye. Orz LOLMANCAVE. Yeah. Guys need their time. And it's hard for girls sometimes yeah. All you can do is communicate. If they don't want to talk. . .********. Orz seriously. A misogynist is a guy who hates women. Or anyone who hates women. Hahahaha. Ironic huh? Hahahahahaha! Maybe. I don't ask about it since it's like a touchy subject. And I don't know how to casually bring it up even if I wanted to. And I don't want to be nosy. Argh. But oh well. I'll just focus on the present. I kinda suspected it's because he's not one to express his feelings easily. He often tells me that he feels that feelings lose its meaning when expressed into words, and I agree. But people tend to view him as cold and apathetic that way. Maybe that's how his exes felt and stuff. :C But it was funny when the subject first came up. Hahaha. I told him that I was going to a bar with friends and he's like "a b-b-bar? wear 5 ponchos and a coat!" And then he wanted to know what I would be wearing and I told him. And he was like, "I would totally try to pick up a girl like that" "You wouldn't pick me up if I wasn't wearing that?" "I-I WOULD.. But. HEY. THAT'S NOT THE POINT" Ahahahaha. I also spent the last half hour+ just reading old conversations. Wah. Orz||||

Ah. Yeah. Maturity is def. needed in relationships and it's difficult to have that sort of composure. So it's really impressive to see you guys going on for a long time! e ve)b Awwww. That's adorable. Being self-conscious at home. Awwwww. But I see about the family thing. That'd be awkward. I wouldn't want my sweetheart seeing my family because they're. . .not exactly the best people. They. . .augh. Sometimes they're great but they're mostly bitchy. Orz||| NO I WOULD TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU BEING EMBARRASSED BY BEING LOOKED AT BY YOUR BOYFRIEND OKAY? Like just me thinking about it makes me embarrassed. AND THAT'S JUST SO WEAK. LOL. HAHAHAHAHA. Orz|||| HAHAHAHAHAHA. NOT FLIRTING. MMHMM. IT'S OKAY BBYCAKES. LOL. /SHOT/ But that's really sweet of you! I really love talking to you too! ; v ; So when I saw your comment, my mood just skyrocketed and I got really happy and excited. Hahaha. <3 YEAH IKR? Gaia is my lifeline to drawing. It's really sad because once I'm not on, I don't really draw. Orz||| It's like my only hobby too so it's really sad. /shothsohtlhdflghjgfdkhgfdkhg. OHMYGOSH. Same. Okay. I feel like I can hide nothing from you so really, honestly. ; U ; You're so good to me. <333 Oh man. But it would be really embarrassing. BECAUSE BECAUSE. IT'S LIKE ALL IN TEXT. SO I FIND IT MIGHT BE WEIRD FOR OTHER PEOPLE. I MEAN. WAHHHHH. ; A ;
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 4:22 pm


AW THAT'S CUTE. It's alright. Hope you guys had fun. <3 PFFFFFT. IT'S OKAY. I think my sweetheart knows how to cook better than me anyway. Orz He's a baker and he loves to grill and stuff so I'm like. . .I feel like my feminine role is being threatened. HAHAHAHA. Ouchhhhh. That's crazy. Yeah. I don't know. Here it's like each college/uni specializes in something so people go there accordingly. xD;

Yeah. I have no idea how he does it. And I even told him that and he's like, "I-it's nothing big" or something along those lines. = A=) crazy. Yeah. It is pretty fragile but I don't know. It really depends on how much the two parties want to work it out. I guess it's good that both of us are like shut ins who rather not hang out with people and go out partying. He used to though and I make fun of him for that. Ahahaha. = v=) No. I understood that. I sorta had that vibe from him a couple of days ago but it's resolved then. He was just feeling really crowded? I don't know how to word it and stuff but he hates his current job (because the people, not the work) and he has little vacation time to just relax and stuff. He's already got school work right now too. Ah. D: I feel terrible and I just gotta be understanding. But yeah, whenever he's feeling really down and stuff, I'm there for him. So I hope he realized this. I'm pretty sure he has but right now he just wants me-time. LOL! No! It's totally okay. Ask away. I have nothing to hide. And he doesn't care (as long as it's nothing embarrassing but I will just tell you anyway d'ohoho). Uhm. We met in a skype thread in r9k which is the board with the most amount of misogynists. LOL. He's a wee bit of one but that's only 'cause all his past girlfriends have cheated on him. xD;;;; oops.

H-hahaha I don't know about that. FOUR YEARS?! So long! CONGRATS! And really? Embarrassed about what? GO ON~~~!!! C: <3 Awwww. Don't worry about it. Hahahaha! We've only really known each other for a year. ; v ; <3 Ahahahaha. You're cute regardless. e ve) Unless you plan on slitting my throat while I sleep then. . .>>;;;; And pffffft. You prolly do way more than that for the house. PSHAW. I DO NOTHING. LOL. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I'm really boring. Seriously. And my sweetheart, I'm just giving him as much time as he can get to game and stuff. Ahahaha. Yeah. I'm not so sure myself. I haven't been on Gaia a ton because of school, holidays, and lolrelationship. Only here to draw. ; v ; LOL. HAHAHAHA. Yeah. I was really shocked he thought of our relationship that far because we've only really known each other since late. . .April? So yeah, it's not been a terribly long time. But I was really happy. Hahaha. And really? Hahahaha. Yeah. That could be true. I mean, the marriage phase being the less romantic stage. Hahahaha. And we are really affectionate with what we have. So I don't knowwwwwww. But I'm a sweet romantic at heart so who knows. ; v ; I don't know. Teehee.

You make me really happy talking about my sweetheart because most of my friends aren't in relationships and don't care. So I really don't have anyone to gush with. ; 7 ; <333 Thank you.
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 3:04 pm


LOL THE PERFECT WIFE/MOTHER? ACK. I already fail there. Hahahaha. I only know how to make basic stuff and cook things with what I got. I'm not sure if it's even healthy BUT WHATEVER. Hahahaha! Ohhh yeah. That makes sense. But we don't really have those. ; A ; It's colleges or unis and they're basically the same amount of money so. . .Orz|||

H-he prolly does. I should probably reply to how we met before answering about the present thing though. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Yeah. So embarrassing. Hahaha! We met online. In the shadiest depths of the internet called 4chan. YEAH YEAH YEAH. JUDGE ALL YOU WANT 'KAY. But yeah. We met online. He lives sorta on the East and y'know, I sorta live on the West. So it is an online relationship. ; A ; I'm not sure how it ended up like this but it did sooooo yeah. Especially when I was really not for online relationships but look at me now. goddammitall. LOL. Orz||| And yeah. We just started talking and stuff and uh, after like a month we pretty much ended up talking all day long. Sometimes he'd be all "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU ALL DAYYYYYY" and I'm like AWWWWW. Q NQ) But of course I had to struggle between my beliefs and what I was feeling since it's been. . .basically 5 years since I had a crush on anyone so it was really killing me. And then in August we ended up just talking more and stuff and then we exchanged numbers and started texting a lot hahaha. And thennnnnn it kinda just went to some bedtalk/texting and uh yeah. Just a lot of confessions and stuff that kinda followed the next day and day and day and during that time we just kinda put ourselves in an unspoken relationship. Or like, y'know, we kinda just inserted ourselves in a relationship without asking the other out or something like that alfjdlsflkf. BUT YEAH. Bumps here and there since we're kinda busy with school and stuff. 'Specially him since he's taking a 6 course load per term, working, living alone, and taking care of his dog. So he's got a lot going on in his side and a relationship wasn't something he was planning on adding onto it. But I think we good now. ; v ;

SO. YEAH. I'M GUILTY ON COMBINING A GIFT FOR HIM. ; A ; I made a video for him and telling him uh, when I started to like him and stuff which was embarrassing. It was also the first time he's heard my voice and uh, me move and stuff. So yeah. Nothing much I can do with this distance. Hahaha. ; 7 ; AW CHINGGYYYYYY. I HOPE YOU GOT WONDERFUL GIFTS THEN. ; A ; And you sure like spoiling your boyfriend huh? ; 7 ; That's adorable. And I know that feel. Not much I can do to spoil him though. Wahhhh. Orz Whoa. And your anniversary is so close to my birthday. LMAO. Wow. Yeah. I seriously don't know when to mark our anniversary. Seriously. I don't keep track and everyone looks at me weird. Orz|||| LOL. You're so manipulative. What the heck, gurl? Hahahaha. But that's okay because it's adorable how you think you're trying to be manipulative. xD Ahahaha! Whoa! Crazy. You're busy for the New Year. And wahhhhh. Australians? Friends there too? Like. . .Sakakku? xD I can't even remember where the double ks go. /shot/ Poopoo secretaries? WHAT? HAHAHAHAH. That's so absurd. xD Man. Yeah, we connect really well and stuff. Like, we're super honest to each other and we don't judge so that's really nice. And he's gotten to the point of calling me bff4l for life. The second for life is important to me and I got scolded for missing it. So I find that incredibly adorable. Hahaha.
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 2:01 pm


Ahhhh! That would make sense. Yeah. If you're a dietician, you need to figure out what meals are good and how to prepare them and stuff. * U *) Wahhhh. Sounds like fun. <3 Yeap. Pretty far off. Hahaha. Oh? I. . .don't think so. We don't really have community college or anything. We basically just have one institution and you get all your pre-reqs and stuff in that one institution. Hahaha.

Yeeeee. I remember your birthday was in December. * A *) Too much going on in December. Hahaha. My sweetheart's birthday is the 23rd. e ve) And then Christmas. New Year. Kill me. HAHAHAHA. A-and you what? You did? ; A ; I mean. . .save my birthday? Wahhhh. Well, it's Oct 28. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. YEEEEE. <3 BECAUSE YOU JUST ARE WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME WHY YOU'RE ADORABLE?! LOL. HAHAHA. <3 And wow. So lonely. ; A ; It's okay! You're able to take this stronghold. Don't worry about it! Hahaha. Nope. I'm Mountain timezone. So I think I'm one hour ahead of you. c: Yeah. It'd be a 25g shop so no pressure. Hehehe. UH. B-BOYFRIEND BUT YEAH. It happened in. . .late September I think. Hahahaha. It just happened. Neither of us expected it or was trying to find a relationship but it did. Hahaha. Awwww. That's adorable. Hahahaha. I find it really embarrassing for me to talk about it with him. I've only talked about how I was having constipation and I was willing to commit harakiri to get them out. Augh. But it's nothing like what it looks like or something. Our conversations are like, "blahblahblah" "I'm pooping" ". . .that's. . .great. . ." LOL. It's not even anything serious. He just wants to tell me he's on the pooper. Hahahahaha.
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 1:30 pm


Whoaaaaa. Nutritional Science? That's actually. . .really cool. . .Hahahaha. Honestly. I guess you can be a pediatrician or something. I'm not entirely sure but good luck! Sounds like fun actually. <3 Oh. I'm not sure. Hahahaha. Well, I'm an English major. I only have less than 10 courses til I'm done. And then I have uhhhhhhh another 2-3 years for my teaching. c: mmhmm.

Wahhhhh. I'm so envious! Hahahaha. I'm guessing this is the first year you spent your New Year's with him? ; v ; so cute. You're so adorable b'awww. Aw. Aren't you the big sister? Hahaha. How sweet of you. UHMMMM. Yesterday I spent the night wishing my friends happy new year in their respective time zone. WHOOO. I sure have a life! Hahahaha. But right now, just chilling and helping my sister out a bit with her stuff. And uh, I guess drawing. I have a huge urge to doodle but debating between AS or AF. Hahaha. Oh and my sweetheart just told me he was pooping. I want to facepalm but it's not unexpected of him to tell me that. Hahahaha.
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 1:11 pm


Ahhhh. Don't worry about it. Hahahaha. I'm just really glad. . .really really glad you're alright and doing much better. <3 And wow! Really? Well hang in there, okay? I'm sure you'll do splendidly! Like, you're a tough cookie and I think you'll hang in there well! What's your major? How was your New Years (eve)?
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 1:01 pm


anihun's avatar

Report | 01/01/2013 12:56 pm


Lilkko's avatar

Report | 08/09/2012 3:15 pm


da derp~
i remember you <333
Zektbach's avatar

Report | 02/25/2012 11:59 pm


HI do you have a shop and stuff?!!?!
anihun's avatar

Report | 01/17/2012 7:14 pm


Foxy Nazi's avatar

Report | 12/13/2011 5:26 pm

Foxy Nazi

You need to join Trisphee. :O http://www.trisphee.com/ My name is Foxy on there, if you join please put me down as the person who referred you. ♥
Zektbach's avatar

Report | 12/09/2011 1:32 am


It's alright. Well I'm going to be on Gaia and nothing to do so I can just post a bit. Ahh you should start on it, TURN OFF GAIA GET OFF OF HERE.
Zektbach's avatar

Report | 12/09/2011 1:14 am


Haha, oh I see it now, I still get my dogs mixed up. I'll post up pictures of her... somewhere... anyways I'll probably be on Gaia a bit, I can help you bump your auction thread.
Zektbach's avatar

Report | 12/09/2011 1:09 am


Alright I got it. Oh yea my friend getting shiba inu today, I'm going to help him pick it up from the airport. It's a shiba inu in your signature right?
Zektbach's avatar

Report | 12/09/2011 1:05 am


Alright haha, well just give me it so I can add you!
Zektbach's avatar

Report | 12/09/2011 12:53 am


Oh where is your auction?! Link me hohohoho, I think I have you on AIM though! Hmm lemme message you.
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