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Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 9:10 am

Miss Little Lucie

Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 9:06 am

Miss Little Lucie

lol idk maybe about to add a new friend biggrin
Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 9:00 am

Miss Little Lucie

lol noooooo but i just want to see how far i can go with my MULA biggrin lol
Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 8:55 am

Miss Little Lucie

OMG i dont i sell like everthing i have lol so im like itemless ( new word i think) lol biggrin
Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 8:42 am

Miss Little Lucie

thank you biggrin i had to like sell everthing so i can get that celbrity dating item thing lol biggrin
Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 8:23 am

Miss Little Lucie

hehehe Your Happily Welcome biggrin cute avatar biggrin lol OMG CUTE MONKEY
Miss Little Lucie    's avatar

Report | 12/26/2009 7:37 am

Miss Little Lucie

hahahahah aww thank you lol biggrin just visisted cause yuki says you are one of his BFFs biggrin lol so i just had to visit your profile lol
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 12:09 pm


aku pun sakit blkng suda ni duduk lelama dpn komputer. . .
hahaha. weh, nda bgs bha mengumpat cikgu.
nda berkat krng. . . (lps puas mengumpat baru maw ckp gitu. . . pura2 baik la kunun ne.)
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 11:57 am


yah. . . yah. . .
muda2 lg bnyk suda rambut putih aku. tu skola pnya psl la kali. . .
nsb baik jua la aku nda continue ambil form 6 sana.
klau nda, arwah la aku lama2. . .
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 11:41 am


1. pengetua cam bangang. teda aura ke-power-an langsung.
2. cikgu2 asyik busy, dan ramai gak yg teruk / mls / bkin pns.
3. asyik2 minta duit. klau nmpk manfaat / hasil dari duit tu, o.k jua skit. ni minta, tp ntah ke mana la duit tu. membazir ja. yg nda perlu2 diorg pi buat.
4. ckp bsr ja, tp habuk pun teda. bnyk perancangan / aktiviti skola yg nda menjd.
5. asyik2 kena paksa ikut kokum smpai student kena blk lewat ptg. bila prestasi akademik merosot, slhkan student plk, pdhl sndiri tu yg pentingkan sgt kokum supaya dpt nama.
6. junior2 yg baru masuk skola tu pun, kecik2 setahun jagung, msh hingusan lg pun suda pandai kunun maw kurang ajar sama senior.

apa lg ahh? mcm ada yg kurang. . .
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 11:11 am


hahaha. . .
uih, cmana skola tu skrng?
msti teruk btul suda kan?
aku rasa mcm nda dpt dibygkan ja nih. . .

actually, lama suda aku nda suka skola tu.
cam menyesal masuk pun ada jg. . .
mula2 masuk tu suka la psl awl2 tu bgs.
last2. . . hampeh.
SEBAB org tu jd principal dia.
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 10:59 am


shh. . . jgn bgtau org ahh. . .
sbnrnya satu rumah kami ni nda suka pengetua tu.
kehkehkeh. . .

amirul bljr?!
hahahaha. . .
ada la juga kali, sikit2. . .
tp aku slalu nmpk dia bc komik dgn tgk tv ja.
nda tau la klau dlm diam tiba2 dia rajin plk. . .
glass teeth's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 10:57 am

glass teeth

Um, no problem, merry christmas sweatdrop
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 10:46 am


me too!!!
hahaha. . .
mls aku bha.
bnyk tul kerja bila kelas suda start.
kena bljr ja. . . (nda juga la. hahaha.)
mcm kjp ja cuti 6 minggu ni kan. . .
tia sukup.
k0cha's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 10:33 am


merry xmas to you too. . .
baru ja aku maw comment td.
hihihi. . .
nda lama lg skola. . .
ready suda?
hehehe. . .
cheryl3262's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 9:53 am


meehi. meet me at bladed vase at bassken lake infront the shrine
ho liao xOx's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 3:57 am

ho liao xOx

arigato! hahha..
U too, Happy Merry Xmas! smile
ShadovvWolf's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 2:31 am


nawww lol thanks and u too
EviLCupcake_96's avatar

Report | 12/25/2009 2:31 am


thx 4 the wish..merry chrismas to you too^^
riyanatsu's avatar

Report | 12/24/2009 6:17 pm


heart thank you dear heart
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