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Andrew C Wesker's avatar

Report | 11/16/2021 8:48 pm

Andrew C Wesker

Hi, great Piers avi you got.
Aeonian Kiss's avatar

Report | 02/01/2019 12:33 pm

Aeonian Kiss

Did you now? -A small laugh was offered from the female agent-You must have been on his good side, Chris usually stays quiet or leaves the story telling for me. And not at all! If anything, I'd love to hear some things about you if you wouldn't mind- and not stories my brother has given. -She was quick to follow after him, her steps leading her to walk beside him- Not to much of the base, honestly, usually when I come around we hang out in the office and briefly walk but never a tour. -a smirk pulled to her lips- I can't wait~
Aeonian Kiss's avatar

Report | 02/01/2019 12:08 am

Aeonian Kiss

Mmm I see~ you teach me a bit and I can show you a bit in return. That sounds like a fair trade. -A devilish smile appeared across her lips- I gotta say, Chris may have taught me quite a bit, but I learned more with all I've gone through. I think it would be fun. -finally she turns her blue gaze back towards him- Gotta keep that hand in hand in check, never know when it will come in handy. -she waved a hand dismissively- Chris can be a royal pain in the a**, it come as no surprise a guy like you could handle it. -A brow was raised, excitement flashing in her hues- Really? I would love that. Please, do lead the way Piers~ -a small playful wink was offered-
Aeonian Kiss's avatar

Report | 01/31/2019 10:58 pm

Aeonian Kiss

-Her cheeks flushed a bit as she reached out to shake his hand, her smile everlasting.- You're too humble, I know for a fact you're good, even Barry has watched you shoot. Personally, I think I would like to see you shoot too, maybe you could teach me a thing or two. -Her hand dropped to her side that shade of blush never left, causing her to look away while smiling- If you get to thank me, then I get to thank you, Piers. The BSAA does great things, not only that, but you keep an eye on Chris and keep him in line, and I appreciate that.
Aeonian Kiss's avatar

Report | 01/31/2019 10:31 pm

Aeonian Kiss

Claire Redfield is the name and fighting terrorism is my game. -laughs softly- But yeah~ I am Chris's sister and believe me I hear about you plenty as well. BSAA's best sniper, am I right? The pleasure is all mine

Aeonian Kiss's avatar

Report | 01/27/2019 3:24 pm

Aeonian Kiss

USS Sherry's avatar

Report | 02/20/2018 10:53 pm

USS Sherry

The moment Sherry walked through the door she was greeted by a pretty face with a few scars... quite the obvious scars with shades of color in his eyes that were clearly different. She knew why, of course, she did. The fact another virus-infected individual was brought into Umbrella immediately caught her attention- she actually remembered getting snide comments about her possibly getting jealous over it. Which wasn't true in the slightest bit, Sherry made her mark in Umbrella, and some other virus-infected soldier wasn't going to steal her place. It was... where he came from, who he worked for before- his files told a story of that Umbrella taught her to hate, to kill when on the field. But yet... here he was, brought into Umbrella after Neo-Umbrella ******** up. Usually, if it was another agent who reacted in such a way with such clumsy behavior Sherry probably would have scowled, rolled her eyes, and tore them apart with a lecture. But she felt her lips awkwardly twitch into a smile as she watched him nearly fall out of his seat and attempt to straighten up as quick as possible. Was that even... blush across those cheeks of his? A brow rose as she shut the door behind her before moving forward towards the male, "Yes, Sherry Birkin." She extended her own hand to meet with his own before offering a firm shake, all while taking note of his awkward posture... attempting to hide something. This clearly drew her attention as she briefly stared before returning her gaze and letting go of his hand to step back. "I've heard, as well as read plenty on you." No need in lying and pretending to act like she knew nothing about him. Truthfully, she was glad he was handed to her, she was oddly enough looking forward to working with someone with such skill as his... that was if he even remembered. Maybe muscle memory would kick in soon enough, or at least she could hope for. If not, well Piers was bound to be in a lot of pain soon enough. "I'll start off by apologizing for my lateness, clearly I should have been here sooner, but I was just now notified of it." Clearly, some agents were lacking in their department, including if it was a simple delivery message, "But, now that's out of the way, shall we begin moving to the training room?" Sherry didn't really wait for an answer, she was on a time schedule of training a 'new' agent to USS, and needed to keep track of his behavior in different situations. She moved towards the door, leaving it open long enough for him to follow before navigating the two of them down the hall, "Sherry-" --- "Not now. I'm busy." Her tone was harsh, causing the other agent to fall silent, she was given one task, and this task alone would have her attention. If given the chance, she would probably ask... about his stay here. But for now, training was needed to test out that muscle memory- hopefully. He'd be able to do the simplest of things without too much of an issue if not, that meant she'd have a lot more to deal with. "So, Nivans, what have they been having you do over the last week?" It was a start to see how long he had some form of freedom.
USS Sherry's avatar

Report | 02/17/2018 1:14 pm

USS Sherry

It wasn't often Umbrella was given new soldiers, let alone ones from their enemies such as... the BSAA. People who stood against Umbrella, but they hadn't found this male much of a threat. Although looking into his files, Piers Nivans appeared to be one of their best, and deadliest snipers... followed by his military skills being quite... deadly. But perhaps it was the condition they had found him in. Infected, but still holding onto his humanity just the slightest bit. Enough for Umbrella to snag him up and begin experimenting with both the virus he contained as well as stabilizing it with viruses of their own. Umbrella must have been delicate with him, maybe they were expecting something from this one and didn't want him to hate them in the end. During this time Sherry Birkin was not allowed near the lab section in the halls but instead was forced to continuing training. For the reasons, stood obviously, Sherry had undergone plenty of their testings, they worried she would feel sympathy towards him- and couldn't risk her swaying his thoughts of Umbrella or having their killing machine feeling anything outside her job. Which she supposed would make sense, the last thing they needed was a BSAA agent turning against them from inside the facility. It remained like this for months until the man slipped her mind. She soon went back to her normal, almost forgetting about the man's existence within the Facility until now. "Agent Birkin." Sherry perked a bit at the voice, turning around to be greeted by Vector, she had to admit, it was sometimes odd to see the male out of his regular uniform. "Yes?" He continued to approach to close the distance between them before continuing with his sentence, "HUNK has given you new orders, that soldier, Piers Nivans, has been released into your custody. It appears Umbrella is putting some form of trust into him but still want someone to keep a close eye on him. Since HUNK has been tasked with training new recruits and I'll be heading out on a mission soon enough, he decided you should be tasked with this one." There must have been little to no reaction, which appeared to surprise Vector "Not excited? You had been talking nonstop about this man only a few months ago and now you barely have anything to say?" He was somewhat smiling, but she met with a full smile before shaking his head, "People just surprise me, I had been ordered to stay away for months, and the moment he slips my mind I'm directed in his man's direction." There was a low chuckle "Yeah, that's how it usually works here. But anyway, he is on the west end in the lobby. He'll be waiting for your arrival, you should get moving." With that much being said the male patted her shoulder before walking off, "Yeah, oh. And good look on your mission." There was a small nod from the both of them before Sherry headed towards the West Wing, she hadn't noticed but the female was speed walking until she stood outside the doors. The agent took a brief moment to look around the area before pushing the doors open, her eyes already met with the only figure in the room yet they still had to adjust to make out anything of the male, "Piers Nivans?"
Dark Sorella's avatar

Report | 06/10/2016 7:59 pm

Dark Sorella

The chaos lived among everyone; everywhere, no matter how far the location was Lumina could find herself walking for miles in chaos, appearing in places that were definitely not the planet she came from. But her last stop; the stop that she was going to do before heading back seemed to pull in her attention more than anything. The planet she touched foot on seemed to be dying; or at least being drained of it's resources, it was almost like hearing the planet cry out for it to stop. Nothing like her planet, her home, her world; oh no that place was by far done, there was nothing to do to stop what would happen back there, only souls could be saved to assure them all that they would be placed on the new world the so called 'God' was creating. Lumina could easily escape that world; just as she did now. Lumina at first found herself moving about the towns, some far out in the middle of no where others closer by; running across person to person; each telling rather fascinating stories about different things; but once thing continued to be mentioned; including when stumbling across a group that called themselves AVALANCHE. Shinra Company; over and over was this repeated, even when asking simply town folk they all had something to say; directions leading her to different areas, but finally at last with the help of chaos leading the way she managed to find an area she seemed rather pleased with. The rose colored female slipped past everything with ease, darkness taking her into a different like portal before she stepped out of it, black mist drifting around her body as she stepped out, her bright blue eyes immediately fixed on what seemed like a lab, a lab that obviously had things going on within it. “Hmm...what do we got here?” She whispered, her tone full of curiosity with a mix of obviously up to no good as she walked in further. Her eyes fixated on the objects around her, rather than paying attention to if there was anyone else in there.
Lightning Eclair 's avatar

Report | 05/26/2016 10:33 pm

Lightning Eclair

A couple of years of working with Shinra as a Turk left Lightning more familiar with the planet she had been placed and stuck on, giving her time to settle with the adjustments of switching from her own world to this one. She could say she's been working for at least 3 years with them now, her work always being done accordingly and correctly, there was never time for errors to be made within the jobs and missions given to her. Maybe because of this that's why none other than Rufus Shinra wanted to meet with her and give her these orders directly. Even with her appearance and the way she behaved she couldn't deny the nervousness of meeting the one who ran it all, or at least most of it. When being told that she would have to go directly to the Shinra building it was almost enough to cause her to hiss out in annoyance, due to her last mission she was far out of town; no where near where the meeting would be. Requiring her to have to get a ride to the location. Lightning stood in the apartment she had rented for the time being, staring out the window until a black car pulled up; her ride had finally arrived, she headed out the door for everything she needed she already had on her. No time was wasted in heading down the stairs to the car where she opened the back door and crawled into the back. The driver in the front said nothing, for he already knew where the location was, and she did as well...no need in useless conversation either. There was a silence in the car, the only thing heard was the light hum of the engine as they drove, her eyes moved to the outside of the car, watching as objects moved in sight and immediately moved out of sight again. Light had to admit she hated times like this, being in a quiet area and given the chance to think; with her mind the first place it wondered was back home, back where her sister and her would mess around the house when Lightning had been given the day off from working as a Cocoon Soldier, followed by the bickering between her and Snow; and even in the days past that...when all hell had broke loose but Snow and her had managed to get close after looking past how he reminded her of her father. Those thoughts left her uneasy...it only reminded her of her job as Savior that she failed at; all those souls had been lost, it made her disgusted in herself. The sound of the car coming to a slow stop pulled her out of her thoughts, while her eyes moved from memories to the reality that was in front of her now, the Shinra building where she would be meeting to get her next mission. Clearly it was something important. “Thanks,” She muttered as she stepped out of the car closing the door behind her, someone already awaited her as he approached, giving a simple gesture of the head for her to follow after him, she wasted no time in following him; time had already been wasted with not have being close enough to the area and requiring her to take a ride there. He lead her inside the building, taking different turns down the halls as he lead her forward before nodding her towards a large white door “He'll be waiting for you in there, Lightning.” She offered a small nod before walking towards the door, pausing outside it as she placed a hand on it, taking in a deep breath before pushing it open slowly to walk in.
Turk of Shinra's avatar

Report | 02/28/2016 8:07 pm

Turk of Shinra

So much work had gone into this...helping the Golden Path, and yet those so called 'soldiers'; those being she referred to, Sabal's followers left her behind in the middle of a fight. In the middle of that fight Amita had been captured by the Royal Army and taken in as prisoner, which honestly taken the young woman by surprise seeing how on the Radio Broadcasting; she was put under Armed and Dangerous. Which wasn't a lie, at the time when they had been trying to capture her she killed off at least 6 of the soldiers before one managed to catch her from behind, the smack from the butt of the gun against her head caused her to fall to the ground, the second she hit the ground those soldiers were on her, tight grips on her arms and hands as they dragged her to their truck. Amita couldn't even fight back even if she wanted to, that hit to the back of the head left her ears ringing and her vision fading in and out; same with her hearing. The soldiers spat out words to her and all she could do was stare at them with a questioning look before finally having a bag placed over her head. Harsh words continued for what felt like hours, soon she was even able to block them out. Amita could already see it, that smug a** look spreading across Sabal's lips when he was told that Amita was probably being killed as they spoke by the Royal Army; left behind in the middle of the fight. How he would run the Golden Path, talk lowly of her...how Bhadra would become a walking Object, and how old traditions would continue to live on. Why couldn't Sabal see that all she wanted to do was do what was best for Kyrat. With drugs, all Sabal saw it as was getting everyone high and ruining everything...She saw it as an option for money, selling and getting money to be able to supply for those in Kyrat and even bring in better schooling; what was she called because of this? Nothing better than Pagan. Intel over Soldiers...if she could have both she would, but if it was one or the other it would be intel. Intel can carry out farther in a war; help plan for the future. Everything Amita thought would be good for the Golden Path she was spat down at by Sabal as he would scream at her how she was being no better than Pagan, and how she would be ruining Kyrat. She hated him, he was no better than Mohan. Mohan Ghale, a name Sabal always mentioned, including when Ajay was around. Mohan Ghale followed old traditional values...one of the things that had nearly forced Amita to get married at such a young age, forced Amita to keep her head low and leave everything to the men while she 'slaved' in the kitchen where she 'belonged'. Everyone looked up to him, and all she could do was hate him, and try to strive for their country to get out of Mohan, and Sabal's third world bullshit. The sound of car doors opening pulled her from her thoughts, as her arm was grabbed before being yanked out of the car. "We have her King Min," The soldier said, those words caused Amita's heart to complete stop, her body felt cold, her stomach twisting in a knot. They brought her directly to Pagan...and he was outside waiting for her arrival. Oh god this is the end. she thought to herself, feeling her hands start to tremble a bit while her heart began to race, slamming against her chest making her breathing cut short every time she tried to breathe normally. What kind of death would this one be...quick? No God no. With how he was; everything he had ever been about she'd be tortured to death, slaughtered like a big...and then after death hung up somewhere for the Golden Path to see; as a warning, when all Sabal would do is tell everyone that following in her footsteps was a sign from the God's that it's a bad idea, a dishonor, and the only reasonable for someone like her is a painful death and to be displayed for all of Kyrat to see.
Junkie Ghoul's avatar

Report | 02/16/2016 2:38 am

Junkie Ghoul

But the information given was King Pagan Min, had come to the states when told in advance about the soon to be nuclear war, thanks to this he managed to pay and persuade the states to make him his own Vault, with the best electronics; the freezing part had not been mentioned though. And when Pagan had been brought in they placed him in, telling him he was moving to the lower levels, but instead had been frozen, his other workers would live within the Vault to make sure he was taken care of and unfrozen when the time came, but Gary had been kicked out for unknown reasons moments before the bomb had actually been dropped, leaving him in the state he was in, a Ghoul, just like Hancock. Gary even went out of his way to give him the exact location of the Vault he was staying in; Vault 265. That was quite the trip, enough for him to have to venture back to Diamond City and stock up on supplies, it was a 4 day trip all together, and reaching the Vault was almost relaxing knowing he had finally made it...but for what? For the possibility of a King to be frozen and dead? Hancock shook his head at the thought and stood in the center of the platform before descending into the lower section of the Vault. When the gates opened he almost expected to see people greeting, or shooing him away...but there was nothing but silence, and the further he ventured...the more skeletons he found, and a journal of one of the people staying. Mentioning how they had run out of food and water and were starving, and if anyone were reading it please release their King from his slumber, with the password to the terminal that was keeping him behind the capsule. It didn't take Hancock much longer for him to find the room where the man, Pagan Min, had been frozen, he even peeked inside expecting to see a dead body but was surprised at how reserved the body was and couldn't even tell if he was living or not. "Only one way to find out," He said to himself walking over to the terminal and typing in the password before accessing for the capsule to be opened. Loud sirens and flashing lights occurred for a moment as the capsule opened, before complete silence as he walked in front of the capsule, waiting to see if this man was living, or another corpse. (2)
Junkie Ghoul's avatar

Report | 02/16/2016 2:37 am

Junkie Ghoul

Things could easily get boring, being in the same place, all the time; the people of Goodneighbor weren't the problem, heavens no, they were great people, Hancock couldn't ask for better people to be within his home. He found himself outside his room where him and his bodyguard often times just sat around and discussed the issue with the Institution and their Synths, but lately he found himself going between The Rail, his favorite bar; great booze, could have any drug he wanted there, and a brilliant, and beautiful singer, jazz always seemed to hit his ears right when it came from her. But the other place he'd often go to was the Memory Den, sit in a small capsule to re-live old memories within his past, see himself again before he had turned into a Ghoul, and see previous events in his life, ones that were enjoyable, and ones...well not so enjoyable. But even those weren't distracting him enough, more synth spies seemed to be entering the city, and being killed on spot, he even put it upon himself to sneak into Diamond City; a place that use to be home, where one family member still lived...but was more than hated by Hancock now. Just to get some word around town, the first young lady he went to was Piper, she was a newspaper gal, always getting the scoop around town, whether it was given willingly or she had to sneak in to get the information she wanted. Even in a disguise the girl knew exactly who he was, but definitely told him exactly something she found interesting and had heard from a prewar Ghoul...by the name of Gary. But even the information Piper gave him wasn't enough, so far all he heard from her was somewhere out in the Commonwealth was a Vault that held a couple of men and one still frozen from the Prewar time, a King to be exact. No one understood why he came to America, but she never bothered asking Gary himself. Which is what lead Hancock to finding Gary in a small hut, the male gave him more than enough information, even went out of his way to show his annoyance with the King from how much he'd yell at him about ridiculous things. (1)
Psycho Break's avatar

Report | 02/05/2016 6:05 am

Psycho Break

She always remembered hearing rumors about whenever Leon Kennedy went to take a break from work he always managed to get pulled right back into it; after hearing about it on numerous occasions Sherry Birkin found herself worrying about the same thing happening when she took her trip to Kyrat. But was happy when the whole way there she had received no urgent calls or text from anyone within the DSO instead, she received a "Have fun on your trip." From a couple friends the female agent had made over time while working there. Sherry sat by the window of the plane, looking down seeing the ocean's water soon turn into land, even from far above she could tell this place had quite the view. All seemed well from above and even from the ground. When landing she didn't waste much time in hitting the road, making sure to get in as many sights as she could before having to find a place to set herself up at and stay the night there. But curiosity seemed to get the best of the young blonde, leading her into a small cave just off the side of a small water hole; at first it sounded like an animal whining, which even if that was the case looking back on it, even approaching a wild animal was a dumb idea, but she still continued her way inside the cave. Only to find a man and a woman both laying on separate beds, syringes on the sides, while they both curled up crying and whining. Even now she didn't regret her actions; she wanted to help, wanted to try figuring out what was going on, help them, get them out of there and get them some place safe. But instead by approaching the two, a couple of men in red and black uniforms came pouring out from parts of the cave that she had failed to notice. They all yelled at her to get on the ground, some of their words came out more understandable than others, but in the end the second she was put on the ground they began taking her items, digging through her stuff, up until the moment they pulled out her passport and wallet, and within the second they all began to scream at her that she was a spy. The first question that came to her mind was 'A spy for who? And better yet a spy for what?' But none of these escaped her, she was panicked and terrified and all she could muster out of herself was "No...No I'm not!" This obviously didn't work to well with the person in charge of that group, because he ordered them to take her elsewhere and get some answers out of her. After that all she remembered was glancing up to see the butt of a gun coming down before blacking out; probably an hour later she woke up in a small room tied up, being asked multiple questions, each question relating to "Who's the DSO" "Who sent you?" Even when answering truthfully no one listened to her, leading to the constant beating, shocking, and cutting, by the time they decided they were done with her she could barely even speak from the constant screaming and begging for them to stop. When they gave up on her, they mentioned sending her to the King directly, talking about how he'd probably enjoy having some fun trying to get some information from her before finishing her off. With that she was untied and dragged out to the car, forced to lie on the floor of the car so she couldn't see where they were going, before having a bag thrown over her head and dragged into a new area, feeling the familiarness of her hands being tied above her head and left to dangle off the ground a bit. The bag remained over her head, giving her time to silently cry from the agonizing pain, and shock from everything that had happened over the last 4 hours. "Clear the room, King Pagan will be here soon." A voice called before footsteps faded out of the room leaving her in complete silence.
Remnant of Sephiroth's avatar

Report | 01/30/2016 8:49 pm

Remnant of Sephiroth

It all seemed to happen to fast, from Mohan and her getting married, leading into a rebellion, to getting pregnant...to everything that once seemed like a decent life shattering into nothing more than arguments between the two. Him not wanting women to get involved with the small war breaking out within the country, and eventually giving her a task that he must have thought would have scared her away from wanting to have a place in the manner. When actually she proved herself to be the best for the job, managed to get close to King Pagan Min, and get information from him...this only continued for sometime before Ishwari found herself getting feelings for this man. He treated her as an equal, made her feel special, something she hadn't felt in a long time with her arranged marriage; these feelings continued to grow until it lead into an heated affair. She even got pregnant with Pagan's child, which the both of them agreed on naming her Lakshmana Min; she was so beautiful and so young, Ajay her other beloved child was around the young baby as well; this happy little family didn't last long...god no it didn't last long at all. When her husband Mohan found out about the situation he completely lost it...something she never really expected from him, but he showed his true colors when he killed Pagan and her child, no shame in it all. Above all believed this would make his point, when all it did was...open her eyes to how evil he was, after a move like that...destroying a innocent child, she couldn't trust him around Ajay. Let alone, it enraged her, leading her to actually killing the leader of the Golden Path, and being forced to want to flee the country. After making a move like that she didn't know what would happen, what if the Golden Path found out she did that? What would happen to her, worst what would happen to Ajay? It broke her heart with what she had to do next, leaving a note in Pagan Min's palace, lying, saying she was fleeing the country to America, when really...all she could do was send Ajay to the states to a family who had promised to take care of him. The last place she wanted Ajay to grow up was in Kyrat, it always seemed to bring out the worst in people, but after writing a note like that she had to do something, disappear. Which lead to her hiding within the country for a couple years, away from the Golden Path, and dealing with the heartbreak of losing a child to death, having to make the choice of sending another away to live a better life, and the part that tore her the most was living within a country a true lover lived in, but having to stay clear of him. Living a life that was getting harder and harder by the second, Golden Path was growing, and so was the Royal Army, half the time she was able to avoid being seen by anyone when out trying to get food for the day. But only a week ago had a Royal Army member seen her; almost instant recognition and tried chasing her down, luckily didn't catch her, but had seen the general direction she had run in; and lately it seemed silent all the time, at least no Golden Path walking through the area. Ishwari found herself on edge, but when days continued to pass with no one showing up at the door she was fairly certain that the soldier had been convinced she was probably just some civilian who may have looked like her. After thinking it was clear she finally ventured back outside, not to far, more of the backward to sit outside the small pond and watch the small fish swim around while getting fresh air as well.
David Jude Redfield's avatar

Report | 01/24/2016 4:06 pm

David Jude Redfield

Sure you start. I wouldn't mind if you started at all i will fill in and come up with something don't you worry.
David Jude Redfield's avatar

Report | 01/24/2016 3:57 pm

David Jude Redfield

(okay. But i ment by a rp. I have never played far cry so feel free to take the lead.)
David Jude Redfield's avatar

Report | 01/24/2016 3:52 pm

David Jude Redfield

(hello there want to do a cross of resident evil and far cry?)
Capt Phasma's avatar

Report | 01/17/2016 4:17 am

Capt Phasma

What was left of any interactions between Brigitte and her family had lead her mother telling her she needed to take a break from college, have some normal fun like other young adults, and go out on a trip, enjoy a new country or something. Of course Brigitte not really being up for it, offered to go only if her mother paid for the trip itself, surprise her with something; she didn't think her mother would actually go through with it, but she took a plane there, before getting in a small car with a tour guide who'd be showing her a few areas before letting her settle in a small hotel before continuing on the next day, after all for some reason her mother paid for the trip to last a couple weeks, not what she had planned at all, but then again having her mother pay and plan the trip lead into this. Only half way through the tour, and seeing some sites before being told it was going to end shortly because of too much gun fire in specific areas. The tour guide and Brigitte both stepped outside the car to take in a the somewhat fresh air of Kyrat, before another truck full of men wearing red uniforms and carrying guns pulled over, making the driver get on the ground and telling her to get in the truck immediately. The whole car ride her heart was nearly ramming out of her chest, she was horrified, she was too caught up in what was going on to even pay attention to a single word they were saying, having more of a mental shut down to keep herself from completely freaking out and doing stupid s**t, like screaming for help or something. When they approached a palace she was pulled out of the car and brought inside, only to be greeted by a different man, she was still mentally shut down from being pulled into their car in the first place and stared forward in complete shock. Some break from college right? she thought to herself, trying to pull herself back to the current situation and managed to do so when the guards left the room. When hearing his introduction she remembered the tour guide speaking of him, and also mentioning the civil war, but that part didn't seem to bother her, maybe other people looked down on people for having a leaders people turn against them, well some of them, he clearly had a lot of loyalists, but what surprised her was the fact she had been brought here in the first place. Brigitte slowly approached when the seat had been pulled out for her; feeling a bit cautious as she did "It's absolutely lovely meeting you...I'm Brigitte." She managed to finally say after forcing herself to think through exactly what she was going to say, and then going the extra mile for her voice to actual vocalize.
Yuma Lau's avatar

Report | 01/17/2016 3:31 am

Yuma Lau

Life had definitely changed for Yuma when growing up; and in all honestly probably for the best. Although after watching both her parents being gunned down had by far changed Yuma, she was adopted in by the Min's and raised along side Pagan Min, who she accepted as her brother, with him in her life she soon had someone to look up to, both pushing each other for the absolute best, and nothing less. His parents may have raised her for the time being, but she got most of her education from Pagan paying for it, along with learning things from him. One thing had been encouraged throughout her time of growing up with him, to continue being intellect and ruthlessness, and that's exactly what she had continued to do. Time seemed to fly, and with the both of them working at each other's sides they had taken over their parents business, and had even accomplished more than their parents as well, became feared together. Yuma hadn't actually been too far from the warehouse that Pagan and her used for packaging drugs and smuggling in their weapons when she had been informed by him directly that he had a surprise for her. With these surprises she was never really sure what to expect, after all it was her brother. It seemed like a surprise that needed to be seen immediately; which left her in a hurry to get there; going from the driver she was with going to slow, to her actually getting out of the car and running there. Once she had gotten close enough she finally slowed herself down before walking outside the warehouse, taking a moment to place her hand on the wall and take a breather. Once she had managed to catch her breath enough she finally pushed the doors open, shutting them behind her in time to hear Pagan's comment when she entered. Curiosity building up even more as she slowly entered the room, her dark gaze moving to the men tied up, before moving over to Pagan, the curiosity she was feeling showing through her eyes as she pointed over in the men's direction "And who are our guest?" She asked making her way towards him, while waiting to hear him tell her who these people were, and how this was a surprise.
Super sorry for how short it is D: I promise it wont be as short next time
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