My name is Linda, I'm Vietnamese, and I'm a college sophomore.
I pretty much have a sheltered life, and haven't been out of the house much except for school. I live with my parents and they are very protective of me since they watch the new every morning and well the news is usually negative with reports on robberys, kidnappings, scandals, etc...
I'm currently following in my older sister's footsteps by pursuing a career as a pharmacist. I was once sick with ITP(an immune system disorder which resulted in me brusing and bleeding very easily) in 2000 and had to be hospitalized. It was really quiet frighting, but the experience made me realise how I wanted to help others stuggling with their illnesses and pharamacy was the answer.
Online I'm more open and silly, which is pretty much the opposite of the shy and serious person I am in real life. I'm usually the listener, advice giver, and comforter in my group of friends. I think of myself as very sweet, kind, innocent, optimistic, cheerful, naive, and curious. Hmm...Naive and curious, bad combination. xD
My hobbies
~Dancing~Singing~Origami~Biking~Watching movies~Sleeping in~
~Listening to a variety of music~Slightly obsessed with Harry Potter~
~Piano! I've been playing for four years, and I love every minuet of it.~
~Reading. There are so many good books and stories out there.~
Well, that basically sums up who I am. I hope you feel like you've gotten to know me a bit better. whee *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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