
You're here to learn about me, right?

~I'm sixteen.
~I'm a boy.
~I listen to that emo music. I do appreciate other music types, and I will listen to what you have to offer, but my preference is still that emo music. so let it be.
~I'm (oh no! he can't be-) gay. Don't try to change me. It won't work. Don't try to flirt with me. It won't work. If you're homophobic or grossed out by the fact that yes, i do make out with other boys, please leave. Homophobia is gay.

Pictures of me. And my friends.

User Image
One of the funniest pictures I have ever seen of me. Believe it or not, that is not my shirt.

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Needless to say, this picture rocks. Once again, not my shirt.

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This is Brittany Sue, the girl I'm stealing all these pictures from. I give her the credit. But do me a favor and b***h-slap her, okay? =] Her username is Misssue.

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Abri on the left and Brenna on the right quantum leaping. try it some time.

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This is Kyle. He, too, is gay. But extremely flamboyant.

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Me and Kyle being whores. It was raining, that's why we look so gross. Neither of us are wearing our shirts.

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And finally, Brittany Sue and Jamie. These are my favourite female friends. I love these girls and would marry them if I could.

okay. Comment now or something. =]


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 07/08/2007 5:58 pm


Lol yup it works~

I haven't heard there music maybe i'll check it out

Report | 07/08/2007 2:44 pm


The gross brown s**t people give you on your birthday...yes backery cake x3

Nice profile, mine used to be this one User Image

I like how you put the fact that you were gay it made me giggle!
User Image
thin line of sanity

Report | 04/20/2007 1:40 pm

thin line of sanity

Hi Billy~! i miss you! Though i'd leave you a nice comment. biggrin It's nice and sunny here, and i am enjoying it. i like to go outside lots right now. But here i am, at a computer, not outside. gonk Anyways, i love you! Take care! ByeBye

Report | 01/14/2007 5:05 pm


hii how are you?

Report | 08/20/2006 1:22 am


ive been great how is ur summer?

Report | 08/19/2006 3:06 am


hi T...T long time no see T..T
Keaton Demon Hartia

Report | 08/15/2006 12:31 pm

Keaton Demon Hartia

*Dance* ^^ Random Comment attack

Report | 04/29/2006 6:43 pm



Report | 04/18/2006 5:04 am


*pounces* i got you now mwhahahaha


PM me. i like PMs.