
ABC of Me

The Letter A
Are you available?:yupp yupp
What is your age?:13
What annoys you?:little kids

The Letter B
Do you live in a big house?:yea
When is your birthday?:10-15
Who is your best friend?:Cuhlaiire

The Letter C
What's your favorite candy?:skittles
Who's your crush?:not telling
When was the last time you cried?:like 6 yrs ago

The Letter D
Do you daydream?:no
What's your favorite kind of dog?:pug
What day of the week is it?:friday

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?:eww
Have you ever been in the emergency room?:no
What's the easiest thing ever to do?:breath

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?:yea
Do you use fly swatters?:wtf
Have you ever used a foghorn?:no

The Letter G
Do you chew gum?:yeah
Are you a giver or a taker?:taker
Do you like gummy candies?:some

The Letter H
How are you?:good
What color is your hair?:brunette

The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream?:chocolate
Have you ever ice skated?:yeah--- figure skater =]
Do you play an instrument?:guitar

The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean brand?:jolly time
Do you wear jewelry?:beadss fer sure

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?:mike
Do you want kids?:2
Where did you go for kindergarten?:temperance

The Letter L
Are you laid back?:no
Do you lie?:all the time

The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?:just friends
Do you still watch Disney movies?:yeah
Do you like mangos?:MANGOS = <3

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?:shoukie
What is your real name?:paige
Whats your favorite number?:56
Do you prefer night over day?:i guess so

The Letter O
What's your one wish?:we would be best friends XD
Are you an only child?:no

The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about?:grades
What are your pet peeves?:untied shoes
What's a personality trait you look for in people?:nice

The Letter Q
What's your favorite quote?:"i wish i was 8 again bc all you had to do was tag me and i was it"
Are you quick to judge people?:mmhm

The Letter R
Do you think you're always right?:yeha
Are you one to cry?:nope

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?:sunshine bby
Do you like snow?:hate it
What's your favorite season?:summertime x3

The Letter T
What time is it?:summertime!!! highschoolmusical2 =]
What time did you wake up?:six
When was the last time you slept in a tent?:summer

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?:yeah
Underwear or boxers?:undies

The Letter V
What's the worst veggie?:potato
Where do you want to go on vacation?:venice

The Letter W
What's your worst habit?:being loud
Where do you live?:michigan
What's your worst fear?:styrofoam

The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?:yeah
Have you seen the x-games?:been there done that bought the tee shirt
Do you own a xylophone?:wtf is that

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?:yeah i wanna bang it
What's one thing you yearn for?:yearn wtf does that mean

The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?:scorpio
Do you believe in the zodiac?:no
Favorite zoo animal?:penguin for sho

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Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

x cLA x iRE x 3

Report | 01/19/2008 7:19 am

x cLA x iRE x 3

well ummm o not exactly. and yeah i know he calls me like 10x a day

Report | 01/14/2008 4:35 pm


You cut ur hair/ omfg
x cLA x iRE x 3

Report | 01/12/2008 1:58 pm

x cLA x iRE x 3

omfg that was funny
x cLA x iRE x 3

Report | 01/11/2008 2:42 pm

x cLA x iRE x 3

you to paige. texxtt it