
My name is Ben and this is ALL about me...
I am a proud Christian! It doesn't seem like it cuz of my profile, but God looks at everybody the same. I may be a dark person but God can see the light in me. I believe God accepts anyone for who they are. After all, he made us the way we are. Why would someone create something that they don't accept? God is my strength. I am a refugee to his Kingdom of Heaven. But, I'm not the kind of person going around trying to "convert" people every chance I get. I believe that religon is something people have to find for theirselves. I don't believe that if someone's not a Christian, they automaticaly go to Hell. I believe they go where the believe they are going to go. I actualy don't believe in Hell.
I love morbid, sick, psychotic, blood curdling things that most people hate. Death does not bother me one bit. Sometimes I start cracking up when somebody dies in a horror movie. Edgar Allen Poe is my favorite writer. Some people say that I'm a reincarnation of him cuz my writing is so sinister. I love the taste of blood... infact, it's one of my favorite fall time beverages. Sometimes I spend the night in a graveyard. I believe I have a psychic power that allows me to sense spirits within a house. And a USED hearse is my dream car... Paint It Black is basicaly my theme song.
But, don't be alarmed. I have a bright side too. I'm very compassionate and loving. I hate it when friends are down in the dumps, so I try to be the best friend I can be and help them out. Haha I'm just like a chick when it comes to hugs. I'm so clingy, that I wished I could give everybody in the whole world a hug. My sister says that even though I'm a dark person, there's something about me that just lights up the room. So my bright side pretty much balences out my dark side.
I tend to be emotional. There's always something that I'm depressing about. At least I have reasons to be EMO. I have a few mood disorders so sometimes I'm depressing or getting angry over nothing. When ever I'm being EMO, it's best to leave me alone if you know whats good for you... Unless you're there to help. I can admit that I'm a sensitive person. I get jelouse easy, and I'm afraid of losing control so I don't get hurt. Revenge is in my nature. If someone teribly breaks my heart I get back with a vengance. And I make them cry. Revenge is a b***h, ain't it?
If you haven't found out yet, I love music. Music is my life, my passion, and my dream. I play guitar and bass guitar. I know how to play Blues, Rock, Thrash, Death Metal, Funk, Punk, Classical, Surf, and Christian music on guitar. I'm also a vocalist. I can pig squeel, death metal screech, and bobcat growl... and I have the voice of Frank Sinatra... who knew? As you can see further down my profile, I'm listing all the types of music in alphabetical order. I mean ALL the types of music. I also love to write poetry. I write Christian and Emotional poetry. Check out my journal if you wanna see some of my poetry. I love taking photography. I hope to be a photographer for a living. Photography, in my opinion, is like music in a way. But, insteed of putting feelings in with sound, you put feelings in with vision.