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The Mad Hatter Belial

Mad Hatter: Would you like a little more tea?

Alice: Well, I haven't had any yet, so I can't very well take more.

March Hare: Ah, you mean you can't very well take less.

Mad Hatter: Yes. You can always take more than nothing.

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Not hare there, hair there!
-Mad Hatter

The Mad Hatter Bree works as a servent to Lord Lestat 'De Lacort.He is quite jumpy and is very kind and good to others, He has a thing with mask and changing the way he looks. He has the power of glamor and the power of masks He had a thing with top hats and for tea parties he's quite a charicter and there is not much to say about him. He's a ridiler and loves to play tricks and games on others. He was saved by lestat and he to is a vampire ^.^

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"In a world of nonsense, everything something is, it isn't, everything it would be wouldn't, and everything it wasn't, was."

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"If you ask me, oddball is pretty strange." "No, it's odd. If it were strange, then it would be strangeball, which is a completely different game." ~ Alice, Mad Hatter

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"Once upon a time...the end! Do you think Alice would notice that the story has no middle?" "Probably." "I suppose you're right ... she's really much smarter than she looks!" ~ Mad Hatter, March Hare

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"They say too many cooks spoil the broth." "Oh, well then I guess it's a good thing we were all working on a story and not broth." ~ Alice, Mad Hatter

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"So, what do you think of my sewing so far?" "Hmm, so-so." ~ Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat

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(Hatter walks in dressed as Elvis) "Mr. Hatter, is that you?" "Yes, thank you very much." "Aren't you dressed a little, um, ridiculously?" "Hey, don't be cruel!" ~ Alice, Hatter, Rabbit

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Alice: I'm sorry I interrupted your birthday party.

March Hare: Why my dear child this is not a birthday party.

Mad Hatter: Heavens no. This is an unbirthday party.

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Belial Of Wonderland

just a bunch of crazy stuff inside my instanity of a head




Not hare there, hair there!
-Mad Hatter

RPC Mad Hatter Belial

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