Hosted Giveways

Sponsored Charities



Shicala, trenchcoat-on-a-tortilla, Avedes, Touhru Adachi, SmittenRainbowKitten, Suddenly Royal

Gifted People and Questers Helped

Avedes, Catheryna, demonduck, Brookpelt, Ekomoto, Jiji-da-ponytaku, Shicala, Praying_Aeris, Kalyai Florenthia, ~ Aki - Fairy ~, Hugor Hill, Nathan Shepard, VictoriaRedgrave, Lady Ravena Vauville, RavishingRuby, Pheric, The Rainbow Squid Kid, nmyhv1, SodaPop DR3AMS


User Image

This is a charity account run by bobbi-png with the intent of hosting giveaways and sponsor charities. Any form of donation for present or future giveaways are welcome, be items, gold or trash.

Trades can take a while to be completed for I'm online at off hours of the day due to work and uni!!

Future Projects:
Halloween 2k15

current funds:

**update every 2 days

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