The Beat

Beat Bandit's avatar

Birthday: 12/29

You actually wanna do s**t with me?

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What I have on right now

Things that I want


The thing that is my self.

YOU HATH ENTERED THE LAIR OF...eugh, never mind.

Music = my life. No country. Period.
Food's second on the list. I can cook.
I'm always on YouTube, watching YTP and looking for video game music.
Fo' mai iPod. Which sucks. Freaking 4 gigs.
My DS is always close at hand, if you ever happen to meet me through mysterious means, we could play some Tin Pin on TWEWY or maybe Mario Kart or something >_>
Pictures of me:
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My (internet) life story...

Xbox Live: BeatBomber
YouTube: rundas27
windows live:

s**t to read

View Journal

Ben's Everyday Happenstance

This is my not-so-daily journal where I just throw some stuff in and hope you people like it. You had better like it.

Gemini Man's theme ftw.

What's automatically put after every forum post.

Holy crap.
I need a new username.
Aid me in my arduous quest!
Musical terminology, video game terminology, stuff like that.

(Oh, I also lauf free arts.)

People who I'm less likely to stare at when they talk to me

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xo Little J Report | 12/29/2010 2:02 pm
xo Little J
Happy Birthday whee
bekah_budi Report | 02/13/2010 3:36 pm
hola.this is darkest nights real sis.ben remeber when u came ova to our house the one ur same hight.lolz thats still funny. the youngest one there not my sis but the other one yah thats me.
Musashi Nisadaki Report | 12/29/2009 11:06 am
Musashi Nisadaki
Happy B-day Bro!
sappy goth Report | 12/29/2009 2:53 am
sappy goth
happy birthday dude. nice pics btw

XxCeltic_KnotxX Report | 12/28/2009 9:36 am
happy birthday
L a s t B a s t a r d Report | 11/20/2009 11:42 am
L a s t  B a s t a r d
HEY! I'm from the cult. So, you're leaving? What made you decide this?
Saekoi Report | 11/18/2009 7:55 pm
That sounds fun~ Never tried that myself ^^ I've been doing croquet and knitting, but I learned how to two years ago hehe 3nodding
Saekoi Report | 11/18/2009 7:52 pm
Yeah.. I get into clean ones~ I mainly like them because it makes me become creative, think about what I write and actually write. Outside RPs I only write for school and occationally in my spare time. Nothing worth while though~ Hmm... New hobbies? 3nodding
Saekoi Report | 11/18/2009 7:48 pm
Yeah.. I'd recomend joining RPs.. the ones I'm in now are dead though so not sure if other RPs are alive xD I die a little inside when I get into an RP and nobody posts~
Saekoi Report | 11/18/2009 7:26 pm
I understand where you're coming from with your Journal, I've been bored with Gaia lately and thought about quitting myself. Seems like nobody is being social or something on here o.o; Or they all suddenly died haha.. I don't think you're too old for Gaia, I'm 17 and still get on~ I have other friends that are older than me aswell that get on gaia when they can *hugs* I'd hate to see you go~ I had alot of fun talking to you 3nodding

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Ohai thar.

What is the Beat?

The force that drives all music.

The common element behind it all.

No matter what ethnicity, tempo, or key signature.

The music cannot live without it.

The Beat is in everything: your heart, your blood, your soul...

Don't make me take it.