
So, my name is Cailee and for the first time in a while, everything i write in here will be true. I am not happy, But most of the time that doesn't mean i am sad. I am pretty sure i cry every single day, sometimes for stupid reasons, and sometiems for good reasons. I always think bad of things and i am not as tough as i make myself out to be. I am judgemental, But i am nice. I have done alot of things to break people's hearts, and i want to apologize for it. I am not like anyone you have ever met, and that's a fact. I have only one favorite song and it means alot actually. I AM a compulsive liar and it is very hard for me to talk about my feelings. I am very much a hypocrite, but then again....not really. I almost never mean what i say, So don't ever take what i say too seriously. I have alot of feelings about things and yeah...i cry...ALOT, More than your average person. I don't believe in forever. I won't follow in your footsteps, i will only make my own. I think bad of myself way too much. I would sometimes much rather be alone because alot of the times people just make things worse. I love to sleep, it helps pass the time when i don't like things or just because i like to have dreams (: I dont think i am anything like anyone else. I think i am unique. I really listen, wear, and say whatever i want to. I love to sing, and i am pretty sure i want to act or take pictures. But i guess i just have to go where life takes me. I take compliments well, Unless its from soemone who usually wouldn't give me a compliment. I eat, alot, maybe a little too much and i am always thirsty. I know myself completely now, there is nothing more about me that i think i need to find. I always wonder what i will be like and look like when i am older. Unlike alot of my friends, i actually like reading, but only if it's a really good book. I doodle alot, But i found out that doodling makes you smarter...so i must be pretty smart(: I will always treat you better than you treat me, and that is also a fact. I am tending to choose my friends a little more carefully. I could say that my friends have hurt me in my past but i think it was all in my head, that was my past and i am over that and all of the immature drama. I am forgetting my past and moving on towards the future. I don't like it when people say that they know me. Because no one does. You all only know what i have shown you, and i have been smart not to show you even half of who i am, and who i can be.
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Viewing 10 of 17 comments.

10-calorie kid

Report | 06/11/2009 11:00 pm

10-calorie kid

you didnt actually at all. XD
10-calorie kid

Report | 05/28/2009 1:38 am

10-calorie kid

you sound like a pathetic lame kid who doesnt know anything except being such a self- proclaim drama queen.
so many people like you ever really know what's up with reality and then people like you join the gene pool before even being castrated.
put your head out from the clouds. and dont act like everybody's going to be concern with you once you start wailing and crying
the world does not revolve around your lame- ness, theres much more rational things.

Report | 05/16/2009 9:57 pm


u can go to gaiacetral.com and they have some good ones here i will come over and show you (OHHH NOOOO IM BLEEDING IM GOING TO DIEEEE)

Report | 05/16/2009 9:50 pm


haha dang this is fun(darn im so board)

Report | 05/16/2009 9:46 pm


bendaroos are gay

Report | 05/16/2009 9:43 pm


the purple boobah said that you are a fricken hobo retard

Report | 05/16/2009 9:25 pm


why do you keep saying that fricking word so now that you dont mind i am now going to take a shower

Report | 05/16/2009 9:22 pm


your a suckish foul

Report | 03/15/2009 9:31 am


hi ice cream head ;]

Report | 03/06/2009 2:53 pm


hey there(:


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