
Will Update Soon~~




Proud mom
✽ Devoted to my ‪ handsome ‪❤︎‬ darling‪❤︎‬
✽ Always practicing and appreciating art
✽ Learning to knit and crochet
✽ Cats and ferrets ❤
✽ I.T. N.e.r.d
✽ Deep or pointless thought provoking conversations ✶
✽ I like to be cozy
✽ Traditional leaning with love and family
✽ I miss dance
✽ Always getting back into the gym
✽ Pisces ☼ Aquarius ☽ Capricorn ↑
✽ Here for art and friendly conversation.
✽ I don't RP
✽ Love to read
✽ Cooking and baking is a passion
✽ Coffee ☕


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R1NDO Report | 05/27/2024 10:00 am
omg you draw so well heart
Sinful Goth Report | 05/17/2024 9:58 pm
I hope you have a wonderful visit.
Sinful Goth Report | 05/16/2024 7:10 pm
You are very welcome.
Taking it day by day and you?
xGhost_BunnYx Report | 04/04/2024 7:34 am
nice wallpaper
Lord Sorril Report | 03/25/2024 9:03 am
Heya, I haven't been on Gaia as much lately.
I'm not enthused with the policies/mods/majority of the user-base (pretty much everything) and I'm voting with my time/feet.
How are you doing these days?
Lord Sorril Report | 02/15/2024 6:02 pm
Thanks! Good enough I suppose.
Got bad news today: I found out one of my friends is getting married and his wedding is in a few months. His fiance told me that if I won't be in the 'wedding party' then I have to go with him on his bachelor party to make sure he 'makes it back in one piece'...ughhh...relegated to adult babysitter...
Lord Sorril Report | 02/14/2024 7:17 am
Happy Valentines Day! xd
Hope you have a great one!
Lord Sorril Report | 02/09/2024 5:47 pm
Hobbies have to be fun!
Gardening and cooking are two hobbies that can take an insane amount of time/energy (depending upon what you are working on). I have to say that gardening is not as much fun for me as it used to be...
Knitting and crocheting seem like a nice way to pass the time while watching shows. Yarn is expensive, I buy it for my sister for her b-day, it takes like $90 worth to make a sweater... crying

Starting another hobby? Who? Me? I've got: Rock Tumbling, Ball Pythons (+ Breeding), Gardening, Cooking, Physical Fitness (cardio+weights) and Drawing with AI. I can tumble 100+lbs. of stones at any point in time, keeping over 100 pythons (breeding 70 females this year), have 1/2 acre of planted flower gardens to maintain (my property has become a local attraction), I do my best to cook Indian food (so far I can only make like 2 good dishes), and all of my free time goes to exercise with the remainder going to drawing (when I no longer have energy for exercise).
I think I'm full up on projects! 3nodding
Booty Freak Report | 01/29/2024 6:37 pm
Lord Sorril Report | 01/24/2024 3:17 pm
I'm glad you are doing well!
I'm good too, pretty bored lately. Just drawing random stuff for fun. 3nodding