
Hello! Its very nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends, or at least on good terms, before you try to get to know me personally take a minute or two to read my interests at least.

Name: Amy
Age: 16
Gender: Hopefully you know I'm female
Height: 5'2 (I know I'm short)
Weight: Yeah like I'd tell you.
Favorite things: Video games (I'm a huge RE and Final Fantasy fan) Ice Cream,my one true Love: the True_dreamer, Pocky, music, good people, sleep, anime, cosplay, embrodery, my cat Jiji.
Least favorite things: Ignorant, selfish, illiterate and vain people, homophobes, bad video games, bad cosplay, bad music, nuts (the food), pure cotton, my braces and some other stuff...
Favorite music: J-pop, pop, K-pop, soft rock, J-rock, and K-R&B, country.
Least Favorite type of Music: Rap
Favorite Movie: 300! (whoot)
Idol: Aaron <3

I'm a submissive, my former Master is the True_dreamer, and he is the smex. Don't dis or I'll kill. I love him with all my heart and I'm happy that i was under his care, maybe in the future i will be lucky to be there again. No force in the world can tear us apart, got it?

Life has been down, but I'm gonna be strong and pull myself back up. I will be strong. I will be courageous. I'll fight for what i love most!

The song in my media is dedicated to my Aaron. Selena is a wonderful singer, I would have loved to meet her.

Thank you for this Beautiful song, it means so much to me because it reminds me of who I adore most.

Peace <3


Ayamemori's Hell Hole Of Doom <3

Daily writings of random crap that may rot your brain...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/02/2007 8:47 pm


>_< Hey Ayachan, just so U know we miss ya!

Report | 04/29/2007 7:18 am


AMY!!! crying

Report | 04/23/2007 8:54 pm


ninja You better still be takin' it easy, k? LOL

Report | 04/19/2007 3:18 pm


I gave Aaron that drawing for you today. Hope you got it! =3

Report | 04/17/2007 11:14 am


Take care and take it easy too!

Report | 04/16/2007 6:19 pm


When i get time sweety!

Report | 04/16/2007 5:10 pm


Just becuase your all the way in Virginai right now, doesn't me all our love for you is still in California. Where ever you go Amy, we still love you the same. Everyone is asking where you are... so don't start thinking everyone has forgotten your warm dorky smile. Come back to us, okay? Love yah.

p.s. we are all with you... don't forget that, okay? We care so much about you and if you need a familiar voice to talk to... all our phones are open and waiting for your call.

Report | 04/14/2007 12:51 pm


Hi Amys! ^_^ Virginia good? :3 I hope your having fun! Love ya!

Report | 03/15/2007 5:53 am


Amys! Come to school! Please? :3
The true_dreamer

Report | 03/11/2007 3:16 pm

The true_dreamer

Awwwwwwwww! i love your back ground ........................ oh and i made this post on a wii!!! love my wii........ touch it do it touch it oh yea!!!


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A Quest out of Love.
Help me Get Horns of Demon for the One I love Most.