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Thanks Delmagi

Okay, so I guess this is the part where I tell you a little about myself and where I'm from. But let's face it. You don't care. You wouldn't read this especially if it's long. Want to know why? It's not about you. That's why you don't care. You are lazy and anything that's not about you or refers to you in any way is unworthy of your time. So why am I writing this? Simple. It's all about me. I love me. As you should too. I'm the all mighty and all divine of the world.

I suppose you are waiting for information on who I am, what I like and dislike, and other such goodies. Well, I'm a woman. A Canadian woman to be more specific. Yes, I know. We are the greatest breed around. I am also a shameless, spirited, egotistical, slightly unbalanced misanthrope. No, I'm not about to explain what any of those mean. That's why there is a thing called a dictionary. Yes, quite a marvelous invention for those with a small vocabulary.

The only religion I follow is that of my own. The one I make up as I go along. So don't try to force Christianity, Catholicism, Hindu, Buddahism or any other religion upon me. I love black, yes I realize it's not a colour but that's why I like it. It's dark and there is no colour. Colour is foul which is why I refuse to wear it in real life. Which causes people to judge me. That's another thing I dislike. People who are prejudice, discriminatory, racist, homophobic, and just plain rude. You are what makes society such a horrid thing. Do us all a favour and just sit down and be quiet. Also, don't argue with me. I will believe what I wish and that's my choice. Don't try to sway my opinions because, well, I just don't want to be anything like you. I want to be me and my own person. So bugger off already.

I may be a dark person but I can be rather friendly as long as you learn to spell and use at least semi-grammatical sentences. These include capital letters and punctuation. If you can not talk properly (meaning no chat speak as well) then don't bother talking to me. If you can talk properly and don't try to force your beliefs upon me or make any kind of racial, discriminatory, or homophobic remarks then we may get along just fine. Well, I do hope that answered your questions. If you have any other things you wish to be answered then don't be afraid to ask. I'm an open person with no shame remember.


Viewing 12 of 43 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Clayton Claymore

Report | 10/31/2009 8:23 am

Clayton Claymore

Q_Q I miss you D: awww well having friends with lives sucks ._.
~Draven Bane

Report | 06/12/2008 9:16 pm

~Draven Bane

Nova scotia...XP..woot canada
~Draven Bane

Report | 06/10/2008 8:52 pm

~Draven Bane

lol thanks...where do you live
~Draven Bane

Report | 06/10/2008 7:09 pm

~Draven Bane

thanks for the comment..spikes are my fave..lol

Report | 06/05/2008 9:36 pm


good night and have a good day. n_n thank you for the most enjoyable talk.

Report | 06/05/2008 9:01 pm


indeed it would be

Report | 06/05/2008 8:56 pm


I can't remember much of what it was to miss as i do not remember what we would talk about haha. but yes it is a shame but maybe we will talk more now on comments and maybe move to messages some time lol

Report | 06/05/2008 8:52 pm


thanks n_n. Its odd we don't talk anymore. but its nice to hear from you again.

Report | 06/05/2008 8:47 pm


i like this name more

Report | 06/05/2008 8:26 pm


might be odd but i'm letting you know i'm changing my name