
A locked door. A rusty razor, A towel stained with red. A folded note, a broken mirror, and a young girl lays there dead. Their emotions tangle, the rooms begin to swirl. She was mommy’s perfect angel and daddy’s little girl.
She paints a pretty picture but it has a twist. Her paint brush is a razor and her canvas is her wrist.
Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes you can’t always see the pain someone feels.
How will you know I am hurting, if you cannot see my pain? To wear it on my body tells what words cannot explain.
I hurt myself the other day to see if I still feel I focus on the pain the only thing that’s real.
The scars will last forever, but nothing compares to the pain that put them there.
I know what’s it like to want to die, how it hurts to smile, how you hurt yourself on the outside, to try to kill the pain in the inside.
And her eyes screamed the saddest apology...
She keeps asking.."Do you think it hurts much to die?"
And this could be a movie and this could be our final act we don’t need these happy endings so tell your father that that your mine and I’ll swear we’ll run away...
the girl who you broke up with and made cry, may be the next tragic, beautiful suicide...
Just pull the frikkin trigger
She`s not like most girls her age.. She`s been hurt many times before this. you`d think it would be a routine by now. you`d think she wouldn`t let it get to her, but the truth is, you`re the only one who can break her now.
All wounds heal. But the scars they leave will last forever.
When will people understand that words can cut as sharply as any blade, and that those cuts leave scars upon our souls.
I walked through the hallway holding my wrists hoping no one will see me like this he looks at me, scared what he'll find he never thought I had these things in mind he asks me "...is there any more?" looking at him with tears in my eyes I whisper a simple reply ..what did you think the bracelets were for?
so much emotion that,
i just don't show ..
all the heartaches & lies
nobody ever cares to know
seems like i’m so she painted on a smile
& learned to pretend.
is she broken ?
-- maybe.
does it hurt ?
like crazy.
&& you said
"i'll never hurt you.
i'll never make you cry"
i must admit my love
these s.c.a.r.s on my w.r.i.s.t.s are proof that people like you do exist...
Death is life`s way of saying "you`re fired". Suicide is your way of saying "I quit".
You say I'm always happy & that I'm good at everything I do but what you'll never realize is that I'm a damn good actress too.
she brings her razor closer to her wrist
should i do it or not?
i look at your picture on my wall
you don't want to see me in pain
i throw the razor down and walk away
i know that you will help me through the hard times
When you've finally thrown up your hand
Poured your heart out, yet nothing stands
It seems our efforts are wasted
But yet it hasn't been in vain
Blood stained sheets.
It didn't matter when I was calling out your name
I felt the wound grow ever slowly
Closer than you'd ever hold me
Just c u t yourself up like cheap c o u p o n s and say death was on s a l e
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Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Shes crazy about you.


Shes. Crazy. About. You.



Viewing 7 of 7 comments.

dyslexic math teacher

Report | 02/25/2007 6:24 pm

dyslexic math teacher

i love your name its beautiful
Koigo Itami

Report | 12/24/2006 11:25 am

Koigo Itami

Yay stripes!
Kisa Itami

Report | 12/08/2006 10:37 pm

Kisa Itami

Awsome profile! ;D
[ Rhyaku Wolf ]

Report | 10/09/2006 9:01 pm

[ Rhyaku Wolf ]

Tottaly hot biggrin

Report | 10/07/2006 10:01 pm


Ha Woot! I feel honored.. n_n

Report | 10/07/2006 6:32 pm


This may be random.
But I was just wondering.
If I could be your first fan girl? =]

Report | 09/11/2006 2:00 pm


HIYA!!! welcome to gaia!!! biggrin


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