
IM ALIVE!!!! scream

It's been a while since I've been on...lost password and then some problems on retrieving it and whatnot...then school and life got hectic....yeah. But I'll try to keep this account as alive as possible....so sorry to all friends, I did kinda fall off the face of the earth there. My bad. Now onto the ABOUT ME section...blah.

Hmmm, I'm really no good at these things, but I will try.
If I leave you somewhat confused or lost out in the middle of nowhere with what I'm trying to say (yes I've had that happen before) then please, by the almighty god you follow, ASK ME!!!

Ok, ummm, let's see, where to begin. I told you I suck! Anyways, I'm -- years old and I live in Germany. Yes I know I speak pretty good English, and no, I won't tell you war stories from my family...god how much I hate that one. So nnnya! d:<
I tend to read a lot, in English mainly, and I tend to doodle and dabble in the arts, if ya don't believe me check out my devArt account at: http://bunny-with-knife.deviantart.com/
I am up to taking commissions if your interested, but I've never done any, so...umm, yeah, be gentle with me. I might put up a shop or post some info in my journal later, so be on the look-out.

I am either on GaiaOnline, or IMVU must of my time, I do have other places I go to , but not as often I'm afraid to say. If not on anywhere, I'm most likely watching a movie and working on some more drawings/doodles...yes I can do both at the same time, though I tend to pay more attention to what I'm drawing then the movie. I'm weird that way, to need a moving screen in order to work...don't ask why, cause in all reality, I really don't have an answer to that one either.

I guess you could say I'm also somewhat of a gamer. I tend to play RPG's, action/adventure games, Sims2, racing and skater games as well. Though I really don't know much about terminology, best moves, locations, and shite like that. I play the game and that's about it. I really don't see the need to know more then whats needed to play.
I also read the odd manga, and watch anime as well, comics have been a, very, big part of my life since I was little. Reading some of my dad's old comics from his days(Ghost Rider rofl ), has really influenced on what I dream to become, having an artistic family also helped a great deal as well.

Ok...oh right!
I am somewhat of an odd-ball, random person, so seeing that as I am, I also love the oh so odd comments from random people here on Gaia! whee
This means I may have left a random comment on your page, sorry if it bugs ya in any way...hopefully this "about me" will clear any confusion left behind in that comment.
Hmmm, I think I also tend to make fun of "stereo-types" more then the actual person...so if I may have said something that may have hurt, sorry. Along with that I can also say things, rather bluntly, and not really think about the other person. So if I gave a critique, or something along those lines and it seemed hurtful...
1) You asked for OPEN critique, so I gave one as honest-painless as I could
2) No I didn't flame you
3) I'm sorry you feel hurt in anyway, but asking for open critique means that you have the ability to accept the good and the bad.
So yeah...I gave you some explanations on some things, in case I say something...off.

No, I do not support Nazism, or Nazis! Frick get it through your thick skulls already...Germany does not = Nazis!!! Sadly to say, there are people out there dumb enough, and not all in Germany(yes there are people here who still think it's the right way), that believe in that kind of crap, wake up and smell the roses! So if I get another message/comment/reply in the forums by someone who thinks they are smart enough, to openly call someone who is totally-willfully-in agreement-positive-100% sure against Nazis and their bullshit, and still call them a fricken Nazi follower or some other shite about government/racist slur on something that went against their country's idea of right/wrong...I swear I will report their a**!

Sorry for the swearing...but it seems that some people do not seam to understand the world around them.

Another thing.
I will not accept friend requests through the following:
- Gaia Games
- Gaia Theaters
- Gaia Towns
I find the people that asked to be friends though these means have been either nothing but beggars, or have not bothered to stay in contact with me afterwards.

Really didn't think I would have made this...thing, that long. Well whatever, now you know a little...or a lot, about me, however you look at it, it's really up to you.
Well then, see ya around!!

A must see!
Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans


Viewing 12 of 36 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/26/2008 11:55 am


*random comment*!!!

hi!! cool avy!! i like it!

and cool profile too!!


Report | 04/05/2008 1:27 am


She offers those kinds of profiles for free cause hers is far better. User Image User Image User Image

*sees others staring*

ITS THE TRUTH I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ User Image User Image User Image

But they offer very little freedom in matter of what you actually wan to PUT on your profile.

Report | 03/29/2008 2:12 am


Cute Profile.

Seiorai is just awesome isn't she?

Report | 10/20/2007 10:07 am


haha LOL



it's funny.

I've been fine.


Report | 10/05/2007 9:55 am


AnrieTalis, thanks so much for buying the yellow ink!

Report | 09/16/2007 7:47 pm


=D indeed

Report | 09/03/2007 3:32 pm


=_= LOL!!!

kay now yea i get it...

hmm... can't think of anything

yea oh that's right dance in my underwear!

LOL, hmm school tom ;_;

Report | 08/27/2007 4:30 pm


lol Oh gash...

hmm something spontaneous



damn i think i didn't get it DX


so stupid of me lol!


explain! lol [jk]

yea gimme examples loool!!



Report | 08/24/2007 5:58 pm




hmmm I woke up today and ... weh... umm i had to pee

X"D ahahahaha

lol...i dont know

buh it's true??? O_O""

ahaha anyway...

that was funny

children under 5 ? xD ahaha

Report | 08/22/2007 4:34 am


Thanks for adding me to your devart watch list hun! I didn't even know it was you until I went to your page to thank you there! O.o Anyway, thanks for also accepting me into the guild! ^_^