
ello..i am annie..

im about 18 years old, i know this much. After all it was on the stone slab. i dont really remember much of my past life, except bright lights, a screeching sound, and a woman crying.

next thing i know im in this big stone building on a stone slab, all stitched up and mangled looking! i was pretty freaked out about how i looked, but the odd thing was it didnt hurt.

i snuck around this odd neighborhood, in the dead of night, before i came to a hospital. i slowly crept in through the back, for i didnt see any lights on in the front. there was a woman in there working on a patient, and i figured maybe she can help me with my appearence.

when she saw me, she cried and horror and called me a freak! the patient was out cold in a coma, so i dont think she saw me. But looking at the woman, i noticed something. her flesh....the fear in her eyes....the tears....it made me all hungry and jittery and excited...

so i knocked her down, pinning her to the floor, and began chewing on her skin. her screams became louder and more frantic in pain and terror with each bite. pretty soon she was bleeding, so i drank up the blood from the wound, and continued to eat her tasty flesh.

pretty soon she was out cold on the ground. when i felt full, i felt her pulse to see if she was ok. she was dead. The sad thing is, it all felt so normal, so i dont remember regretting it.

so i pretty much stripped her naked and stole her outfit. the heels kinda hurt my feet at first, but i got used to it.

As i said before, i am annie. if your willing and confident enough to come talk to me, or want to be my friend, be my guest!

but i will say this right now....i will make NO promises if i will eat you...or not.



Characters name: Unkown, but she calls herself ann or annie

Race: Zombified corpse.

Age: 18

Appearance: pale skin with stitches running through her body, from where doctors operated on her. black hair that is in a mess, and usually wearing blood soaked or ripped and tattered clothing.

Education: fairly normal, but limited. she does however have a strange attraction and knowledge of medicines and gene splicing, giving a hint that she may have been studying to be a doctor or scientist in her past life.



Eyes: silver and dull

Hair: jet black

Bio: Not much is known about annie since she doesnt even remember how she became this way. she lives in a small hut in the middle of a forest, usually keeping to herself, but usually walks umon the living in the dead of night.

generally a cold let lonely person, she's known to sometimes kidnap random people to give her some company. However, to a facination unknown to herself, she has a growing habit of injecting people with random dna of other animals she found from doctor's offices and labs she invades out of curiosity, to see the results. this usually ends up brainwashing the person into staying with her, so she continues to do so.

Weapon: her syringe gun, usually filled with a toxin or a dna of a random animal. shes known to carry a dagger at times too. IMPORTANT: her syrums and poisons are usually made of different ingredients. in other words: cures wont work on every one of her experiments or poisons and syrums. She'll usually remark the name of the toxin shes about to use, so if youve used a cure for that certain one in the past, it will work.

Personality: Annie is usually aloof and cold to others at first, especially if you remark about her appearence. However, she has been known to be curious about human life and animals, usually watching them from the shadows at night.

Once she does get to know a person (its rare, considering she may try to kill and eat you first), she will do one of two things: either try to experiment with you with some of the dna and medicine's shes stolen and stored away..or become obsessed and clingy with your very presence and life. If you try to leave her at her house, she will follow you until you find a way to stop her from stalking you.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Chris Pitch PI

Report | 09/25/2010 5:52 pm

Chris Pitch PI

Oh, mein, Gott. It's you! O:
Mr  R Renfield

Report | 09/19/2010 2:45 pm

Mr R Renfield

All I know is that she and the Master have an arrangement..
I Sailor La Esmeralda I

Report | 09/18/2010 8:24 pm

I Sailor La Esmeralda I

*bows* Hello again...
Count Vladimir Dracula

Report | 09/17/2010 4:30 pm

Count Vladimir Dracula

Thank you my dear.
Mr  R Renfield

Report | 09/10/2010 3:04 am

Mr R Renfield

Master has been quite active as of late. I think these achievements have really ‘livened’ him up He he he…
Mute Vocalist

Report | 08/29/2010 6:22 pm

Mute Vocalist

User Image
Von The Neko

Report | 08/29/2010 12:32 pm

Von The Neko

I Sailor La Esmeralda I

Report | 08/29/2010 10:48 am

I Sailor La Esmeralda I

I wish to be your friend....because i know of the pain you've been through.
I Sailor La Esmeralda I

Report | 08/29/2010 10:34 am

I Sailor La Esmeralda I

Yes...I have been stabbed, shot and even hit with glass...all by the one i called my lover...but i survived. As i said before, I just wish to be your friend...
I Sailor La Esmeralda I

Report | 08/29/2010 10:25 am

I Sailor La Esmeralda I

I simply wish to be your friend....If you can scare me and harm me in anyway, try your best shot...I'v been to the point of death and back.