
Name-Taylor Elizabeth; No I'm not telling you my last name because you really don't need to know it.

Age-Fourteen. 14. 4teen. heart

1. Clothes
2. Shopping heart
3. The mall
4. My bestest friend- They Call Me Shibi! heart
5. Awesomest dude on gaia- Billy Joe Jim Bob heart
6. My awesomest guy friend on gaia- [.Expired-Windex.] heart
7. Singing
8. Dancing to hip hop (I'm actually pretty damn good.) heart
9. Writing music
10. Playing the piano (I taught myself!)
11. Going swimming
12. Playing volleyball
13. Playing basketball
14. Playing baseball with my dad or my little bro's
15. Watching my dad in the musicals/plays (He's a good singer.)
16. Hanging out with my friends
17. Having my pictures taken by my mom. heart
18. My kick-a** Vans heart
19. Hunting with my daddy and my 6 year old bro
20. Dragging my mom with me into Hot Topic and Spencers rofl
21. Tattoos (I'm going to get 5 of them. Ask me where) heart
22. Peircings I have my ears and my naval done. heart

2. Fakes
3. Guys who think they are gods gift to women
4. Guys who want only sex
5. Girls who think that they're perfect
6. Girls who act dumb to get a guy
7. People who type like 5 year olds
8. People who ask me for naked pics
9. The fact that I can be mean
10. Fighting with my parents
11. Fighting with my siblings
12. Smoking
13. Drugs
14. The President
15. The Vice-president
16. The idiots that voted them into office (I can't vote...yet)
17. People who wear clothes that are 2 sizes to small
18. People who are full ot themselves
19. Guys that think they can get any girl
20. My cell phone (It's gay sometimes)
21. Getting sick
22. Going all day without eating (I do that often in the summer)


Viewing 12 of 30 friends


MY journal... no touchy feely, unless you have to.

It has stuff.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/17/2007 5:30 am


newdness User Image
Divine Knight

Report | 06/06/2007 2:53 am

Divine Knight

If I woke up naked next to a naked person?...well, I would hope that they were hot....and a chick. Then I would gloat.

Report | 09/07/2006 7:58 pm


yeah all these internet perves are right you are cute!!
Angel Fate

Report | 07/31/2006 6:03 pm

Angel Fate

hey beutiful we want a new picture of you we cant see you all that well because of the glare can you make a new one

Report | 07/27/2006 8:23 pm


nice profile you're cute

Report | 07/24/2006 9:09 pm


Hey Angel! I left a comment, so gimme cool points, lol. TTYL.

Report | 07/24/2006 3:41 am


nice profile ^^. nice list of things there
Neji-Leaf Ninja

Report | 07/24/2006 1:22 am

Neji-Leaf Ninja

thought I'd comment on the hot persons page

Report | 07/20/2006 4:07 pm


taylor ur hawtness
Death Cures It All

Report | 07/17/2006 12:43 am

Death Cures It All

august 28 is my b-day so thats cool


User Image
It's me ^
August 27th=my b-day so donate, please.