
This is an extension of the account Sovereign Machedna.

Greetings and salutations to he/she who has taken the time and effort to check my profile. Too bad for you, there's really nothing here. This account was created with the intention of RPing an alternate character of mine, Amadeus Kemuel.

There is no profile for Amadeus, aside from what little is written in the website that is linked in my signature. Attacks, background story, weaponry - it was all written down in a Notepad and saved on my laptop... Which was fried during a thunder storm. Yes. I'm a dumbass.

Regardless! The character's an angel, a rather high ranking angel, and while he may prowl in the physical realm, the form is only an extension of his celestial self. Think the Holy Trinity, 'cept with just two people.

A little about me that isn't written on Sovereign Machedna's Profile:
I...love angels. My adulation is second only to video games. Admittedly I don't know a whole helluva lot on them..., but I do know enough to create my own theory on the subject for my character. I imagine Serendipity finds my adoration intriquing, as she seems to come to me when I think of angels. So, poems and the like have the tendency to portray an angel. Why do they usually portray a mad angel? I don't know...


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Inscriptions of a Fallen Feather

The Seraph of Literature, and the King of your heart.

A glimpse into the ostensibly degenerate mind, albeit bleek and void, of yours truly.



i.:[ DeviantArt ]:.i

Office Awkwardness...
Speakerphone - "He may just have a**l warts."
Co-Worker - "Yeah, s'what I'm sayin'."
Me - "...:I *smacks lips and keeps walkin'*"