
The following are of the wolf vampire pack:

Name: Blood
Position: Alpha
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Name: Miku Miku
Position: Delta
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Name: Phe
Position: Mother of Vampires
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Name: Nikka
Position: Subordinate Wolf
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Name: Sasuke867
Position:Subordinate Wolf
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Name: Kisa
Position: Cross breed of wolf and vampire
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Name: Aoi
Position: Subordinate
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Name: Llsasuke
Positions: Baby Sitter
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Name: Horo_Neji
Position: Wolf Cub Subordinate
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Name: Nana
Position: Wolf Cub
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Name: Animegirl
Position: Idiot subordinate
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/04/2010 2:44 pm


hey you dont know me but i am nina's sister i just wanted to know if yall still talk send me a private message
Nina Setu

Report | 08/07/2009 8:54 pm

Nina Setu

-appears sittng on a branch beyond the field-. . .like i said to every one. . .

im unworthy to time. . & so useless as well. . .i shouldnt even be alive. . . .

i wish i could die so i can face death again. . . i have no fear of death nor blood. . .

. . .pheoth knows i try killing my self. . . .but nothing ever seems to work. . .

. . . am i immortal. . . .why can i not die. . .
x- S a h m i r a -x

Report | 06/12/2009 2:25 pm

x- S a h m i r a -x

Now, love.
Sit, Sit. [[She patted the fluffy cushion beside her. ]]
Tell me of your charming adventures and what makes you the young lady you are today.
I've missed out on much.
x- S a h m i r a -x

Report | 06/12/2009 2:16 pm

x- S a h m i r a -x

[[ She female laughed a hard laugh, once. ]]
Mmm..You think I hate you because you had Von?
No, that isnt why I majorly hated you. I hated you because you would be so..childish, almost, so needy. I came in for a hug, and Nina had to be the first one for it. Come on Nina, you should know me a little better by now. Anyway, I'm in love with someone else. Von's my best friend, and I'll always love him that way, I'll always want him to find the best<3
So I hated the way you acted towards the situation and towards me. That's the Correct basis.
[[ She called quietly after the female, leaning against a tree, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared out into the field, wind blowing gently against her skin. ]]
Nina Setu

Report | 06/03/2009 5:48 pm

Nina Setu

i always hated that old me. . . .it was. . . never me. . . oh well i dont care any more. . .& i highly dbout ill ever see him. . . .

-yawns as she leans against the wall sighing a bit while staring at the ground with her penny brown eyes-

to be honest. . . i dont think love is for me. . . .if you wanna take von. . . go ahead. . .dont just stand there hating me. . . .im not the one who dumped you. . .-lifts her head up-. . .my heart is for ever gone from body. . . unless i call it. . . it'll shall never return. . .until its reborn. . . including me. . . -disappears from the ground-
x- S a h m i r a -x

Report | 05/27/2009 12:35 pm

x- S a h m i r a -x

[ The female tilted her head slightly, blinking once. ]
Okay, then..
[ Shifted her eyes to the darkening sky. ]
Nina Setu

Report | 03/11/2009 4:33 pm

Nina Setu

aww its okay they've been busy

may doesnt have internet

von busy taking care of cameron

anna is still in the nut house

every one is fine but i got big new's

MAY IS MY MOM PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! ^ ^
x- S a h m i r a -x

Report | 03/08/2009 3:14 pm

x- S a h m i r a -x

Awh Von, you Dad, joo.

I misses yoohh


I misses Anna and May, tooh's.

Nina Setu

Report | 03/07/2009 2:26 pm

Nina Setu

pretty much. . . . but dont worry she's still fighting it ^ ^

Mr.DP is doing fine aka von

As for anna & may there doing oh so great ^ ^
x- S a h m i r a -x

Report | 02/27/2009 1:46 pm

x- S a h m i r a -x


Von has a child named Cameron?

That has breast cancer?
