Aerith Gainsborough

Aerith Gainsborough's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/30

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Tifa Lockhart Report | 09/17/2024 9:00 pm
Tifa Lockhart
Gosh, I would spend way too much on those types of games. Do they ever put anything on sale for a lower price? It sounds like they release so much in such a short amount of time, is it quantity over quality?

Thank you, dear. emotion_hug emotion_bigheart

I saw your status. omg I'm glad you were able to see Longlegs!
Tifa Lockhart Report | 09/17/2024 9:30 am
Tifa Lockhart
Working on it. sweatdrop I'll get there though, slowly but surely. 3nodding What dress up game is charging that much, by the way? I saw your status! That's insaaane. eek
Dark_Slytherin Report | 09/16/2024 3:08 pm
Likewise with the gift lovely. wink
Dark_Slytherin Report | 09/16/2024 3:07 pm
Haha nice. Some days I only log in for gift and poof out again. sweatdrop

Ohhh moves are annoying. Easy to pack up, forever to unpack. Hope that goes well.

Beginning to feel my age I guess at this point. Pulled a muscle on back in sleep. Rip. It's all good now, but that day was just a nope. xd
Thankfully, vacation from work soon to relax.

Tifa Lockhart Report | 09/13/2024 3:31 pm
Tifa Lockhart
Thank you and likewise! heart I’m sorry for being so slow with replies. I haven’t been doing the best this past month. I’m going to try to catch up with everyone though, I left a lot of people and conversations hanging. sad
Sailor Mercury Report | 09/11/2024 8:53 am
Sailor Mercury
Same, coffee never works for me yum_coffee
Dark_Slytherin Report | 09/06/2024 3:37 pm
Sorry haven't sad anything earlier. Been a bit hectic my side with farm stuff and other crap.

How you been?
Tifa Lockhart Report | 08/14/2024 7:52 pm
Tifa Lockhart
Thank you! I couldn't resist after seeing this new item, haha. I'm still trying to get my hands on a specific item to replace the pink rose though, I'm also working on a background. whee And I love your Jane! I was in awe when pictures of her doll leaked. I sadly won't be able to afford her due to the inflation, but she's absolutely stunning. 3nodding I had no idea about the licensing and how they can only legally sell Tarzan merch like that on the park grounds only, no wonder we didn't get a doll of her for so long. sad
Tifa Lockhart Report | 08/14/2024 7:41 pm
Tifa Lockhart
I'll check Discord and catch up after work tomorrow. emotion_hug
Tifa Lockhart Report | 08/13/2024 9:57 pm
Tifa Lockhart
I love your Jane cosplay. ; -; Were you able to get her? heart I'm going to try and grab the store release of Ariel in November, fingers crossed.
I hope you've been doing well, I miss you lots. I'm sorry that I haven't been around very much on here or responding on Discord. I've had to take the past few months away to focus on my health, but things have been looking up. I think I've finally found the right treatments, I've made a lot of improvement and progress with my health since my procedure last February. I've been enjoying the Summer as well. 3nodding I have so much catching up to do with everyone though.
I keep seeing all of the Halloween stuff out and it's making me so excited. crying I need to go to Bath and Body Works and grab some of their pumpkin candles. xd


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Tifa Lockhart