
Hey everybody! My name is Terra ^-^

You know who I love more than anyone? I love Dan. I have always loved Dan and I was always so confused on what I was doing. But I love him. He's everything that I could ever ask for. I truely love him. Because I have low self esteem, I don't believe that I am beautiful or perfect or anything but when Dan says it, he makes me believe it. (for the guys that like me) don't flirt, I'll kick your a**.

I love RPing. PM me anytime with a starter <3

Places/things that make me feel safe: the ocean, rain, music, glass, places that I don't visit very often (about 5 years), or takign a long drive going off into the unknown (hopefully one day I won't come back)

My loves: writing fictional stories, drawing anime, writing poems, playing sport, friends, love stories, love movies, manga, music, when guys play with my hair.

My annoyances: people who think they're better than everybody else, remixes of songs, pollution, abortion, homework, and when guys where their pants down past their butt...that's so annoying..., perverted songs, people showing things off or talking about something REPEATEDLY, people who make me or my friends cry, I'll think of more...

I'm insecure A LOT actually I'm either tired, depressed or so hyper I'll drive you up a wall, but I care about everyone ALL the time, even if it dosn't seem like it. I'm a really good friend. You can ask anyone here, they've already told me. I use my phone a little more than I should but I think my worst hobby is being on the computer for too long. My favoreite color is purple and if you still think it's blue, you've got some catching up to do because it hasn't been blue for quite a while. I loooooooooooove my friends and I am VERY protective over them. If someone messes with them, they're dead...no questions asked! It's not really hard to become my friend but I'm not one to come up with things to talk about. If you get me talking I won't stop (just a warning) but I won't talk first or come up with things to talk about. I love comments and messages so never be afraid to send me one ^-^ thanks! I get really depressed sometimes and I'm really moody but if you get close enough to me, you'll understand my ways ^-^ and then you'll usually know what's wrong ^-^ All of the songs that I choose to listen to is either fast pased or meaningful, something that I can relate to. Something that's happened or is happening but usually by the songs that I'm listening to, you can ALWAYS know what mood I'm in.

I might as well tell you all of the things that are wrong with me because I want people to know who I am. I was anorexic, I am emo, and I basically hate most of my life, I don't have very many friends and the friends that I do have, really piss me off, my dad died when I was three, my dad's side of the family dosn't talk to me, my mom's side is practically all dead. Either that or my mom dosn't want me talking to the ones that are alive, I have a very low self esteem, and I have asthma...

White man walks up to black man.
White man says, "Colored people don't belong here!"
Black man says,
"I was born BLACK."
"I grew up BLACK."
"When I get sick, I'm BLACK."
"When I'm cold, I'm BLACK."
"When I'm in the sun, I'm BLACK."
"When I die, I'm BLACK."
"You were born PINK."
"You grew up WHITE."
"When you're sick, you turn GREEN."
"When you're in the sun, you turn RED."
"When you're cold, you turn BLUE."
"When you die, you turn PURPLE."
"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
The white man turned around, and walked away.

Does your name fit?
A: hot
B: loves people
C: good kisser
D: very outgoing
E: has gorgeous eyes
F: really wild and crazy, adore you
G: easy to fall in love with
H:makes people laugh
I: smile to die for
J: is really sweet
K: really silly
L: loves to laugh and smile
M: makes dating fun
N: loving and caring
O: has one of the best personalities ever
P: popular with all types of people
Q: hyperactive
R: good boyfriend or girlfriend
S: cute
T: very good kisser
U: is very sexual
V: not judgmental
W: very broad minded
X: never let people tell you what to do
Y: is loved by everyone
Z: can be funny and sweet at times

T: very good kisser
E: has gorgeous eyes
R: good boyfriend or girlfriend
R: good boyfriend or girlfriend
A: hot

Do you think it describes me?

User Image
Total Value: 1,559,877 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Vice Admiral's Gold Belt
Winter Rose
Summoning Tome
Hermes' Moon
Let it Snow
Grace of Aphrodite
Magical Girl
Elemental Wings
Angel Imp Plushie
Angel Imp Plushie
The Lusty Scoundrel
Kong Sang Scarf
Actaeon's Blessing
SDPlus #2 Rufus Doll
Divided Stars

url=http://www.tektek.org/dream/avatar.php?a=30577862]User Image
Total Value: 1,580,440 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Elemental Wings
Sibyl's Incantation
Beat Slim Black Shoes
Prisoner's Shackles
Devil Imp Plushie
Oculus Mythica
Midnight Black Sweet Lace Skirt
Nervegas Crisis Dolls
Kottan Bell
Kottan Bell 2nd Gen
Smok the Baby Dragon
SDPlus #95 Gimpi Doll
Masquerade 6th Gen.

This is my most recent.
User Image

I drew this for drawign and painting last year.
User Image

I drew this one for Alucard...
User Image

This picture of me actually looks kind of scary.
User Image


Viewing 12 of 78 friends


Tara Stone's Journal of Daily Love Happenings(and other random crap)

Tara Stone's Not So Personal Journal

My journal with have stuff about me. There'll be a lot of other really random stuff in there too ^_^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Love is a Beautiful Lie18

Report | 05/29/2023 2:01 pm

Love is a Beautiful Lie18

Hey long time no talk, sorry its been eons. Everything got deleted or deactivated. How have you been?
Love is a Beautiful Lie18

Report | 05/29/2023 8:19 am

Love is a Beautiful Lie18

Hey long time no talk. Been eons! Hows ya been? 😊

Report | 06/23/2011 12:09 pm


hey you! where have you been? =)

Report | 03/13/2011 12:03 pm


How have you been?!!

Report | 03/03/2011 4:52 pm


lol, i know. does that mean you have been well?

Report | 02/27/2011 8:19 pm


Hey there!! how are you doing?

Report | 02/06/2011 3:48 pm


don't apologize ^_^ *hug*

Report | 02/02/2011 8:46 pm


aw, whyd you let go?

Report | 01/24/2011 5:40 pm


O///O *hug*

Report | 01/21/2011 1:33 pm


yeah lol ^^


rain rain, go away. Because of you the pain wil stay. Slit my throat, cut out my heart. Leave me here, tear it apart. And as I try to stand again, I hear you say, "This is the end".