

Anyways I am a mule account, but if you don't know my main then Im not sharing that information XD Don't worry its pretty obvious who's mule I am...

For a little bit about the real me, I live in Australia (woo!) I'm 22 and have been on gaia since Jan of 04 with my main account. I've seen Gaia grow and change, and the only thing I don't really like is all the white >_<

My Favourite event on Gaia has to be Halloween of 04 and 05, nothing beats them giving us shotguns and allowing us to blow the crap outta one another for an event ^^ And its pretty awesome that some of the Grombies are still around, pitty that glitch came along and all the original zombies were erased gonk

This account came to be when I decided that i wanted a male and a female avvie, so I could see all the clothes and hairstyles Gaia has to offer without continuously doing gender changes and wasting my gold.

I don't post alot on this account, but I think that may change and he might become more active now out of sheer bordem lol...

Heres some awesome free art I've been given!:

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Ok well that should do for an opening paragraph, hope you all enjoyed meeting me and now its back of into the wonderful world of Gaia I go!


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Addy's Journal



Viewing 3 of 3 comments.


Report | 10/20/2007 10:39 am


does your name come from the book To Kill A Mocking Bird?

Report | 09/30/2007 9:36 pm


Thanks for buying from my store!

Report | 04/18/2007 3:51 pm


nice avi.....


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