Hi! My name is Cherie & this is, um, the part about me!
3nodding Yeah....
I live in California ( I will not say where in for the sake of my privacy or something like that...or I just don't wan't to
ninja ) I have dark hair & eyes (if you wanted to know---ugh I should stop making comments)
should say something else about me....oh!
wahmbulance I LOVE the Harry Potter books!
mrgreen They are the awesomest books ever I love J.K. Rowling for writing her vision
4laugh I also like pandas, Tuesdays, dark chocolate, HATS, ice tea, rainbows, fuzzy socksies
mrgreen , sweaters, bunnies,
my bestest buddies(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), ninjas, the color yellow, Shakespeare, Harry Potter (oh I said that already LoL), peaches, buttons, monkeys, roses, mangoes, Star Wars, watermelon, beaches, libraries, Europe, my mom, everyone, etc. etc.
OK thats it!
xp Thank you for reading this! Bye Bye!
Please help me with this!
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