
What the SHIZZNAT?!
Mai-Mai wrote an essay! o 0o

I'm a k a m a ii. <33 I'm brand-spanking new to Gaia, so be nice, m'kay? My friendlie, Alice, gave me this account. ;"D I luffs her to pieces. Anyways, I really AM a girl (shocker!). I like big jackets and trains and cloud-watching and people-stalking. Diet Coke WITH LIME kicks pepsi's a**, and, for your information, Coke is SODA. Not pop. Not soda pop. It's SODA. D:<

I'm breaking onto the adv. lit scene, so watch ya roleplay slots, fools. >>:'D

.... Pssst! The rest is pretty much rambling, so I won't feel hurt if you move right along. -kisses your nose-

;'D Yeahhh, anyway, I'm kind of bossy and stubborn, but I try to reign myself in the best I can. My whole life I've tried to find a bitchy side, but I really don't think I have one.
I have very few close friends, and I have a habit of reverting to small talk. I hate it. D:< Ask me about the weather, and I'll smack you. (I mean, unless you really don't know what the weather is... and then I'll kiss the boo boo.)

Because I like to gauge a situation and new people before I really truly speak or interact, and because for 3/4 of my young life my nose has been stuck in a book, some people don't quite know how to act around me. :'3 Something about no social skills. Anyway, looking at me sideways is quite adorable, so I won't get mad if you're a bit awkward 'round me. <33 ( But I think I can disguise my habits pretty well on Gaia. So no fear, eh? )

I love my Camera. (Her name is Camille.) A canon Powershot S45, darlings. She's a hand-me-down from my Mum. I love taking pictures of the sky and candid photos of people. When I'm more aquainted to Gaia, I'll put pictures in my journal.

As for music, I like a little bit of everythang. Mostly new indie, 'adult' alternative rock, and contemporary shtuffs. ADELE and Imogen Heap and Psapp and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Broken Social Scene. Hurrrr. <33

Mmm. I love Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy and .Hack. Red Garden has also captured my interest lately, and, though I'm a little embarrassed, Naruto makes me smile. (even though I'm getting tremendously bored with side plots. D: ) Gimme anything fantasy, and nine times outta ten, I'll love it.

I'm feeling really chatty today... so here's some more stuff about the girl behind the pixelated girl. My heroes for a long time were Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Cleopatra, the little mermaid, and Loonette from The Big Comfy Couch. <33 I'm terrified of thunderstorms. I love collages, and I gather little knick-knacks like a homeless person. (If a bracelet breaks, I keep the prettiest beads. I keep plastic figurines, inspirational words from magazines, dried flowers, and bottlecaps.) I'm a romantic, but I hate kissing scenes in movies. I'm hopelessly clumsy, and I can't throw anything to save my life. Ummm. I had some pretty intense OCD when I was young, and I went to therapy. It was around that time that I was most shy; I could barely say good morning to my therapist, let alone talk about my OCD. x D Instead, I colored and ate orange jelly beans from a glass bowl... and this is all too much information. x"D Once I get going I don't stop.

Yeah, I lurrrrve Stephenie. I'm really, really looking forward to Breaking Dawn (Aug. 2nd)! Her Twilight series is one of the few teen series I've enjoyed in a long time.

User Image User Image User Image

My media's by Meg and Dia. Roses. <33 I'll be changing it quite a bit.

...Love you. :'D Thanks to those who put up with me and my profile, and monster hugs to... everybody. <33



Mai-Mai's Filter Malfunctions

: O Just lots of nonsense. Move on, please.



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

DJ Lune

Report | 02/18/2008 1:59 am

DJ Lune

Thankies for the comment! n__n

omggg I love your profile! Very cute! heart

Report | 02/11/2008 11:34 am


The mule needs love too
