In Some Sadistic Way I Am Proud Of What Iv Done
~Left Her Body Lying There, While Still Holding Up The Gun~
Hey,i'm Rose *waves*
Music-Hmm....genres? some punk rock,Metalcore,heavy metal,death metal,some black metal, grindcore...im assuming you can guess various other types of music i like?
Likes-My Best Friend(Alan),Food,music,pocky sticks and papercuts (notice the pockystick takeover o.x) , Blades, Manga/Anime.....Vampire Knight is a favourite of mine XD ....Oooh,i forgot,L from deathnote ;D
dislikes-Sunlight and.....I dislike butterflies =[*runs away*
Fav colour-black,red, dark purple, grey
Fav film-the butterfly effect (haha,yes,i know its ironic) , donnie darko, The Dark , The 'SAW' films....this could be a long list.
CLAIM TO FAME:attacked by spazzy trolley *seeks revenge* it chased me downhill lol xD
Fav food-...thats hard....err .... cookies?
Quote of the week- ''That's what you get,you get my axe of capitalism RIGHT IN YOUR FACE''
Favourite book/series-Twilight series (Twilight,New moon,Eclipse,Breaking Dawn)
The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become.

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= Your head's a mess, and so is mine. =
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