
x o x o x
Veiw me at 1280X1024 and in IE.


_I'll paint your toenails if you ask.
_I think anorexic girls should eat more.
_I still think the bogeyman lives under my bed.
_Will you save me?
_I hate the kids at school.
_They're all as fake as my eyelashes.
_I love my doggies more than you.
_Music is life.
_I play the French horn.
_And it's beautiful.
_Rainy days make me sad.
_But singing in the rain isn't just in the movies.
_I am a nerd.
_Nerds are special.
_I hate my sister.
_I feel the insecure need to Photoshop my photos.
_My favourite colour is green.
_I think rainbows are pretty.
_Kelsie and I are the epitome of sex.
_Elegance overpowers vulgarity.
_I am a procrastinator.
_I like to take photographs.
_I am not a pessimist.
_But the glass is still half empty.
_I like making cardboard castles.
_And sleeping in my moat.
_There is no such thing as sin.
_Your God hates you.
_Playing dress up isn't just for little girls.
_Tea parties are fun.
_Flannel pjs are comfie.
_I can sew.
_I love horror flicks.
_I have a very low tolerance for pain.
_I'm in love with my boyfriend.
_I suck the fun out of things.
_I'm a worry wart.
_People tend to misunderstand what I say.
_I'm a band f**.
_I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve.
_I love people who are colourful.
_Most people don't know how much I love them.
_I can be really cold.
_I'm afraid of the older kids.
_I get intimidated.
_I'm not good at meeting new people.
_I miss my grandfathers.
_I really do love my mommy.
_Even if I deny it.
_I wear perfume.
_I own a pair of wings.
_I wish I could fly away.
_My rubber duckies glow in the dark.
_I'm self-conscious.
_I don't like it when people put there thoughts into bullets.
_I have been known to lie.
_Abstract arts are for people without skill.
_Unless your name is Pablo.
_I bet no on is reading this.
_Stealing is not cool.
_Smoking is for losers.
_Alcohol is for the weak minded.
_I am party deaf in my right ear.
_I am not thin.
_I don't believe in fate.
_I have been known to be a [d-o-r-k].
_Feather boas are nifty.
_I think asianphiles are weird.
_But I still _I hate people who don't read my profile.
_I dumbed my profile down for you.
_l337 speech rhymes with 'death.'
_I think men should wear make-up.
_And not have it be a sign of their sexuality.
_Pillow fights are the best.
_I made my layout. From scratch.
_Extraneous use of bad words is a waste of my time.
_I don't think whores are funny.
_If you don't know the words, don't sing along.
_Suck ups suck.
_I like to look at pretty people.
_I can gaze for hours.
_If you didn't make your clothes, I don't like them.
_Falsetto is annoying.
_I wear glasses with the lenses popped out.
_I don't care what you think of me.
_But you can still make me cry.

+Sing sweet nighting gale_x

-Janis Joplin is God.
-David Bowie
-Trans-Siberian Orchestra
-EYRYTHMICS / Annie Lennex
-Tobey Keith
-Tim McGraw
-Dir en Grey

Yes, I am vain.
Yes, I have a My Space account.
Yes, you should visit and comment.

x_______I am your p r i n c e s s.


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I don't think you're cool.