
So you wanna know about me huh? well here i am:
I speak the words that aren’t defined in the human race. Yet I see them as my every day vocabulary. I wake up every morning just like you. Except mine is considered a blur. It’s a new year and I’m changing into something no ones discovered not even the creator. That would be me. But at the end of the day I’m still the same person I was when my eyes were unleashed to this creation of hell. My writing isn’t a gift per say it’s the only thing that has a boundary line between me and you. I don’t exactly know where imp going in life right now but I can’t turn back because the biggest risk in life is never exploring your opportunities. I’m Nicole, and no one knows the real me. read all you want hear and talk anything but make sure when u talk about me your ready to spit it back up. I'm looking for the pieces of my puzzle, and at first I thought I was something that could never be solved but day by day I’m living and starting to see something new and fresh that I've never been unfolded too. I don’t expect anything from you. But you better believe ill b***h back. I don’t meet your standards? Don’t care. Because my goals and life dreams are far different then you want yours to be. Nicole and those are the 6 letters you’ll NEVER forget<3

I’m young, yet people treat me as if I’m something older. I don’t like it. I don’t want to grow up. People expect me to make great decisions, too late. People expect me not to make mistakes, well that sucks for them. People expect me to live up to my peers expectations, and I can’t. People want me to be some one I’m not, and I won’t. People look at me and think different, that’s there problem. I have an open since of humor, which gets on peoples nerves. I’m really funny, yet take it too far sometimes. I’m not perfect, so get over it. I’m nice, but only when I want. I’m mostly b***h, because people are gay. I don’t mean to treat people the way I do, so don’t take it personally. I’m pretty much nothing you’ve ever seen, until now. People love me, well for them. People hate me, ******** you. I’m crazy, and fun to be around. I gossip, yeah I talk s**t. I'm hypocritical at times, so get used to it. I’m Nicole, and I’m doing just fine with or without you in my life. Because I was born before you were even considered in my life and I was surviving back then, so I know I can survive either way. Get to know me, it’s worth it.

By reading this, you probably know my name, my favorite things and my dislikes. But you don’t know me. But word travels fast, don’t believe what you hear, because haters talk s**t ruin lives and want the worst for you. So who ever you hear s**t from make sure there hands are clean before they can point any fingers at some one else. I may be something else in your eyes, but to me I’m just Nicole, and that’s how I plan for everyone else to see me as. But no one can because more then 65% of Americans’ probably have my name. You don’t know my life, so don’t judge it. You don’t know my friends, so don’t talk s**t about them. You don’t know what its like to live my life, so don’t try and act like your life is worse. You don’t know anything about any one else except yourself, so don’t take pity on any one because you don’t know whether it’s true or not. I’m coming in from a new perspective. And I plan to see things not just right but backwards and sideways. I say what’s on my mind. Sorry that I’m opinionated. People who constantly complain about something and don’t do any thing about it get on my nerves. Greasy hair is a pet peeve. I have a lot of those. People who talk s**t about there best and only friends, also annoy me because why the hell would you label them as a "best friend" when all you do is point out the worst in them. I don’t understand why people always look at peoples old lives, come on people move on. yesterday is now gone, and there’s no going back so why keep reliving the same day without making anything new. My hands are basically glued to my hair I never stop playing with it and it gets on peoples nerves. I don’t really care if people talk about me behind my back but it annoys the s**t out of me when I hear about it and then I confront them and they deny it. Own up to your own mistakes damn it. Life is okay at times. But sometimes it’s a real heartbreaker. Like I said. Nicole (: liven it up<3

I want to meet some one who will keep all promises. Never break any promise without breaking a bone first. Because any one who ever said they’d be there left. And any one who said “I promise " NEVER cared. And every one who told me they would catch me. Let me fall. Too many times. Everyone who’s told me they loved me broke my heart. Everyone who’s told me they’d never take there eyes off me. They blinked. Everyone who’s ever meant nothing to me has disappeared. And now I’m back where I was in the beginning having to regain trust, love, friends, and life. Because I’m having to restart what was already demolished. Thanks.

I thought

I thought I knew who you were. But now I know you’re just like every other whore out there. I thought I could trust you with my life. But now I know you would have just let me die. I thought you knew when I said something it was true. But now I know you told everything I trusted you with. I thought you wouldn’t talk about me. But now I know that’s all you ever do. I thought you could prove other people wrong. But now I know you let people get the best of you. I thought you always stuck up for me when I wasn’t there. But now I know all the times you agreed with other people. I thought I could call you when something was wrong and you could help me. But now I know you’re worthless. I thought you were the only reason I was breathing. But now I know why I was suffocating. I thought we had the best times together. But now I know there’s no point in bringing it up anymore. I thought you knew everything. But now I know you know nothing. I thought I knew you. But now I know I was so wrong. I thought you were mature and I could look up to you. But now I know you were bringing me down. I thought you brought sunlight to my dim world. But now I know all you did was cast a shadow over my dreams.

I thought I thought I thought I thought I thought I thought you felt the same way. But now I know you’re pathetic.

So every once in a while I get this tendency to grab a pencil and jot down my thoughts. Sometimes I don’t say them as I mean to. But I usually get the point across. People irritate me a lot by doing the smallest things. But I try not to show it getting to me. I’m probably one of the most annoying, happiest, saddest, energetic, friendly, bitchiest, funniest, sarcastic people you will ever meet. People say I have a bipolar disorder. And I’m not about to argue that statement. I’m sick of being judged upon my past. I don’t have the same relationship with my parents as other kids my age do. Mine don’t know didly squat about my life. And I plan to keep it that way. I hate when people are like "I’m not the average teenager" well no s**t because that isn’t your name. It doesn’t take much to inspire me. I talk way too much but then again I’m always quiet. I’m not addicted to my cell phone. But I do like to have it with me. People tend to get the wrong impression of me because of the way I look at people. If I don’t care what your saying you’ll defiantly be able to tell. I hate when people take me seriously at the wrong times. I can go from the funniest person ever to a party pooper. But don’t blame that on me you caused me to be that way. I hate when people never admit to their mistakes. When people lie straight to my face, I have no sympathy for them. Yeah you say your sorry and do it again, that’s nothing to be proud of so to me sorry is just another word like everything else. people sure do like to talk about me, and I must admit I do care sometimes, but all the other times I just think if there wasting there breathe trying to make something up about me then they really must adore me. I’m a b***h I must admit, I don’t like most people and I’m trying to help myself get over that. I’m very athletic and outgoing. I don’t have major trust issues until you give me a reason to. I always have some one on my mind. I am single so hit me up(: more then 99.9% of the children born in the U.S have the name "Nicole" on their birth certificate. mine just happens to be the same. I have quick obsessions over songs, but in a blink of an eye it’s over. And I’m disgusted by it. When you meet me, you’ll probably be a fork in the road trying to decide which path to take. Because I have more then one side to me. the left is my crazy happy funny side, and my right is my serious bitchy complicated side. I know how to have a good time but sometimes people take it too far. Don’t ask me to help you choose the path you want to take in my life because I honestly don’t know. Don’t tell me what to and not to do because it’s not your life. I've been let down so don’t say I have it all. I’ve been lied to so don’t say I have the best friends. I’ve lied to people so don’t call me an amazing influence. I’m just me and I plan on staying that way. got a problem with me, take a ******** number and while getting in line hold your ******** breathe and swallow it because I don’t care. I know what’s wrong with me so don’t point it out. Nicole Marie Adams, and that’s all ill ever be

I’m not here to make you happy, so pissing people off is a daily thing for me. Although I have high morals, I usually sink lowly down to some things. Standards are something I look for in some one. I’m not exactly the ordinary child; I’m bipolar without a doubt. I don’t need your approval, so I’m going to live with or without you in my life. Honestly people have let me down so many times, its nothing new to me. So if you plan on telling me something, ill probably doubt it at first until you give me a reason to believe you. I’m a very hopeful person, and I think about things deeply before I go to sleep. I really really reallly really really like to use nick names like doll face, and sweetheart, yeah kind of old fashioned but that’s the way I like t address people. I say I love you to just about everyone even if I barely know you, I don’t have major trust issues, so don’t give me a reason to not open my mouth to you. I do believe a lot the things I hear about people, because it middle school and these days nothing is surprising. I have the heart of a 5 year old, and the vocabulary of a 20 year old. I range in different categories. I’m a slut because ill run around in shorts in the summer, I’m emotional because I cry about hurtful things, I’m a f** because I believe everyone has a purpose, I’m a freak because I’m random, I’m un-cool because I have crazy friends, I’m a nerd because I’m in "A.P.", I’m a b***h because I’m open minded, I’m ugly because I don’t look like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, I’m prude because I wont let you get in my pants on the first night, I’m annoying because I like to have fun. I’m a human being, whether you like it or not, and I’m staying for a long time so get used to it smile I honestly don’t think that more then 10% of Kammerers population sticks to what they say. I don’t need drugs to have a fun time, so yes I’m above the influence. Don’t bring me down with you. I’m Nicole Marie Adams, and I’m trying to be optimistic and have a good outlook on my future.

I’m ready for summer, I’m ready for new friends, I’m ready for a new school, I’m ready to meet new boys, I’m ready to make something out of my life, I’m ready to try new things, I’m ready to commit to the people I love, I’m ready to let go of things unnecessary, I’m ready for graduation, I’m ready to be tan, I’m ready to live, I’m ready to make my life mine, I’m ready to learn something, I’m ready to keep the promises I’ve never been able to keep, I’m ready to smile and actually mean it, I’m ready to meet a boy who cares for me as much as I care for them and actually mean it, I’m ready for someone to make me believe I’m worth it wait a minute scratch that I have and his name is Brant Robinson, I’m ready for my parents to except what I’m turning into, I’m ready for my friends to except what I’m turning into, I’m ready to choose the path I want to spend my life on, I’m ready to resist the pain your bringing into my life, I’m ready for drama to become extinct, I’m ready for people to respect peoples things, I’m ready for people not to move on so easily, I’m ready for our society to actually care what the human race is turning into, I’m ready to become Nicole.
I’m ready to create my life.

My life be like, yeah I’m Nicole breathe it in because you’ll be screaming it later smile I think I’ve changed, and taken different outlooks on my future and what I want to strive to accomplish, but I still like to be a kid. It’s just in my nature smile hey what can I say. My biggest fear is being forgotten by the people who have promised me I’m theirs forever. I have the worlds most pet peeves; I’m always changing my thoughts, and never remember what I last said. I never say things to make people feel good about themselves when they don’t deserve it. School isn’t really a high strength in my life, but I’m not stupid. I can put myself forward when I need to. People are consistently pointing out everything wrong in my life, its not like I don’t know. Respect is what I’m all about, if I receive it ill hand it out like charity. I spend most of my day writing, because it’s something I love to do. Making people smile and laugh is something that I crave. I cannot go a day without making some one else’s amazing. I always try and am brutally honest, but then I take into consideration other peoples feelings and decide to hold back. I’m trying this new thing called not taking things as serious because I tend to overreact. friends roll in and out of my life, and it hits me hard because there people I thought I knew I could trust, I can never stay mad at some one more then 5 minutes, unless I hate you then don’t be expecting anything(: I tend to have a jealousy bone driving into my body, and sometimes I cant help but take it out on people. anyone can make me laugh, so don’t be afraid to try. I love using smiley faces and shouting out random lyrics. I hate when people hold me back from what I want, or when my friends are being lazy bums and don’t want to have fun. I’m probably the goofiest person ever. I am constantly touching or changing my hairstyle. I love to doodle smile I’m not conceited, but I don’t think lowly of my self because hey I could be better, but I could be a hell of a lot worse so I’m just glad about who I am. Even though I tend to complain to my friends smile I love sports! I’m usually up for anything, I love playing football with guys smile I’m not really focused on the bad things that have threatened my life, but I’m trying to keep my head up high and live my life the way I want. I’m not addicted to my cell phone, but I hate when it dies. I love the summer and I can’t wait for it. I love my best friends. they keep me going smile I never know what I’m saying, because something always comes out wrong, I’m not afraid to say something like it smells like burnt v****a, I speak before I think. I tend to get away with a lot of s**t, but then again I’m constantly getting yelled at for not being as perfect as my parents expect me to be. Cussing is my everyday vocabulary I make up goofy words, get hyper at random times, and get completely annoying. yet people seem to love to be around me. I make bad situations into something different. I’m not some one usual I’m one of a kind, and no matter how many people say this over my-space I can prove it. I’m really predictable, and love to argue. I always deny what’s wrong; I play around way to much. I flirt a lot and I know so no need to tell me. Music is my anti-drug, and I hate commercials I’m constantly switching from station to station jamming to my own beat. and I feel as if I haven’t taken my life to the highest level that I could be living on, but I sure plan to be reaching for it. I cannot wait for high school and hope people realize what they are getting into. I really can’t put my self into words. Lets just say I’m looking for the rest of my puzzle, I need help finding the edges smile so if you discover something new about me don’t be afraid to shout, I’m usually a nice person, unless you give me a reason to b***h at you. NICOLE and I’m a motor mouth so I’m sure ill converse with you<3 I’m not hard to comprehend, yet so many people endeavor my thoughts, actions, and life.

strong doesn’t mean she didn't fall asleep
crying & even though she acts like nothing is
wrong, maybe just maybe -->> she's really good at (lying)
missing someone
isn’t about how long it’s been since
you've seen them last or the amount
of time since you've t a l k e d.....
It’s about that very [[moment]] when
you're doing something.... and you
wish. you wish that they were right
------> there with you.

[it breaks your heart]
when people you know: become people you knew:
when you can walk right past someone as if they
were never a H U G E part of your life you used to
be able to talk to for hours on the phone & now
you cant look each other in the damn eye it completely
breaks your heart to know good things change
and there’s nothing
that you can do

imperfection is beauty
madness is genius
and its better to be
absolutely ridiculous
than absolutely boring
-Marilyn Monroe

don’t cry for a guy
let a guy cry for you
cause girls give and forgive
and boys get and forget
Brooke Davis

love is giving someone
the [[power]] to [[break your heart]]
but trusting them not to


"______/ .- , '_________... -. ..______
_______.. .. /..__________' .. ' /______
_________|____, '(_)...____|_xoxox____
_________..___( ._|_. )___/_________
__________..___...__, '___/__________
__________.-..._______, '-.__________
________, '__, '___..-'___...__..._______
_____, '____/______o______..___...___
___, '_____|______x_______|_____..._
__|_____, '|______o_______|..._____|
___...__, '_.-.._____x______/-._...__, '__
_________/_...____o____, '__.._______
__.""-._, '______..._:_, '_______..., -"".__
_/_, -._.._______)___(________'_, -.__..
(_(___..._____, '_____...______, '___)_)
_.._..____..__, '________...____/___/_/__
__......_, '_/_____________..__..._, ', '____
___...__.-'______________..-.___, '_____

"wE r FrIeNdS
I got your back
You got mine,
I'll help you out
To see you hurt
To see you cry,
Makes me weep
And wanna die.
And if you agree
To never fight,
It wouldn't matter
Who's wrong or right.
If a broken heart
Needs a mend,
I'll be right there
To the end.
If your cheeks are wet
From drops of tears,
Don't you worry,
Let go of your fears.
Hand in hand
Love is sent,
We'll be friends
Till the end"

.......TO FiND A SPECiAL PERSON, .......
.........A DAY TO LOVE THEM, ........
..........AN ENTiRE LiFE TiME.........
..............TO 4GET THEM.............
.......SEND THiS TO THE PEOPLE......
.............U'LL NEVER 4GET..............
.........ITS A SHORT MESSAGE..........
...........TO LET THEM KNOW.............
.......iT MEAN UR'RE iN A HURRY.......
..........AND THAT U GO 4"



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Viewing 12 of 55 friends


Someone pm me there has been a death.........

There has been a death in my family and we will miss our loved one in which we lost.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Wolf McWolferson

Report | 09/19/2010 8:34 am

Wolf McWolferson

Happy Birthday!
Wolf McWolferson

Report | 09/19/2009 4:53 am

Wolf McWolferson

Happy Birthday!
Wolf McWolferson

Report | 09/19/2008 9:08 am

Wolf McWolferson

Happy Birthday! User Image

Report | 12/04/2007 5:23 pm


Hey! random comment~~~
Aloria Neza

Report | 11/22/2007 7:52 am

Aloria Neza

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Report | 11/21/2007 12:03 pm


thanks for buying^-^
Meihi Arashi

Report | 11/09/2007 11:57 pm

Meihi Arashi

like my avi?
Meihi Arashi

Report | 10/08/2007 6:16 pm

Meihi Arashi

imma little late, imoto-san, but i got you a pretty necklace for ur bday ^ ^

Report | 09/28/2007 6:47 pm



your comment box is full of spam!
Meihi Arashi

Report | 09/28/2007 1:58 pm

Meihi Arashi


1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. Add this as a comment to ten of your friends tonight and at midnight your true love will find you. Something good will happen to you at 2:25 tomorrow. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life.

Whoever breaks this chain letter will be cursed with 10 relationship problems for the next ten years tag ur it!! this is so scary!!! send this to 15 ppl in the next 143 min. and then press F6 and your crushes name will appear in big letters!! it is so scary because it works.... but if you break the chain.. you will be cursed w/ relationship problems. NO SEND BACKS


The things that hurt the most are the things that you dont say
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