Lance Corporal Dororo 1

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The home I secretly made in the mountains near Tohru-dono's home.

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Rank: Lance Corporal
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Keronian

Hello, it is nice to see you. I am Dororo Heicho of the Keroro Platoon from the planet Keron in the Gamma Quadrant. I used to live with Koyuki-dono in Japan, but recent circumstances forced me to leave my dear friend and come to the United States.
I was living out in the mountains when I was found by Tohru-dono, she is a wonderful person and has become a good friend. She introduced me to her friend Morgane-hime and we quickly became very close. She is now my most precious person and we are finally wed. We are..or rather...she is very busy though, and we do not get to see eachother too often. I do not mind however, as I know she is happy and that is what matters. Besides, I can wait as long as need be because of my years of training.
There are a few other close friends I do not get to talk to very often, but I do hope that they, knowing who they are, are doing well and are staying safe. Our friends in Japan are all doing quite well and have regained their memories, for the most part, of all of us. Natsumi-dono seems to be taking it rather hard about being left out of something such as she was. Fuyuki-dono is doing well, but he misses Taichou-dono terribly and tends to stare out a window a lot. Momoka-dono misses having Tamama-nitohei around to plot her love-love plans with and is on the verge of beginning a massive search for him. Knowing the materials at her disposal it would be good for him to contact her soon, before she tears up the whole planet.
I have been training Tohru-dono's older brother, Haruko-dono, lately in the way of the Ninja and he is doing very well. He is a very quick-learner and has the motivation to keep moving, even when he is feeling down. He is learning a few other things as well that are less-than-desirable, however that is not really my place to say anything.
This state is extremely hot at the moment, but that does not bother me. The only downside to it being this way is that it has become exceedingly dry, which means we Keronjin are suffering a bit of dehydration. Pekoponjin are truly incredible that they are able to survive and even thrive in such harsh environments. I do wonder how they have managed to spread out so much...Zoruru-kun equates them with roaches...and then he is quickly silenced with a reminder of whom he is in love with as well as who is currently providing him a home. It is rather amusing to see this exchange.

I believe that is all I have to report. Please, if you are about to hit the 'add me as a friend' button, remember that one should always introduce oneself properly before such action is taken. By which I mean, of course, message me before adding me. I do value any friends that take notice of me, but I have been advised to be wary while using the internet as there are strange people out there.


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Skeleson Report | 08/17/2011 12:30 am
DORORO KUN! *cue flying glomp*
Sorry, I love the ninja frog XD
Shinigami Infernape Report | 07/16/2011 4:57 pm
Shinigami Infernape
Dororo is awesome!!
naigare Report | 11/26/2010 8:32 pm
eh?!?! ITS DORORO-KUN!!!!!! (never met one before) its really cool to meet you Dororo-kun!!! (I love dororo to bits X3)
iMutsumi Saburo Report | 11/24/2010 2:13 pm
iMutsumi Saburo
Hello Dororo! *walks over and smiles* It's been a while. How are you? *smiles his genuine smile*
A Slender Man in Black Report | 09/16/2010 1:38 pm
A Slender Man in Black
No, no problems at all. ^^ Though Natsumi does miss Giroro and Keroro alot.......Saburo also misses Kururu.....Momoka misses Tamama...........We miss you guys so much Dororo...........*sad smile* But as long as you're happy............
A Slender Man in Black Report | 09/05/2010 11:27 pm
A Slender Man in Black
surprised I-I'm glad for you Dororo.....*hugs* I just wish there was something I could do....
A Slender Man in Black Report | 09/01/2010 2:44 pm
A Slender Man in Black
*frowns in rememberance* They're being mean........... *eyes dim and looks down saddly* ..................
A Slender Man in Black Report | 08/30/2010 5:29 pm
A Slender Man in Black
I'm doing well also. ^^ *hugs him again* I really have missed you Dororo.......very very much......*she says with a lonely tone*
A Slender Man in Black Report | 08/26/2010 5:40 pm
A Slender Man in Black
How are you? :3 *releases from hug*
A Slender Man in Black Report | 08/25/2010 4:59 pm
A Slender Man in Black
HAI DORORO! *runs up and hugs* >x< I missed you! :'D

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