Mr Kittey

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Last Login: 08/15/2020 5:39 pm

Registered: 09/19/2007

Location: In a box

Birthday: 09/03

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Name: Isaac H.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: Fat
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Personality: Rational, Talkive/Quiet (Depends on mood) and a bit lazy sometimes
Religion: I believe in Karma.
Outlook On Life: Be a friend. Have an open heart and mind. But always have a knife ready.
Dream Life: Have enough money to never worry about not having it.
Account Age: May 3rd, 2008(1st account)

My opinion on Religion

For Starters, I will say this.

No, I do not believe in God. I was raised as Methodist Christian and stayed that way for several years of my childhood.

As I grew older and older, I grew very distant from the whole subject entirely. I had no interest in God or any sort of deity, other than just to study them. It wasn't that something terrible happened and I blamed some "Man in the sky" (Not offending anyone)
But I just became disinterested about learning about it or even caring for it.

My wife and I, even my best friend and his girlfriend don't do religion in general. Not Christian, Pagan, Buddhism, etc.

We have plenty of other things on our minds that we just never really want to bother with it.

As for me personally, I...can't have faith in something that I have no proof of. I've read the stories, I've seen the works for great men and women and in my eyes, I saw these people who were strong. Strong enough to not only do those great things but to do so in the honor of someone else. (Lets not mention Crusades...)

I believe that it doesn't take a deity of Faith to make someone great. I believe that every individual, EVERY individual, has the potential for untold greatness. Whatever it may be. I'm not saying you have to go give your house to the homeless but do good even great things. Be a good person.

At the end of the day, I believe in morals, character, and ability to believe in one-self, rather then in another.


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Disciple Of Larry Report | 09/18/2017 1:46 pm
Disciple Of Larry
Well, maybe, but my signature has changed. Not much, but it does change... sometimes. Maybe.
Greteh Report | 08/31/2017 8:32 am
Oh dude that's awesome!
Greteh Report | 08/31/2017 6:39 am
Oh that's really nice biggrin
And yeah I was considering going to school myself but I don't know what to go for nor do I think I would have time LOL
What are you going to school for?
Greteh Report | 08/30/2017 2:23 pm
Lol u rite tho xD

Just wanna make sure were ok considering im the only one with a solid income for the two of us hhh
Greteh Report | 08/30/2017 1:00 pm
tbh life has been a little stressful lmfao
mostly cause of financial struggles and all xD
But we're getting through it, even if barely

and oh yeah? That's awesome!
Greteh Report | 08/30/2017 12:38 pm
holy s**t LOL
nice tho!

And yeah I feel you lmao
Greteh Report | 08/30/2017 12:17 pm
Greteh Report | 08/30/2017 12:03 pm

Queen Knight Of Crystals Report | 07/07/2017 8:27 am
Queen Knight Of Crystals
Ah lol it's the same thing with me and my dad or any of my friends.

Oh my mom is going to finally buy green tea like I've been asking. She's been buying me normal tea which is not that great for you. Green tea is awesome. It has a lot of helpful benefits when drinking it.
Queen Knight Of Crystals Report | 07/06/2017 5:19 pm
Queen Knight Of Crystals
Yeah I know the feeling. lol I usually just not respond or I think of something eventually.