
ewgqewhadsfvrjg's avatar

Last Login: 06/09/2017 11:07 pm

Registered: 08/09/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Los Angeles

Birthday: 03/17


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Hey people,Im Neverworld, or otherwise known as Hil, short for Hilario... If you can't understand it, well, that's your business.
I am currently an english major, I love writing to express my feelings, and writing for the fun of it. I love writing poetry, and i will write it at a whim.
I love music, and I basically love every type. I actually play the Guitarron, a mexican folk instrument, I play in a mariachi in my spare time, and i will sing once in a while... not well, but sing kinda...lol
I love anime and different types of cartoon and videogames, I honestly do think it has had an affect on me, I sometimes wonder what the long range effect of videogames and anime might have on someone -looks around gaia- well, at least I don't have to guess.

To those who have things against me, well that your problem, not mine, you'd honestly have better luck ignoring me rather than trying to get rid of me, I'm not exactly too good at taking hints -coughs-


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Poetry and stuff i come up with

usually poetry or sayings


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audition4ever Report | 03/18/2012 6:59 am
Hmm define "growing up" :3
And nothing much has been going on with me xp
Everything's pretty much the same typical thing ;p
Except that school's over for now and I'm finally on my summer break <33
It's nice to be lazy all day ^___^
Penguin-Mochi Report | 03/17/2012 4:27 pm
audition4ever Report | 03/16/2012 4:54 pm
Hii c;
What have you been up to?? heart
audition4ever Report | 03/16/2012 3:31 am
Hahaha xd
HEY NEVER!!!! <333 -tackles-
I haven't seen you online in so long! xp
How have you been?????? ;D
And YES! ;D So people still do remember that show! AWESOME!~ heart
Taiyo Jouten Report | 10/20/2010 9:52 pm
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If you've received this, then you've either visited our game item store on the forums, or one of our personal MP stores. I apologize if this pic's not working. It doesn't like some profile codes, and I can't seem to fix it. This is a thank you banner, not spam. Credit for this banner goes to Sashafey.
Mrs Nicole Miyamoto Report | 10/20/2010 9:41 am
SILENCE HUMAN!!! -smacks you with toast-
Mrs Nicole Miyamoto Report | 10/20/2010 9:30 am
<__< -pins you down and pelts you with old moldy toast- >:]
Mrs Nicole Miyamoto Report | 10/19/2010 6:42 am
Hi Hil
bunnylein Report | 10/19/2010 5:14 am
hmm i have something in mind but nothing really ... lolz
bunnylein Report | 10/19/2010 4:53 am
why you want people get to know your middle name? smile


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You have no talent at all. Just die!
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