
こんにちは。 8D

My name is I'MAGONNAEATJOO. Just kidding, most people call me Ninny but what ever you find suitable, and is okay with me, then you may call me by that name. I'm an eighteen year old female who is currently attending college. I plan to study both Japanese and Art, though I'm not completely sure what I'll be doing with my life. Anyway, I love to draw and cosplay when ever. Conventions are really a big and fun part of my life. I love to be able to meet new people and get hugs from them. Though when people randomly glomp me without asking..it can be dangerous! Seriously people! But I still love their boldness. xD

Next Conventions ->
ACen '13

Past Conventions ->
ACen '07 - Kairi and Tifa
Wizard World Chicago '07 - Kairi, Tifa and Broadway Tifa
ACen '08 - Allen Walker[2nd uniform] and Link
Wizard World Chicago '08 - Link
ACen '09 - Org. Roxas
SoyCon '09 - Org. Roxas
ACen '10 - Yako Katsuragi and Ciel Phantomhive
SoyCon '10 - Ciel Phantomhive and North Italy.
ACen '11 - Marik Ishtar
SoyCon '11 - Ash Ketchum
ACen '12 - Allen Walker[3rd uniform] and Ordon Link
SoyCon '12 - Ordon Link

Family met on Gaia? Oo; ->
Through the years there have been quite a few people who have been know as my children. They all came to be from roleplaying Tales of Symphonia with me. xD
♦ Kinky-chan - My Female-son
♦ Eyes of Judgment - My Daughter
♦ Sawa san - My Daughter

Current Obessions ->
◘ Thor and Loki. <3
◘ Skyrim. <3
◘ Minecraft. <3
◘ Supernatural. <3

Games currently being played ->
• Red Dead Redemption
• Halo: Reach
• Tales of the Abyss [Again]
• Final Fantasy 7/9/10/12/13
• Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
• Kingdom Hearts 2 [Again 8D]
And quite a few others >>;

Ninny likes :'3 ->
♥ Sweets.
♥ Japanese food.
♥ Food.
♥ Cosplaying.
♥ Drawing/doodling.
♥ Her bishonen.
♥ Her friends, both on Gaia and that live around her.
♥ Music.
♥ Anime/Manga.
♥ Gifts!
♥ Video Games.
♥ Sweet tasting tea.
♥ Books.
♥ Japan.
♥ Raid [the Bug spray].

Ninny hates D':< ->
♠ Cucumbers.
♠ Meanies.
♠ Beansprouts.
♠ Being picked on.
♠ People making fun of her friends.
♠ Creepy people.
♠ Thunder.
♠ Spiders.
♣ Bad Grammar/Illiteracy.
♣ People who think they know a lot about Japanese, but know almost nothing.
♣ Extremely dirty community kitchens in dorms.

Named possessions :'D ->
♫ Laptop is named Lavi.
♫ PSP is named KTHNXBAI.
♫ Tamagotchi is named Tyki->Allen->Road->Earl->Jenov[a]->Sephy->Xemnas->Dei->Frey->Naito->[Currently dead :'<]
♫ Printer is named Vexen The Paper Pooper.
♫ Camcorder is named Tiddly Fuddly.
♫ Roxas wig is named Swirly

Random quotes from me, friends or other ->
◘ "I am The Ex-Murderer/Ex-God/Dead/Queen obey me! Savvy?" - Me [When obsessed with PotC]

◘ "You're like a bottle of sunshine..shaken up until it fizzes." - Hallow Genki

People I love very much so <333 [in alphabetical order :3] ->

Chestelle - This is one of the people that I've roleplayed with for a LONG time. She's an amazing roleplayer and an even more amazing person. :'3

Hallow Genki - -Glomps- She is my Axel to my Roxas. No words can explain. x'3

Kinky-chan! - My female son! Who is Teh Awesome! She's my Lloyd to my Anna. I hope she is able to go to Acen '09 >w<

Kozuhiro7 - Well I guess I'll put him here...Just kidding Kozu. He's really an amazing guy. He made me my profile! <3

Sawa san/Fire_Assassin - I've roleplayed with her for quite a while. She's amazing and is very much in love with D. Gray-man like me. xD

Waterfaerie05 - My Namine! I lerve her very much! <3


Viewing 12 of 98 friends


The Special Prize inside the box

"Never lose sight of the one you love"

This is where I will keep journally things..enjoy?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/10/2018 10:24 pm



Report | 01/31/2013 12:27 pm



Report | 03/19/2012 8:20 pm


Ohmigosh nuuuwayyyy. I've finally logged onto Gaia for the first time in like a year. xD <3333 o 3 o

Report | 11/07/2011 4:55 pm


its a disease </3

Report | 11/06/2011 4:19 pm


same ;w;
man! I really want to get back into it again, but I feel it has grown so much and I'm lazy D:

Report | 10/30/2011 3:53 pm


Thats good to hear :'D
OMG! I remember that roleplay. I bet it was slightly bad haha.
Oh DGM, i miss it :<

Report | 10/28/2011 6:24 pm


im good :>
and how are you? <3

Report | 10/21/2011 7:30 pm



Report | 07/23/2011 1:59 pm


im pretty good and you? :>

Report | 07/23/2011 1:30 pm


changed me name *v*


Mɱɱ, yes. Quite faȵcy if I do say so ɱyself.[/color:dc5a4492b8][/size:dc5a4492b8][/align:dc5a4492b8]